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Star Magic Training | Energy Healing Training | Join The Mission


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The one thing that I’ve realized is that every human being has superhuman potential. All the information and all the knowledge are locked inside of your heart your heart is a stargate and when you access certain frequency streams and light streams, such as star magic, you start to unlock this potential when you come to star magic training and witness miracles in front of your very eyes. It’s going to open you up to a whole new world an infinite sea of possibility, miracles, and magic that will shift your paradigm.

We’ve trained thousands of people in more than 40 countries. Everyone can do this. The frequency is so high in our training and when you come into that submerged environment with a group of light-hearted like-minded souls that are all ready to do the work and transform magic and miracles happen.

“34 years I’ve had a back problem and I’ve been in pain for that long and Jerry was able to set me free of pain which was mind-blowing and awesome.”

“I’ve come here with plenty of issues, very deep issues. We’ve had them all cleared. It’s an amazing feeling I never expected to really come out as such like this. My expectation, now my future has changed, everything’s changed within me.”

What we train people to do, souls just like you, at star magic is to facilitate the healing of other human beings and to facilitate the feeling of another human being you’ve just got to simply set up the environment, you’ve got to create the space so their body can do what it’s naturally designed to do and that is self-heal. It’s not rocket science.

If you’re interested in creating a better life for yourself and your family, then you should come and start with our level one training. It’s a five-day training experience with two bonus days. I will show you everything that there is to do with star magic. You will be furnished with the most incredible healing arsenal, the most magical toolbox that you can take out into the world for yourself, other humans, friends, family, and clients. Check us out at



