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Krystal Spiral Activation | DNA Transmission


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are we feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, I want to give you a very short and simple exercise to do and as you go through this short and simple exercise, I’m going to share a very short light language transmission with you. This transmission is to key in the Krystic Code to your bio alchemical structure.

Down in the centre of the planet is a reservoir of energy, beautiful, divine Krystic Coding.  It’s held in a large teardrop structure miles down into the planet. What we’re going to do is to connect to it with our intention. I want you to stand, sit, or lie down. Just be in this space. I want you to breathe, in through your nose, down into the pits of your stomach and back out through your mouth and just be in this space with me. Breathe, deeper and longer and slower.

I want you to set an intention, to connect to the Krystal Frequencies, to the krystal reservoir down in the centre of Mother Earth. Ask these frequencies to flow up through the rocks and the minerals, up through the surface of the planet, up through your body and into your higher heart centre. As this divine diamond and fluorescent turquoise blend of waves of magenta and gold, as this frequency flows up into your higher heart, I want you to ask the frequency to key itself into your own bio alchemical structure. This is so that the codes and the frequencies give you exactly what you need and as these energies flow up into your higher heart space, continue to breathe deeper and longer and slower, and the spirals of energy flowing up into your higher heart will start to move through your body, as I share this transmission with you. Just be in this space and allow yourself to receive.

Light language transmission

Breathe these frequencies into your body, absorb them into your soul allow them to work their magic as you allow the Krystalline Codes from this Krystal reservoir to activate, to upgrade, to elevate and expand on a physical mental emotional and spiritual level, as you the multi-dimensional being residing inside this human avatar body come alive.

Light language transmission

Breathe these frequencies into your body, as your frequency elevates, your consciousness expands and your heart beats with that universal rhythm, that Krystic Code activating your DNA, every cell of you, every bio photon of light, in your multi-dimensional structure. You are amazing, beautiful. Come back and do this daily for as long as you like. Each time you tap into these frequencies, you’re going to raise and elevate and expand and go deeper into your own heart. More and more magic will flow to the surface, consume you, and take you on this magical ride as you ride this Krystal Spiral Timeline.


Wherever you are on this planet, go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I will see you again very, very soon. Remember to check out our website

If you’re interested in energy healing and you want to discover the fastest and most effective healing modality on earth, then go to Check out our level one, level two, level three, and level four training. They will completely transform your world. We got some of the best meditations on the planet inside Infinity. You get access for seven days free. Go and check it out right now and I’ll see you on the inside. Remember your pure magic. From the stars that have magic, wisdom, knowledge, joy, bliss, ecstasy merged into this beautiful cauldron of pure truth. Let it emanate from every cell of you and blaze a trail for your fellow sisters and brothers to walk down. See you soon Beautiful Soul. One Love, One Heart, One Human Family. Peace Out, Beautiful Soul.

“You could make out, there was a dent on this side of my face and Jerry worked with me for maybe 2 minutes or I don’t know if five and I think after 15 minutes someone said, your face has changed. I touched the side of my face, and I cannot feel the crack. I’m amazed. Wow. How is this even possible and I’m so, so grateful. Thank you so much.”



