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Awaken, Heal, Manifest


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?

So,  I want to share with you today my take on pain, illness, disease and how you can transmute, eradicate, dissolve pain, disease, injury, illness really quickly and it’s so simple. Yet for most human beings on this planet, they find it really difficult. When you are in your heart, when you’re truly connected, when you are living from your centre point and love is permeating every cell of your body there is no room for pain. There is no room for disease, there is no room for injury, illness, guilt, anger, jealousy, rejection, hurt, fear. They cannot coexist with the frequency of love. When you are truly connected and you are feeling that frequency, when you are being that frequency, there is no room for anything else. It transmutes, it melts, it dissolves, it literally disappears. It can’t be any other way.

Now you might be feeling a bit of love and guilt creeps back in. You might be feeling love and jealousy rises. You might be feeling love and guilt bites at your ankles. That’s because you’re not holding the frequency, you’re not maintaining the frequency. There’s a science to this proven tried and tested. We see it over and over again in our group healing sessions. When you adopt certain breath work protocols, and you bring in certain light codes and frequencies into a space, people transform. People have such a radical shift, they wake up and this huge amount of self-awareness comes over them, rattles and recalibrates their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies back into shape and alignment is reborn.

When you’re walking around this planet and you’re living in your hands and your unconscious you’re running the program or you’re running a program that is detrimental to your expansion, unfoldment, growth, all of the beauty and magic that wants to come into your life. When you’re living in your heart, when you’re being loved and you’re not thinking you’re just observing yourself moving, walking, running, jumping, dancing, playing, listening, just being on this planet, everything starts to flow. When you get out of the way the universe will move through you, energy will flow, and your body is designed to self-heal. Healing isn’t something that you’ve got to go and do. Healing just happens. What you’ve got to do is get yourself out of the way by simply being the frequency of love.

When you come to our group healing sessions you will hear me say be the frequency, be the frequency and I’m talking to the souls in the room all day guiding, nurturing, nourishing, inspiring, motivating, helping adopt a mindset and a heart set using breath as the gateway to take someone from having a mind full of thoughts to having an empty mind and to move from here down into here. Your heart is your life compass. It will always lead you in the direction of your dreams, but most people are bouncing around inside of their heads where there’s a 0.25 second window between stimulus and response. So, you’re running the program and you’re in reaction mode and when you’re in reaction mode you are going to react to the stimulus in your external environment and most of the time it’s not that positive. But you can change them, you can change that by having higher levels of self-awareness and then when things arise in your space you get to see it you get to feel yourself having the emotion, having the trigger, rise inside of your body and you can say no. Keep coming back to your heart and you maintain that frequency.

Breathing deeply and consciously is the first port of call. Bringing your awareness into your heart, being in your centre and allowing your heart to open and blossom and bloom like a diamond galactic flower and merge them with the surroundings, merging with everything, and when you merge with everything you become everything and nothing because your surroundings don’t exist. You don’t exist. Your space and a little bit of something else, a little bit of something else. The space is everything. The space is energy. You’re pretty much pure energy, frequency, but when you’re inside of your mind and your thinking, running the program or programs, things get blocked and injury, illness and disease, pain sets in.

Now sometimes people can have radical shifts and they get that instant self-awareness, and they just know straight away they step into their power. Other people, it takes a little bit of time. They yo-yo backwards and forwards between the program and love, between the program and being the frequency, between the chaos and the mayhem and the stillness and zen. When they’re cantered, a master of dark and light, merging the masculine and the feminine,  merging into wholeness. When you merge into wholeness by default you heal and by default you manifest because you become everything and when you become everything you want for nothing and the universe just starts to flow and things just start to come into your life,  relationships improve, money flows, business works, your health just works. You become healthy. Disease just disappears. It vanishes as though someone’s waived the magician’s wand but all you did is allow yourself to step into the environment where your body can self-heal.

When your body is in the right environment it will self-heal and this is what we catalyse on our group healings. We get a number of people in a room, we adopt a certain breath work protocol, we use certain frequencies through music and then the team and I, we download codes into every human being in the space over and over all day, new sets of light codes new sets of data new sets of information. So, as they’re breathing and being the frequency and opening their heart and bringing their trauma to the surface and allowing it to melt and dissolve in the frequency of love. We’re downloading new codes, overriding the old programs, confidence, courage, clarity, abundance, unity, wisdom. We are divine sovereign beings, and we came to this planet to find our way back home, but the thing is this home is in the heart and we’ve never left.

So, when you actually find your way back home, you’re going to find that you were there all along. Your judgment, your mind, was just clouded. When you live in the heart judgment disappears, an acceptance steps in, blame dissolves, honesty thrives. We are amazing, beautiful soul. You are, we are we all are, but you’ve got to make a choice, you’ve got to decide. Am I going to run the victim program or am I going to run the self-empowerment, I am an un-fuck-with-able program. In every situation we get to choose this road or that road or maybe a third run but there’s only ever one road to really choose and that role is the truth, and the truth is love. By making that simple choice and choosing to be love 24/7 365 you are going to open your heart and you are going to melt into an ocean of beauty and magic and that ocean is your heart expanded throughout all time and space merging with the flowers, the trees, the oceans, the rivers, the streams, the insects, flowers, mountain ranges, forests, jungles, animals, birds, people or sentient beings, all life forms.

Everywhere we are super connected. We’ve never not been connected. Separation is an illusion. You are amazing, beautiful soul, but there’s no point me telling you this. You’ve got to know this yourself; you’ve got to dive into this centre point, you’ve got to live from the heart, and you’ve got to experience it. You’ve got to feel it, you’ve got to know it. Don’t believe it. Know it. Believing is for amateurs, believing is a steppingstone on the road to knowing your internal beauty your internal magic, your internal wisdom. Know thyself, know who you are, powerful supersonic sovereign soldier, an extraordinary galactic titan, an earth angel.

Go into this world beautiful soul and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously, hug them tightly and never ever, ever, be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. You know this. Hug and don’t let go, release that oxytocin, let those hearts merge through that hug, let those pineal glands vibrate with each other.

Remember to check out our website We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet. You can get free access to Infinity with all of our meditations, light language transmissions, yoga videos, nutrition, master classes.

We meet every week online for our Monday frequency spa where we rejuvenate, recalibrate, and expand. Every Wednesday we meet for our weekly meditations where we go on cosmic journeys through portals to other planets and stars, receiving downloads and upgrades. Our tribe is doing the work. Come and join us at and definitely check out our group healing section. We’re doing an American tour in July and August. There’s loads going on. Join us, step into your power. We will show you how.

In the meantime, just be extraordinary, live from this space – your heart. It really will lead you in the direction of your dreams and life will be magical. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.