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Heal With Light Frequencies | Star Magic Training With Jerry Sargeant


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The one thing that I’ve realized is that every human being has superhuman potential. All the information and all the knowledge are locked inside of your heart. Your heart is a stargate, and when you access certain frequency streams and light streams, such as Star Magic, you start to unlock this potential.

I’ve seen life threatening diseases where doctors have said to someone, you’ll be dead within six weeks. These things have shifted in minutes and these people are alive three and four years later. When you come to Star Magic Training, and witness miracles in front of your very eyes, it’s going to open you up to a whole new world, an infinite sea of possibility, miracles, and magic, that will shift your paradigm.

We’ve trained thousands of people in more than 40 countries; everyone can do it. The frequency is so high in our training and when you come into that submerged environment, with a group of like hearted, like-minded souls that are all ready to do the work and transform, magic and miracles happen.

“34 years, I’ve had a back problem, and I’ve been in pain for that long, and Jerry was able to set me free of pain, which was absolutely mind blowing and awesome, and I’ve spent thousands and thousands of pounds going to specialists, doctors, hospital chiropractors, all sorts of people, and no one ever was able to heal my back. So, I’m truly, truly grateful.”

“I’ve come here with plenty of issues, very deep issues, and we’ve had them all cleared. It’s an amazing feeling. I never expect to really come out as such like this. My expectation now my future has changed. Everything’s changed within me.”

“My initial was getting rid of blocks, blocks that were stopping me moving forward. It’s kind of blown my mind, on a different level. The fear that’s been released this week, the understanding of fear, on a different level, a deeper level, and our capabilities, it’s immense. A very emotional ride. Going through our own individual healings, but also helping others through theirs on the journey as well. We did quite a few exercises, bringing in the light. So, my frequency is flying, I’m buzzing.

What we train people to do, souls just like you at Star Magic is to facilitate the healing of other human beings, and to facilitate the healing of another human being, you’ve just got to simply set up the environment. You’ve got to create the space so their body can do what it’s naturally designed to do, and that is self-heal. It’s not rocket science. If you look at a human being, a human being has a body and a human being has a brain, and a human being is like a biological computer. Now, if someone has an injury or an illness or a disease, the body, the biological computer, is simply communicating with the soul, of the human being and saying, listen, you need to look in this direction. You need to look in that direction. You need to look inwardly here. When you dive into this magical miracle making machine, this life compass of yours, it will offer you so much.

You will start to realize that everything I’m sharing, everything we’re sharing, you already knew. You’re simply remembering. Star Magic in person training is famous for the Star Magic Breakfast and what that consists of is a ceremonial dose of cacao, glow sticks. Amazing music. Lasers and lights, and smoke and dancing before you start your day. When you dance around and you move your body like this, having fun, listening to high vibrational music, and then you go out and you sun gaze, and then you do some qigong, some breathwork, before you even start your day, and get into whatever you’re going to get into You are turbocharged. You are so tuned in. Your life is going to grow new wings. You’re going to grow new wings. You are going to wake up every single day with joy as your natural default state and you’re going to go out into the world and seize every opportunity that life throws down in your path.

Our mission is to set up 13 healing centres spread around the planetary grid, and we’re going to build them on certain high frequency hotspots to harness the energy. We’ve already bought land in the UK, land in Madeira, land in Romania and now we’re in the process of building our first healing centre in the mountains of Transylvania. The energies there are amazing. The reason we’re training people with Star Magic is to go and work and create with us in these healing centres.

So, if you have a call if you feel that pull, if you’re interested in creating a better life for yourself and your family and helping humanity massively in the process, then you should come and start with a level one training. It’s a five-day training experience. With two bonus days. I will show you everything that there is to do with Star Magic. You will be furnished with the most incredible healing arsenal, the most magical toolbox that you can take out into the world. Heal yourself other humans, friends, family, and clients.

The most amazing thing is we’re going to show you how to do this at distance so you can create a business from the comfort of your own home. We meet online every single month and I answer questions that you’ve got on healing sessions, things that are coming up in your life, things that are coming up in your clients’ lives, and we work through these things together.

All these monthly meet ups are recorded, and when you join and become a part of our community you have access to all the recordings from all of the meetings, you will also get access to our online training recordings. So, there’s a wealth of knowledge, a wealth of support, and a team to back you up 24/7, 365. We’ve created the most powerful, healing modality on planet Earth. If you’re ready to take that deep dive to take that plunge into your own cosmic heart, and to unleash your own inner magic, then come and join our next Facilitator Training Experience. They’re online, there in person and they’re all just as magical as each other.

Check us out at and I will see you on the inside, at of our trainings, very, very soon.



