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How To Use Your Multidimensional Selves To Heal


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How are you feeling right now Beautiful Soul? So, I wanted to share a little something with you today about how to give yourself a multi-dimensional healing and it’s very simple. You are a multi-dimensional being and you have aspects of you in this worldly domain. On this worldly plain, you have aspects in other frequency bands and through your intention, that powerful choice that you make, you can decide to bring these elements of you back home into this now space to facilitate healing for you.

Now, the way we’re going to do this is we’re going to use a hologram. We’re going to use your own hologram. A hologram could be an object. A hologram could be an empty being with a body, arms and legs and a head. No features just the outline of a body like a quantum body. You can just create it in the empty space. You could draw the outline of it with your finger. You could visualize it. You could feel it in the space. You could use a teddy bear. You could use any objects you want. You could use a bottle, a lampshade, a piece of fruit, anything goes. But I suggest if you’re new to healing, that you draw the hologram in the empty space like the outline of a chalk body. You know, when someone has died on the ground, the police come and put that white chalk mark around them. You could imagine one of those draw white lights draw the shape of a body. Body. Arms, legs, heads. That’s it. No features, no clothes, no nothing.

You’re going to visualize imagine, create, draw. However, you decide to do this, this hologram in this space and then what you’re going to do is you’re going to say, this is the hologram of and say your name and you’re going to say it three times. Now, if you’re used to healing and you know you’re ok with this, you don’t need to say this is the hologram of three times. But if you’re new to it, this will help with the entanglement process. If you’re versed in this, your intention is powerful enough to switch that on in the milliseconds. Okay. You can entangle two points in the quantum field anywhere and remember, consciousness travels at the speed of light squared, 34.7 billion miles per second. So, when you create a hologram, you entangle it, and you start to do things to the hologram. Whoever you’ve entangled that hologram with starts to feel and experience the healing that you’re facilitating in that actual moment, it’s beautiful.

Now, I’m going to recommend that you do this at night-time, or you do it in the day when you want to take a rest and what I’m going to suggest you do is this, you lie down in bed, and you bring up your hologram. You then lay your hologram next to you in the bed after you’ve entangled it. Then what you’re going to do is you’re going to bring your awareness into your heart, and you are going to ask to bring home your multi-dimensional healing selves. Any elements and aspects of you in the quantum field that are versed in healing or any elements in the quantum field that are versed in alchemy or any positive aspects of you that are dabbling in wizardry and witchery. Bring them in to the now space.

Now what you’re going to do is you’re going to lie there with your heart, open and you’re going to speak to these multi-dimensional elements of you. Now, let’s say, for example, you don’t see, this is not a problem. What you’re going to do is you are going to create in your mind 12 pyramids, 12 electric blue pyramids, and what you’re going to do is you’re going to communicate with these 12 pyramids that you create holographic in the space, and you’re going to say you are 12 of my multidimensional healing selves, alchemists, wizards, or witches and as soon as you say that, that’s who they become. and then those geometries get entangled with the elements of you that are going to do the healing, which you may not be able to see and if you can’t visualize the pyramids, draw a triangle, and say, this is a pyramid, you see, everything can be created in the quantum field just like that.

Everything is possible. You’ve just got to use your imagination and imagination is reality. Imagination is not something that you make up that doesn’t really exist. You cannot imagine something that does not exist. It’s impossible. It exists in the field. Remember this. So, you’re going to invite in your multidimensional selves. If you can’t see them, maybe you can feel them. If you can’t see them or feel them, you create them through geometry and you entangle the geometry with the multidimensional selves. You’re then going to place the multidimensional selves around your hologram, whilst your lying-in bed next to it. If you can’t see your multi-dimensional selves, you place the pyramids that you’ve drawn and created in the space, or the triangles that you’ve drawn and created in the space and entangled with pyramids. You’re going to bring those around your quantum body or hologram, and then you’re going to ask these multidimensional selves of yours to facilitate the healing that you need in this now space.

The multidimensional selves are around your light body, around your holographic body, and then what you’re going to do is you’re going to ask your holographic selves to put you inside a large chromium pyramid you’re going to bring and then you’re going to feel the pyramid be created around you. You’re then going to ask your multi-dimensional selves to spin it clockwise. That’s going to stop any energies coming through your space in the night-time, interfering with what’s taking place whilst you’re in dream time, whilst your journeying, whilst you’re traveling, whilst your hologram is being worked on and you’re going to say to your multi-dimensional selves, go to work and facilitate the healing, the healing that I need in this now space.

You’re going to kick back and go to sleep. Your spaces are clear, your space is gridded and protected, and the multi-dimensional selves will work. When you wake up in the morning, you’re going to collapse down the pyramid. You’re going to just scrub it out with your mind in the space. You’re going to ask your multidimensional selves to go back to where they came from. Or if you want to, you can invite them all into your heart. You can take each one of those multi-dimensional selves, dissolve them into code, into light, and allow them to flow back into your heart so you can experience more of your wholeness. Or you can take each one of the triangles or the pyramids and place them into your heart because they are you. Geometry shapes, symbols, beings, lights, whatever you entangle is you. It’s what you decide and what you choose because you’re powerful. Know this in your heart, Beautiful Soul.

Once you’ve done that, you’re lying there in bed. I want you just to lie and observe your body and see how different you feel you might get 8 hours, 9 hours, 7 hours, 10 hours of healing, depending on how long, how long you’re in bed for, how long you’re lying in your bed, how long you’re asleep. Magic and miracles take place. There are many other ways you can do this. You can take your holograph, your holograms to the different healing chambers and spaces and we’re going to come on to that in other videos. But right now, I just want you to lie in bed, grid up your space, use your hologram and your multidimensional selves to create healing for yourself.

You see, you don’t need anyone else. You don’t need a healer. You don’t need me. You don’t need anything. You were designed to self-heal. You’ve just got to know how to catalyse the process and instigate and create the space so that magic and miracles can take place and it should be effortless, it’s taking place whilst you’re asleep, you’re doing nothing, just setting it all up, using your imagination, love, intention, lights, you know it’s going to take place. You’re using information, the quantum code. These are the five magical ingredients that we embed into every star magic healing session. Light, love, imagination, knowing and intention. You mix them together then everything starts to work.

You’ve just got to kick back and get out of the way and not interfere. That’s what a lot of people do when they’re trying to facilitate healing. They interfere. Get out of your way and let the magic happen. This is very simple. Please put your comments underneath the video. Once you’ve tried this, once you’ve experienced this, I want to know how you got on, what results you got, how you shifted, how you healed your amazing, Beautiful Soul. Go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Love them fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon.


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