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Alchemy, Judgment, Love & Acceptance and How To Harmonise In 5D


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“That deep dive into the labyrinth of your own consciousness, that deep magical dive into the labyrinth of your own cosmic heart. The journey of the brave spiritual warrior that goes within and realises that they must take full responsibility for everything that is happening in their external environment and realising that the external environment itself is a mirror, a mirror of truth, a mirror of pure wisdom”

I want to talk to you, share with you and drop into a little discussion with you about judgement, and love and acceptance, and why we must, as a species, as unique individuals, when another human being says something or does something that makes us think or feel in a certain way, we must open our heart as wide as we can and love that human being with everything we can possibly muster because in that act of opening our heart and loving that human being as much as we can possibly muster, when the mind wants to judge, when the body wants to react because it’s feeling a certain something based upon what that human being has said or done.

We have to express pure divinity, open your soul and in that very act of opening our soul and loving that other human being we’re loving ourselves, and instead of judging or blaming, which ultimately puts us into the courtroom, into the dock, where the judge is going to start pointing fingers at us, which is detrimental to our own health and wellbeing because that judgement is like poison. When you start to blame and judge and ridicule another human being, you might as well get a syringe and stick it in your own arm and poison yourself. It’s just like being angry at another human being, showing negative emotion towards another human being. You’ve got to open your heart and transmute that and, when you transmute that and allow yourself to love the other human being, you’re transmuting what you didn’t like within that human being within yourself because ultimately, when you’re judging and blaming the other human being, you’re judging and blaming yourself, this other human being is a blessing in disguise and what we should be doing is saying, hey, brother, hey, sister, thank you so much for showing me what I don’t like about myself and then going into that, that deep dive into the labyrinth of your own consciousness, that deep magical dive into the labyrinth of your own cosmic carts.

The journey of the brave spiritual warrior that goes within and realises that they must take full responsibility for everything that is happening in their external environment and realising that the external environment itself is a mirror, a mirror of truth, a mirror of pure wisdom, that gives the human being that is observing what is happening externally the opportunity to open their heart and start thinking with their heart to allow their mind to soften and feel the merging of the heart and the mind into pure coherence, into pure equilibrium. So, the magic and the divinity and the wisdom can start flowing out from the soul of that human.

This is pure, pure magic. This is alchemy. This is basic alchemy. At the same time, it’s one of the hardest things for human beings to do. To take responsibility because we’ve been taught and conditioned from a very early age to focus externally and to blame and to judge and to see the world through those rose-tinted glasses.

You my brother or sister are a powerful human being, you are a lion or lioness, a god or goddess. You are a galactic titan from the stars that came to earth to blaze a new trail so that you can walk down, and not so other people can follow you but so other people can be inspired by you, and they can jump onto that path next to you and they can walk with you side by side so that our hearts can merge and blend together the fabric, the geometrical code can ripple through space time and each one of us can alchemize with all human souls on this planet. We can raise the vibration. We can catalyse massive change, resynthesize, and recalibrate those neural pathways in our brain.

Activate the geometry in our light body, merge it with the geometry inside of our physical body and merge that with the geometrical code of the universe and realise that we are an extension of the universe and the universe at large is an extension of what we are, and by us catalysing huge radical change internally, we can catalyse huge radical change throughout the whole Multiverse because all those planets and stars, those celestial bodies out there in so called space, are inside every cell of this magical avatar vessel.

Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, open your heart and love. Open your heart and accept all of you and all of everyone else because we are one big family and it’s magical and beautiful and divine. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging, you know that. Even if you’re there for a long time you embrace, settle down, and be in that space.

Remember to check out our website We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet for raising your vibration, activating your pineal gland, speaking your truth, activating the wisdom inside every cell of your human body and so much more. You can also get access to our free seven-day meditation challenge. I will see you again soon, beautiful soul. One Love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.


How would you like to wake up every single day with joy as your natural default, bouncing around this planet loving every second. It’s easy when you follow a certain set of protocols. It’s time for you to step into your power. You’re a lion, a lioness, a god, a goddess. Right now, you can access our free seven-day meditation challenge. You will activate courage, confidence, connect to source, and feel love in your heart always. You will generate a wave of enthusiasm that will flow from your heart always as you merge the divine masculine and the divine feminine frequencies into wholeness, into the zero point. Click the link, access these short, powerful, videos and potent meditations and kickstart a new way of operating in this human reality.

You are amazing, beautiful soul, amazing, extraordinary, phenomenal, and you have so much magic, knowledge, and wisdom locked inside of you. These meditations, this short meditation challenge will bring all of that to the surface so you can activate your superhuman potential. Click the link and I will see you on the inside. I want you to thrive, to shine your light and express your divinity, to speak your truth always, to live your truth, to stand in your power and make up your own rules of this human game. Go out into this world. Love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. I will see you on the inside. Click the link now. Let’s do this.



