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Ascension I GALACTIC WAR CRY I Light Language Transmission & Call 2 Arms I Sovereign SOULdiers UNITE


You came here to Earth for this time.

You knew what was coming and you decided to count yourself in. You are strong and powerful and have soared the universe for millenia, stopping in from time to time to assist plants ascend, troubled planets much like Earth.

You have done this so many times. Maybe you remember? Maybe you have forgotten?

We are the ground crew, here to advocate and create the change on Earth and right now an Ancient War Cry is being sent out by our Galactic Sisters and Brothers from the Stars.

The War Cry will be heard by every Soul who chose this mission.

I was guided to channel a very specific Light Language Transmission for you and every other Soul on Earth. This Transmission shares a very specific message.

It’s a Call to Arms, with LOVE being our ultimate weapon of choice.

Please share it with your Soul Family and let’s create a colossal tsunami of wave LOVE and send it through the fabric of our planet and the entire Universe.

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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul?

This light language transmission is a galactic call to arms, an ancient war cry for souls on this planet,  earth angels, to wake up and join the fight because right now is crunch time. It’s crunch time. We are on a precipice; we are on a knife edge. We must unite.

Close your eyes. Breathe into your magical body and be in this space with me. Breathe deeper and longer and slower and feel your body. As you’re breathing into your body and feeling the home of your soul in this reality, you’ll become aware of a small diamond sphere vibrating in the centre of your chest. This diamond sphere is your galactic armour. You’ve travelled planets stars galaxies universes since the dawn of time as a sovereign soldier and it’s time to remember who you are.

Allow this diamond light,  this sphere in the centre of your chest deep in your cosmic heart to expand and expand and expand filling up your chest and expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body and into the space around you, 360 degrees. This powerful galactic diamond light expands until it’s six meters in diameter. You’re vibrating in the centre of this mysterious cosmic light.

This is a call to arms, a call to step into your sovereignty, a war cry for all our sisters and brothers on earth who came from the stars to this planet for this time to unify, to open our hearts and to be defiant.  We are one unified galactic force, we are unstoppable as unified sovereign soldiers connected on the frequency of love, undefinable, immeasurable. unnameable, unquantifiable. It’s time to pick up your weapons and fight intelligently, to be love your greatest weapon

It’s time to connect with that inner lion,  that inner lioness to rise with love, honour, and respect, ferocious, fierce with love as the undercurrent flowing through every single action, thought emotion, everything. You are being reminded beautiful soul that it’s okay to fight if necessary. Love is the key, the question, and the answer. But sometimes if trouble finds its way to your doorstep it’s okay to fight. Please remember this.

Our Lyran sisters and brothers, our comrades from the galactic federation, our soul family from the Andromedan academy, our sisters, and brothers from all parallel dimensions of light,  they are here supporting us. But we are the ground crew. Send this message out through your hearts. Those that were hearing it were meant to hear it. They will remember, they will feel, the call of that galactic cosmic war cry and they will remember why they chose to be on planet earth at this time.

Light language transmission

As you vibrate in the centre of this diamond light you feel your heart expanding and expanding through this magical frequency and that light starts to expand through the cosmic fabric connecting you to the lights to the hearts to the souls of your fellow galactic sisters and brothers here on earth. There are millions of us, and we are unstoppable. Now is the time. This is our greatest weapon, but we are in a physical world and sometimes we must stand in our sovereignty and defend our lands. These lands and our beautiful mother, this planet that we’re living and playing the game of life on in this human reality.

Feel your heart expanding and expanding and expanding. You are surrounded by your galactic sisters and brothers. They are in your space right now standing by your side, ferocious, fierce, calm, and composed and ready to crush the tyranny to create heaven on earth, to rise through the multi-dimensional frequency bands, to expand consciousness and allow a galactic wave of love to race through these planes on this planet we call earth, in the depths of your soul. Invite it to the surface and connect to your extra-terrestrial origins, your galactic avatars.

It’s time beautiful soul. Send this war cry out into the world. Share it with your sisters and your brothers. They will feel it.

I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Go out into this world, stand strong, love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Go and hug your sisters and your brothers fiercely. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Unity, love, divinity, strength, honour, and respect.

I’ll see you again real soon beautiful soul. Just be in this space, in this diamond light and vibrate and feel the magnitude of your own presence and the truth. Feel in every cell of your physical vessel. You know why you came here. Be in this space, honour yourself, prepare, be ready.  It’s time. Remember to check out our website and connect with your tribe.