Infinity Meditation playlists

Curated meditation programs for rapid elevation

The Infinity meditation playlists are a series of carefully selected meditations designed to raise your vibration exponentially day by day. We suggest you begin with the 7-day playlist then move on to the 13-day playlist. After that you can dive deeper and explore our longer playlists such as the 27-day playlist, or specialty playlists such as the 21-day Abundance playlist or the 24-day Rapid playlist.

When beginning this type of regular practice, it’s a good idea to set aside a regular time each day, and find somewhere where you will not be disturbed. Some of our members like to create a dedicated meditation space, with favorite cushions, candles, scents, or crystals. Make it your sanctuary; somewhere where you can sink deep into the frequencies and really elevate your meditation journeys.

Try the free 7-Day Meditation playlist

This is the perfect meditation playlist to start you on the path of using Infinity to heal, grow, shift, raise your vibration and empower yourself. You will start to feel the energy and witness small, gradual shifts in your awareness. This may be uncomfortable in the beginning. If you are new to meditation, your mind may come up with excuses as to why you shouldn’t engage. Don’t listen. This is the start to a beautiful journey of discovering your true nature and experiencing growth. Remember, it’s not a quick fix. It’s a lifestyle and consistency is the key.

Explore more playlists

13-Day Meditation playlist

This 13 day playlist will take you a little deeper than the 7-day playlist, increasing your willpower and discipline as you dive deeper into the labyrinth of your cosmic heart, through these potent guided meditations.

21-Day Abundance playlist

These meditations will align your frequency so abundance flows into your life. Manifestation and creativity will flourish beyond measure.

24-Day Rapid Emotional Detox playlist

This set of meditations will dive into your deepest wounds, bring the toxicity to the surface and start a rigorous transmutation process.

24-Day Change Your Life playlist

These guided meditations have been specifically picked for rapid acceleration. Commit to this 24-day process and experience the changes.

27-Day Meditation playlist

After completing the 7 and 13 day playlists, you are building strength, your heart is opening, you are healing and becoming more curious. Just like a child, allow this curiosity to blossom and bloom and continue on this universal soul adventure.

12-Week Frequency Amplification playlist

These guided meditations have been specifically picked to detoxify you emotionally on different levels. Commit to this 12-week process and experience the huge energetic shift.


This playlist will bring you into a state of equilibrium. You will experience clarity and balance at new levels. The mind chatter will dissolve as your energy levels rise, due to the constant barrage of useless thoughts that once drained your energy, disappear. You will find yourself choosing response over reaction as you stay in the zero point in all situations.


This playlist gives you the opportunity to fall in love with the most important human being on planet earth, you. You will feel deep gratitude for you and have a new level of respect for self. This will show up in others. Current relationships will either move to a whole new level of amazing or people will drift from your life because they can’t handle your frequency and this will make space for new souls to enter your reality.


Optimising your focus is mission critical. If you want to take any life pursuit to the next level and beyond, you must be laser focused. This meditation playlist will give you the edge in all situations. You will walk with accelerated confidence, amplified courage and execute every time with absolute precision. This will open you up to a version of you that commits and succeeds and loves the disciplined path of freedom.

Health & Fitness

Having a fully functional avatar for your soul to live and play the game of life in is mission critical. This playlist will strip body fat, increase fitness, regenerate your body on a cellular level and revitalise you physically and energetically. You will become fitter and healthier, stronger, and faster. You can even do this in your sleep by adding the meditations to your nighttime vault.


This playlist will heal you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The frequency in these meditations will drill deep into your subatomic make up and bring old trauma, toxicity and wounding to the surface, from this reality and past and future lives. It may transmute quickly or you may find yourself on an emotional rollercoaster for a short while. Actually all playlists carry the Star Magic frequency and the potential to ignite this. Lean into the process and hug the process.

Repair Your Body

When our body endures heavy blows, emotionally and physically, deep DNA repair and restoration is required. This playlist will take you on a journey, recoding and reengineering your own mathematics, which can often be broken and misaligned after trauma. Now it’s time to fully reactivate your own potential, thrive and feel awesome in your body.


This playlist will active your abundance flow. The world’s resources are huge. There is so much of everything that every woman, man and child can thrive beyond measure., including you. If you are not experiencing abundance in all walks of life, then you must move into wholeness. When you move into wholeness you want for nothing and by default everything elevates. Money flows, health booms and relationships blossom.

Clearing Negativity

When you clear your energetic field from any heavy energy you rise. This playlist will clear any negative energy from other people. It will de-cord you from everyone, allowing you to be in your own energy. Any reminense from old relationships in all lifetimes, across all dimensional fields will dissolve. You will be free to grow in the most powerful way.

Happiness & Joy

Joy is your natural default state. It’s time to remember this and live on the Joy frequency always. Happiness is an inside job. This playlist will strip away any layers that are stopping you experiencing your alchemical nature and truly enjoying every second on planet earth.


It’s time to sky rocket your vibration and advance your ascension, Jedi style. This playlist will recode your inner mathematics so you can ride through the multi dimensional playing fields and surf your sacred surf board with ease and grace. You will return to and feel the divinity within, the God Spark, 24-7-365 as you access more and more information in the quantum realms.

Activate Quantum Powers

You are a super-human and you carry super-human powers. The ability to see with your 3rd Eye, manifest using your Merkaba, Heal at Distance and more, are waiting patiently in your own DNA code to be switched on. This playlist will shift you through gears as you remember your galactic heritage and your unshakable nature. You will grow in confidence in every way and be of great service to humanity. You will naturally gravitate towards Facilitator Training if you haven’t already. May the force be with you.

Connect with Source

This earthly games primary focus is to find our way back to source, back home. The mission is one of love. This playlist will connect you. It will guide you in remembering you are a child from the stars and that we are all one. The illusion of separation will disintegrate and unity will be all you know. This is a beautiful merging of soul fragments on this geometrical ride In these human bodies. You will realise that the universe is an extension of you and vice versa. Embrace it.

Star Seed DNA Activators

You are a Star Seed. We all came from the stars. This playlist will help you remember your galactic roots, which planets you’ve played and created on and what your soul mission is. This is DNA activation after Lightbody Activation. Hold on tight you are going into overdrive. Rapid ascension and a colossal expansion in consciousness.


Create a night time vault and play every night when you sleep for 6 months. Then revisit when you feel like you want improvements.

Abundance Accelerator

Listen to both transmissions once a day for 66 days.

Beauty Salon

This playlist will send you into an unprecedented state of bliss, healing, and body recalibration. You have the opportunity to lose body fat, lose weight, look younger, heal, relax, and experience so much more. Whether you’re seeking a moment of peace or a transformative journey, this playlist will support your wellness goals and enhance your overall well-being.

How will the meditation playlists benefit me?

Targeted focus: Each meditation in the series is designed to address a specific aspect of your life, such as abundance, stress relief or personal growth. By focusing on one area at a time, you can more effectively work towards your goals.

Progressive growth: The series are structured in a way that allows you to build on your progress day by day, week by week. This incremental growth can be more sustainable than trying to make a big leap all at once.

Accountability: By committing to a series of meditations, you create a sense of accountability for yourself. This can help you stay motivated and on track with your practice.

Increased variety: Each meditation in the series is unique, offering a variety of techniques and approaches. This will help you explore new ways of meditating and deepen your practice.

Supportive community: Be part of our supportive tribe who are also working towards their goals. Gain a sense of connection and support as you work through the playlists together.

Jerry !!! OMG !! I’ve done hundreds of Star Magic Meditations but this one by far is my favorite!! This was exactly what I needed!!! Wow wow wow !! I was crying tears of euphoria !!! Super expanded and anchored even more in my mission on the planet. Wow ! There are no words to describe this! Thank you

Nada Haarb

Your abundance meditations absolutely turned my business around! I was at the point of losing it all! I had to borrow $40,000 from my mom just to keep from going under. I started the meditations. Honest to god that year my revenues were $1.2 milion, and every year since I’ve consistently made over a million in revenues. I now know how to vibrate and flow in the frequency of abundance. I’m so grateful for you and Star Magic

Libby Siebold

Although I have been on my spiritual journey for many years, your meditation journeys are clearing parts of my being that I had not reached so far. Many thanks for being who you are brother 🙂 Love from Germany 🙂

Friederike Kock

Star Magic Meditations have smacked me flat on my ass sending me deep, deep into healing and then leaving me feeling mighty fine, indeed. Jerry, your infinite flow, spectacular skills and genuine gift to your heavenly heart creates the perfect recipe for all of your magnificent meditations.

Dave Trilles

Holey Moley Jerry. What a journey!! I felt at home in the golden trees and started singing as soon as I got there (and I can’t sing at all). The tune went higher when I entered the chamber with the healing bed. I can still feel my bracelet. Love you Jerry. Thank you. I feel so healed. My left leg has been troubling me for months and it feels normal again.

Mary DeRosa

After 2 weeks of non-stop, excruciating pain, I was not able to manage it. I wanted to call for an ambulance . I tried to be brave even though I couldn’t sit down, stand up or go to bed because of the pain. I decided to join your Meditation Library. After the 3rd meditation all my pain was gone! I can sit down and stand up and after not sleeping for several days, I slept 12 hours. This is magical Jerry. Thank you so much.

Marianne Craclunescu

Infinity has taken me to places I was completely unaware of. I feel that I am spiritually grounded for the first time in my life. The Infinity Library is never ending, infinite and expansive and I have connected with frequencies that have changed me forever. The most beautiful part of the infinity “Cosmic” Meditation Library is you can visit anytime you want.

Claudia Wilson

I suffered from anxiety and depression and a lack of purpose in this world. I was also binge eating. I started listening to the Meditations and light Language transmissions and within 2 days my life changed. I tried psychology and other forms of healing but nothing worked. I now feel whole, happy and grateful.


I have personally grown exponentially since using Star Magic. I have found a love and truth in my being that I was unaware of. The meditations have helped me change the world within. I feel so confident and ready for life.

Ambar Biswas

Wooow, how am I going to explain this Meditation & Light Language Transmission? I listened to Quantum Teleport then Valour and then Quantum Teleport again. OMG. It was pure ecstasy / bliss / love. Especially my Root Chakra. I had a huge Kundalini activation.

Denise Swinkels Meditation Coach

Not even two weeks into the Abundance Meditation playlist and it has created so much for me. Over the weekend my company suddenly announced a 48 hour flash sale. I didn’t have a huge pipeline,however out of nowhere I had two clients who kept referring to me.

Wendy Saw Sales Consultant

Jerry is like a spiritual surgeon who is able to find the root of your trauma and replace it with a frequency that lifts and empowers you. The greatest part is that he helps you to find the magic within you, so that you can truly tap into your own potential and limitlessness.

Kathryn Aboya Producer Writer / Actress

I embarked on my healing journey after severe burn-out.I started with meditation, sound healing, reiki, acupuncture and shamanistic healing sessions. They assisted me but the progress I felt with Star Magic Meditations was on a different level.

Chipo Banda Health & Fitness Coach

I went from chaos on the inside to inner peace, understanding and freedom. I am not afraid anymore. I am expanding and evolving in ways that I can not describe. I am actually a beam of light traveling through the universe when I listen to the meditations.


promise you guys if you buy infinity membership you won’t regret it. I had doubts awhile back. But I look back now and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made by far, it changed my life completely💙

Joe Manili

I joined Infinity to try and find myself. The meditations and Light Languages are powerful and magical, they helped me to anchor in my heart and return to my true self. My Star Buddy guided me to start my daily meditations, and Jerry guides us in Fearless Focus every two weeks. Everyone in the Star Magic family is awesome! Feeling so warm and joyful, finding a tribe I belong to. Truly a life changing experience! This is the best gift I ever got for myself.


Once you experience it you will be yearning for more at a deep level and Star Magic keeps taking you deeper. Words cannot really express how it has changed my life and who I am today. It has brought me so much peace..


I joined the Star Magic family 18 months ago with intentions of healing my poorly heart. The cardiologists expectation was that the deterioration would take place within the next year and that open heart surgery would be definitely necessary. That was the time you popped into my life and I was drawn to your healing meditations. I had my latest echocardiogram yesterday. The cardiologists words were, on seeing the results…


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