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Navigating The Modern World: A Starseed’s Perspective

Humanity is creating more and more advanced science and technology at breakneck speed. Yet our modern world is in chaos and turmoil. In this current era, we are encountering dwindling resources, more division and inequality, and increasing our demand on Mother Earth every day.

To become a true global civilisation, humanity must let go of their differences and work together. Then we can live in harmony, regenerate our world, and venture out into space in peace. Continue reading to discover more.


The World Today

Today our world is saturated with an overwhelming array of distractions. More and more people have their eyes glued on their mobile phone screens with ear-pods on, even when crossing the road oblivious to the danger. It appears that technology is turning us into zombies who neglect our own health and safety and ignore the environmental impact our throwaway culture is having on the world. These are dangerous times indeed for humanity and for Mother Earth’ biosphere.



When you visit a website or watch an online video, you are constantly bombarded with adverts containing disinformation, doubletalk, and propaganda. The mass media machine and much of our wealth and technology is controlled by a small number of insanely rich and powerful elites. These rich families and elite cabals own and control most of the wealth on the planet. They also influence the progress and direction of governments, societies, and large corporations.

These powerful elites and rich families get richer and more powerful by farming or grooming human beings into becoming techno zombies who care more for the latest iPhone or chemical high. It is easy to get hooked into this paradigm if you don’t know about alternative ways of living and thinking. Most people become addicted to the fast pace of modern living, often living in fear of losing what they have spent years to gain, at the expense of their health, family, wellbeing. They also think they have no time for meditation or spiritual development.


Human Nature

According to evolutionary evidence, human beings evolved from the apes in the last few million years. Our genetic makeup contains about 99% of the DNA of our more primitive primate ancestors. Looking at chimpanzees, for example, you observe a strong family and group bonding but also there is lots of friction and fighting within the group, and all our war when one group of chimps encounters another. People are very territorial too. Human beings have fought each other and conquered weaker civilisations many times in our history just to control more resources and power. This is tricky to overcome. To further evolve as an enlightened civilisation, we will need to transcend the greedy territorial aspect of our animalistic nature.

Human beings are naturally territorial, and we tend to congregate into groups or tribes because we are social beings. In the past, migrating groups of humans have cultivated the land, and agricultural technology led to the building of farms, small villages, and towns. In modern times the towns have become cities and now we find ourselves in competition with the world’s resources and other nations. Our competitive nature arises from our desire to be better, richer, and more powerful than our neighbour. It is our higher human nature to overcome our reptilian brain and love each other and our environment, all the flora, fauna, and habitats.


Self-Love and Being Vulnerable

The key to self-development is self-awareness, self-love, and vulnerability. You were vulnerable when you were born as a helpless baby. Then when you enter school, you experience social conditioning and perhaps long-lasting trauma from the school of hard knocks. Your personality may become fake to protect your ego, or you may hide in a shell to avoid getting hurt, or you may react in anger and aggression. This is the nature of the victim mindset.

You may have worn your heart on your sleeve when younger or allowed others to experience your vulnerability. Maybe you were crying or expressing your truth and then you were ignored, bullied, or shot down by verbal bullets. So, in school you learn to hide this stuff and create a persona or mask which you present to everyone else. Then the truth gets thrown into a dark cupboard and you forget to love yourself, have fun, or live your truth because you are too scared to do so. Never lock away your identity. Instead, you can be proud to be a starseed, a divine being, living a human life in a human body.



Really, it does not matter what others think or feel about you. If it matters to them then it is their issue, not yours. You gain self-respect and the respect of others by being authentic in everything you say and do. Show others that you love yourself and them unconditionally. It also helps to control your emotions so that you don’t harm others out of anger or try to control them with your greed. If you become your true ‘higher’ self, and maintain a high level of love, compassion, and integrity in all aspects of your life, then you will attract the right kind of people and life challenges into your human experience.


One World, One Sky, One Universe

On all evolved worlds, living beings cooperate to create and maintain a peaceful unified society. This is based on oneness whilst preserving a maximum level of creativity, integrity, and diversity. When you awaken and know your multi-dimensional nature, you will be shown how civilisations operate on other worlds. You are pure energy experiencing physicality.

You may resonate with being a Pleiadean, Arcturian, Sirian, Lyran, Vegan, ascended or angelic being. It is healthy, and not insanity, to declare and rejoice your extra-terrestrial starseed nature and feel the love and warmth in your heart. Then you will want to share this with the world. You have the responsibility to transform yourself into a better person. Shine your light and ignite the lights of other people to awaken and transform them.



For humanity to unite and become one global civilisation, free of fear and greed, entire communities must adopt a love-based mindset, and bin the fear-based program that is running today. Just about all human beings share over 99% of DNA with each other and yet there is so much trouble, division, and conflict. Change starts in the mind and then spreads through words and actions. The message of love, cooperation, and peace is important for developing a free global civilisation.


A Global Foundation

For a global civilisation to form, grow and be stable, it is important that we all embrace the maximum diversity with a minimum of conflict. Humanity is a young civilisation with a lot to learn. Everyone, including me and you, must ditch our greed, hatred, grudges, anger, aggression, and attachment towards others. To form a firm foundation, cultivate detachment, peace, and wisdom. Go into your luminous heart and feel the love that emanates when you show love and compassion for yourself and others and do something to make the world a better place, whether it is global healing, helping the homeless, or developing new technology to transform the world.



Once humanity settles their differences and there are no more borders or boundaries, and we work together without hiding things under the guise of patents or laws, then we can regenerate the world and become a peaceful spacefaring race. How amazing it would be if eight billion people could solve big world issues together and live at a good standard of living everywhere in the world whilst being in tune and harmony with the Earth’s natural world.


A Cosmic Reunion

It is exciting to experience the 21st century first-hand with its rapid evolution of science and technology. For our modern society a solid foundation based on love, compassion, cooperation, and community is essential for humanity’s future integrity, harmony, and evolution. Otherwise, it is feared that human society will fracture and fall under the weight of human greed and competition for Mother Earth’s dwindling resources.

When we all work together, with love and peace, connected with our higher selves and our extra-terrestrial and interdimensional guides, then we are ready to use technology wisely for the greater good, healing, and regeneration of the planet, and then we are ready for the stars and emerging as a welcomed member of the galactic alliance.



Let go of the pace of modern living and become an awakened master of this reality and navigate the universe with Star Magic energy healing. Visit our website at to further explore many powerful ascension tools that will increase your abundance, raise your vibration, expand your consciousness, and reunite you with your soul.

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