Healing Sessions

Healing Sessions

Healing Sssion

Perfect health, love, joy, abundance, peace and success are your birthright. By tapping into very specific frequencies, Jerry and the Star Magic Facilitators disintegrate and dissolve any blockages standing in the way of your real potential. However, your commitment to your wellbeing and growth is an absolute necessity.

Private Healing
Private Healing

Private Remote Healing

Star Magic Remote Healing works multidimensionally on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Your Healing Facilitator will access different realities and timelines, connecting with your essence to release old patterns and transmute energies that no longer serve you. High frequencies will be infused to accelerate your healing. Book a private session for any health-related problem, relationship or business healing, or for an overall life boost.

Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual Coaching

Spiritual Coaching

This is your chance to optimize your life and achieve what you most desire. Find out the intricate details of the ascension process through these powerful coaching sessions. Dive deeply into any aspect of spirituality you prefer. Discuss your challenges, receive the guidance necessary to raise your vibration, and unlock the doors to expansion, abundance and freedom.

Personal Light Code Activation
Personal Light Code Activation

Personal Light Code Activation

Receive a Light Language Transmission with codes for your own spiritual journey. Activate your DNA, third eye and heal in the most profound way. Jerry transmits high-frequency streams for healing by linking directly with the planetary architecture, earth grids and specific Star energies.

Shadow Parasite Cleansing
Shadow Parasite Cleansing

Shadow Parasite Cleansing

When astral entities or shadow parasites invade your energy field, they cause havoc and hinder your path to enlightenment. Once you book your Shadow Parasite Cleansing session, you will have an initial consultation. A strategy will be suggested based on the degree of cleansing required: mild or extensive.

Private Healing

Emergency Private Healing

For cases that require immediate attention, you can book an emergency remote private healing session with Jerry. A Star Magic Healing team member will then get in touch with you to set up the appointment and provide relevant instructions. Book an emergency healing

Healing Packages

Energy Healing Package
Energy Healing Package

Energy Healing Package

Take your health, wealth, business, relationship or consciousness to the next level. The 3-month Energy Healing Package will upgrade your state of being on this Planet. Expect the unexpected and be prepared to thrive.

Platinum Package
Platinum Package

Platinum Package

You are about to embark on the most intense healing journey. The Platinum Energy Healing Package includes special coaching and healing sessions, in addition to bespoke nutritional and exercise guidance over a period of 3 to 6 months.

Hi Jerry
Thank you for your workshop yesterday (Sunday 5 March), one of the effects from the group healing that I have noticed today is a huge improvement in the field defect in my left eye, I would estimate a 90% reduction of the defect allowing much improved vision for which I am very grateful.

Phillip, UK

‘My daughters language improved after her energy healing session. The week after the appointment she went to bed earlier every night and slept through to the morning. It was such a relief.’

Thank You Jerry

Karen Butler

I feel different and much more at peace.  Specifically, I feel as if the anger and pain no longer has a ‘grip’.  It’s so easy for me to mentally say ‘nope…not going back into that anymore’ and it immediately concedes and goes away. I can’t begin to explain how everything just became so ‘clear’.  Things just started making so much sense and things I was confused about, suddenly I had the answers. I feel as if I can hope again without the fear that any dream will just be dashed.  I feel my energy is bigger and lighter.  I believe I actually saw you during one of the sessions with my 3rd eye.  It was so powerful, bright (as if the sun was shining in my head) and I could feel you pulling at me.  Healing has never been that strong before. Thank you so much Jerry.

K.P – After a Shadow Parasite Cleanse

Hi Jerry!,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your work. I only recently discovered your video meditations. Your energy penetrates me on all levels taking me deeper than ever before. I have desired this type of experience at the quantum level. So deep…so spiritual. I really enjoy your work. You definitely take me into another dimension. I appreciate the spiritual growth. Thank you!

Jen Mink- U.S.A

Hi Jerry,

Thank you for your workshop yesterday (Sunday 5 March), one of the effects from the group healing that I have noticed today is a huge improvement in the field defect in my left eye, I would estimate a 90% reduction of the defect allowing much improved vision for which I am very grateful.

Phillip, UK

‘My daughters language improved after her energy healing session. The week after the appointment she went to bed earlier every night and slept through to the morning. It was such a relief.’

Thank You Jerry

Karen Butler

I feel different and much more at peace.  Specifically, I feel as if the anger and pain no longer has a ‘grip’.  It’s so easy for me to mentally say ‘nope…not going back into that anymore’ and it immediately concedes and goes away. I can’t begin to explain how everything just became so ‘clear’.  Things just started making so much sense and things I was confused about, suddenly I had the answers. I feel as if I can hope again without the fear that any dream will just be dashed.  I feel my energy is bigger and lighter.  I believe I actually saw you during one of the sessions with my 3rd eye.  It was so powerful, bright (as if the sun was shining in my head) and I could feel you pulling at me.  Healing has never been that strong before. Thank you so much Jerry.

K.P – After a Shadow Parasite Cleanse

Hi Jerry!,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your work. I only recently discovered your video meditations. Your energy penetrates me on all levels taking me deeper than ever before. I have desired this type of experience at the quantum level. So deep…so spiritual. I really enjoy your work. You definitely take me into another dimension. I appreciate the spiritual growth. Thank you!

Jen Mink- U.S.A

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