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Light Language | Krystalline Grid Activation


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, I’m here in the Rollright Stone Circle, and I wanted to share a transmission with you guys. Now the grids here underneath this stone circle have been heavy for a long time, but these grids, the Krystalline frequencies, have started running through them more recently, and the energy has started to shift and change.

So, whilst we’re running this transmission, we’re going to be using our own coding to send frequencies back down into the grids as well as upload Krystalline frequencies from these grids to send out into the world to share with our sisters and brothers as we travel, as we communicate on a mathematical geometrical level. So just be in this space Beautiful Soul, close your eyes, keep your eyes open, open your heart and just be in this space with me.

Light language Transmission

As you vibrate in this space these golden diamond frequencies streaming up from the grids through your root and into your heart. Feel these electrical and magnetic coats flowing around the inside of your physical body.

Light language Transmission

You are amazing, Beautiful Soul. Go out into this world, shine your light, and speak your truth.

So peaceful. I’d go all trippy, free, magical mind blowing. Totally galactic. Amazing. Natural. Calling. I mean, it was very revealing. Awesome. Easy.



