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Stop Being a Victim To Your Environment


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?

So, I wanted to share with you my feelings on the environment and particularly how the environment changes some people and have some people fall victim to their environment whether that is situations, events, circumstances, that are unfolding around a human being. Whether it’s a person, a family member, saying something that changes them. Whether it’s Mercury retrograde, and someone’s gadgets are playing havoc and they blame it on the stars and the planets. You’re a powerful sun, a powerful human and if you ever allow yourself to change in any way shape or form because of your environment. It means you’re falling victim to it.

If someone in your house is angry, if someone in your house is upset, if someone in your business is acting in a certain way, behaving in a certain way, and off the back of that it changes your emotional state, it means that you’ve allowed something external from you to change you, to control you, and that’s what victims do. Victims blame, victims judge, and victims will hand over their power. You’re a lion. you’re a lioness. you’re a god, you’re a goddess, you’re an alchemist, an architect, a powerful human, and you get to choose in every single situation how you’re going to be,  how you’re going to show up how you’re going to respond, how you’re going to feel. The feelings you have in your body are a choice. you can choose to feel joy, happiness, love, compassion, or you can choose to allow yourself to be programmed by external forces and feel anger, jealousy, sadness. Now, at the same time, there are a lot of people on planet Earth that are programmed and so feel these things internally because of internal programming.

Quite often, if someone is trying to pull out from a relationship because they’re being treated in a certain way, the body will crave those chemicals of hurt, fear rejection because it’s what the body knows. So, the body communicates with the brain and tries to get the mind and the brain to think certain thoughts that will create and stimulate the feelings of fear, anger, rejection, guilt, whatever it might be if someone’s trying to pull away from a relationship. Those internal thoughts, feelings, emotions, that the body wants to create inside of the mind to get that chemical fix that the body wants when something external isn’t rejecting it, when something external isn’t hurting to get that chemical fix so the body can feed like a drug addict.

You have a simple choice. You can step into something more beautiful internally and not buy in to what your body and your brain are telling you, just like you can choose to not buy into the potential triggers in the external environment. Our minds are powerful, but most people don’t have the willpower to control their minds. They don’t have the willpower to be disciplined enough to make the right choices to stay on the path that is going to lead them in the direction of their dreams because they’ve allowed the external environment to program them for so long that the inner world becomes the master and they become a slave to the body and the mind. But when you exercise discipline and willpower you can make the right choices and that choice those choices are to be present, to breathe deeply into your body, and consciously move through time and space, through your daily life and observe everything around you without labelling it, without judging it and when people say things and when people do things, smile.

We open our hearts, and we just keep moving. There’s never a reason to engage in any kind of negative stimulus unless you want to open your heart and be grateful for it because it’s just helps you realize that that potential negative stimulus that used to derail your train no longer affects you so you can acknowledge it and say thank you and be grateful for that opportunity to grow and be more powerful to stay strong, rock solid in the present moment being that immeasurable, unquantifiable, un-fuck-with-able being, that lion, that lioness that you are knowing that your bulletproof, bomb-proof and that you can stay on that high frequency, high humour, laughter, compassion ecstasy, joy, fun being like a child dancing climbing having fun every single day seeing the awe-inspiring beauty and a flower and a blade of grass in the sunshine in the eyes of your sisters and brothers. It is magical if you choose to perceive it that way. Yes, there are elements of this world that aren’t so nice. However, they can only bother us, change us mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, if we make the choice to allow them to if we tip back into the programming.

When we are self-aware, highly conscious, breathing deeply, moving through our reality observing everything,  being in our hearts, in our bodies not bouncing around in our heads with all those crazy thoughts,  we are able to flow. We’re able to be at peace, we are able to respond and not react, but you have to make the choice to be self-aware so you can notice these triggers trying to trigger and when that little bit of fear that, little bit of rage, that little bit of anger, that little bit of guilt, that little bit of jealousy, plays around in your belly and you feel just a glimpse of it because you’re self-aware. You can smile and say, hey I can feel that, and it feels beautiful. I’m alive. I’m human but I’m not going to let that little spark inside of me grow into a flame and a burning fire. I’m going to pour some water over it. I’m going to transmute. I’m going to laugh and let it dissipate. Eventually you become a human being with no buttons. Nothing to compress you and control you like a robot, like a puppet, get to choose to be this beautiful sun.

The power of choice, if everyone knew the power of choice there would be no healers on this planet. There would be many things that people wouldn’t need because they were just self-regulated. You wouldn’t need reflexologists, you wouldn’t need acupuncturists, you wouldn’t need osteopaths, massage therapists, because people would be in such a high frequency balanced state and their body would just work perfectly but most people don’t know the power of choice so they fall victim to the game, victim to the program, victim to their external environment, and they allowed the stars to control them. They allow their friends, their family to manipulate them. They allow strangers, beeping their horns in traffic to send them into it, a trail of fury. It’s crazy. We’re humans, we’re all a little bit crazy but it’s beautiful crazy but we got to get handle on this. So, stop.

Breathing consciously every day from morning to night, start meditating, cold showers morning and night, run, exercise, go to the gym, yoga, qigong, drink your own urine, get good clean Foods into your body, fast daily 18 hours one day a week, do a 24 hour fast two days a month, 48 hours fast once a year, a five-day fast. The fasting is amazing. Go to bed a little bit earlier, wake up earlier, look after yourself,  raise your energy levels, get your frequency High,  and be that powerful soul that you know you are deep within. Not that powerful soul that you believe you are but that powerful soul that you know you are.

Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever, be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging,  never be the first to let go. Hug them tightly, get that oxytocin flowing, open those arteries, let the nitric oxide flow, and make the heart swell.

You’re amazing. Go and be amazing. Be extraordinary and remember to check out our website We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet like language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, meditations, master classes, nutrition, private telegram groups where you can connect with your tribe daily. We got so much going on weekly meditation groups, weekly frequency spas, fearless focus where we set challenges for each other to keep ourselves fearlessly focused. you can engage in this right now and it’s free for the first seven days so you can check it all out and see if it’s for you.

Go out into this world beautiful soul and shine that powerful light. Dampen your sparkle for no one and I’ll see you again real soon.