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Simple Life Changing Tools | 3 Pillars Of Self Mastery


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So today I want to share with you three life changing tools, three pillars of mastery and I guarantee you, once you implement these into your life, things are going to change massively.

The first pillar is observation. When you start to take an observation or standpoint of life itself, of your external reality and what is happening internally within you, when you start to observe your thoughts and your emotions. When you start to observe things that are taking place in your reality field, you stop labelling, you stop judging, you stop defending, and you stop attacking. You become an observer. You create space between you and the things that are happening around you.

You create space between you and the thoughts in your own heads. A lot of them are not your own. A lot of the emotions you feel are not your own. When you start to observe everything, you detach yourself from it. You become separate from it, and you look at it from a third-party perspective, it creates space. There’s a 0.25 second window between stimulus and response. So, when you’re bouncing around in here, you’re reactive. You know, things happen, and you just start to chatter in your head or response, judging, blaming, attacking, defending, labelling. It’s unnecessary.

A lot of our energy is used up by the thoughts inside of our heads. 80% of our energy of our potential is used by overthinking unnecessary stuff, it’s crazy. Its nuts. It’s wild. It’s bonkers. OK, so when you start to live from your heart space, this thing right here, your life compass, which is like another brain with 40,000 neurons, electrical energy pumping through it. When you realize that you’re an electrical being, which is a whole other story, but when you start to tune into this life compass, it will guide you in the direction of your dreams and when you take an observational standpoint and you create space in your life, it’s much easier to listen to this because this thing you take out of the equation

The second pillar is non-interference. This is one of the hardest things to master for most people and a lot of people say that non-interference is the highest form of mastery. If you’ve got children, boy, you know exactly what I’m talking about. When your children they’re arguing or they’re fighting, you know, you want to step in as a parent and you want to say, you know, pack it in or you want to give this piece of advice or that piece of advice. Quite often the best thing to do is to stand back and observe, because when you get involved, often the tables turn on you.

It’s the same in many situations. We should observe and let the natural course of the universe, the natural flow of life, the ebb and the flow of the currents flow through our reality field. Let it just happen and unfold. It’s like man always interferes with nature. Nature knows best and we are a part of nature. But the problem is, we’ve forgotten we’re like trees being rooted into the earth, we’re a part of everything around us. There is no separation.

I remember a good friend of mine many, many years ago, he came out of a nightclub and there was a man and a woman arguing, and the man was really giving it to the woman and my friend’s girlfriend said, hey, you know, leave her alone. Come on, man. Like, you know, blah, blah, blah. Just being caring but he was interfering, and the man just turned around and started fighting with my friend, and they ended up rolling around on the tarmac. My friends ended up on top of this guy and the lady that was being, you know, verbally and, you know, emotionally and physically attacked by this guy, she came over, took her stiletto off and hit my friend in the eyeball and blinded him and said, get off my husband. Effing this and Effing that. Leave him alone.

You know, sometimes interfering is not the best course of action. Most of the time, interference is not the thing to do. It’s very hard sometimes. We never really know what is for someone else’s greatest growth and what other human beings are going through. We see our perspective from one focal point, from one singularity but there are many perspectives of the same thing and so sometimes it’s best to kick back and observe and watch. Don’t interfere. When you stop interfering and you observe everything, you detach yourself. Energy pulls into your space. Your vibration goes through the roof. Your energy isn’t being siphoned anymore.

The third pillar of mastery is never to explain yourself and this is a big one. A lot of people, when they communicate with other people, say, well, you know, I’m going to go and do this because and people will say, what are you up to? And you might say, well, I’m doing this because a lot of people ask you to explain yourself. A lot of the time, we explain ourselves to other people without it being even necessary. A lot of the time we justify things to ourselves.

You know, you feel like going and having a massage. You feel like going and doing something for you and stepping away from the family or stepping away from your business and go and take in some meeting that is healthy. There’s nothing wrong with that but a lot of us live with self-worth issues, guilty patterns, rejection patterns, abandonment patterns. So, we feel that we must justify these things to ourselves because we’ve lost that true connection to who we are and that love

We have for ourselves that healthy, healthy, healthy respect but really and truthfully, we shouldn’t explain anything, especially to ourselves, especially to another human being, anyone. We should never explain anything. If we want to do something, we should just go and do it. Observe life. Never interfere. Never explain yourself and I promise you, your energy levels will go through the roof. A lot of people don’t realize how entangled they are energetically with other reality fields that their soul is experiencing lifetimes in right now. With other human beings in this reality and other beings that are not human.

Our energy is being siphoned left, right, and centre but when we start to observe, we become still. We have this huge self-awareness opens around us and within us and we start to see the truth and once we start to see and experience the truth, we can’t be manipulated anymore. We can’t manipulate ourselves. And we do that a lot. We trick ourselves into a false sense of security. It’s crazy, but we do it. We think we must explain to ourselves why we should do this and why we should do that. Never explain yourself again.

Follow these three principles. Your heart will open, space will be created, your energy levels will rise, and life will be turbocharged. Your amazing Beautiful Soul. Wherever you are on this glorious green and blue ball that we play this game of life on.


Go and hug your sisters and your brothers. Hug them so tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging. Never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I will see you again very, very soon. Remember, check out our website We have the best Ascension tools on the planet: meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, nutrition, and all sorts. Go and check out our app, download it from the Android Store, The Apple Store, and start changing your life right now.

Follow these three principles. They will catalyse a huge vortex of energy in your own space, and you will balance the zero point. Become a master of dark and light. I’ll see you again real soon Beautiful Soul. Go and shine that magical light.



