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Connect To Source & Reset Your Consciousness


Reset your consciousness and discover how to connect to the source.


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“You have the all-spark in your heart. So do I. So do all of us but you’ve got to realize that it’s inside of you. You’ve got to connect with it, and you’ve got to allow it. You’ve got to allow it to feed you, to elevate you, to expand you, to nourish you, and when you tap this, your life is going to be phenomenal. Wizardry is going to flow; you’re going to be a master alchemist. It’s time to shine your light baby. It’s time to ignite your all-spark, it’s time to be Optimus Prime. You were born created, designed to anchor the lights, to fuel the grids when you reset your consciousness which can happen just like that a whole stream of energy pours into your space and when this happens there is no going back.”

I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So today I want to talk to you about resetting your consciousness because as we’re unfolding and elevating and expanding and realizing what we have inside of ourselves, that magical phenomenal mysterious power. When we’re tapped in and connected to source magic and miracles happen this energy lies inside of you and when you tap it when you tap it like a pin piercing a balloon everything is unleashed. All that air disappears into the ether, all that air that was contained just fizzles back into the cosmic fabric and the same thing happens when you tap source energy. It’s like when you strike oil the oil just flows and spills and spurges. It just flows and it doesn’t stop. It gushes ever so fast.

When you tap source energy it rushes and gushes and flows into your space, flows, and dissipates into the ether. It flows through your physical body, and it changes you. The easiest way to tap this frequency is to go beyond yourself and how do you go beyond yourself? Well, there are different ways. In Star Magic we have a very specific technique that we use where we run frequencies in through the back of someone’s neck and up into the pineal gland. The master cell in the pineal gland delivers the codes that we insert into the back of someone’s neck to every cell in the human body and it resets their consciousness just like that. I’ve seen people here that couldn’t hear. I’ve witnessed people walk that couldn’t walk. I’ve seen people get confidence ever so quick that didn’t have any confidence. I’ve seen tumours. They’re not on the test results anymore after we’ve done this simple technique on people.

This is a fast way. If you go to our website you can see the videos for yourself. A simple way to tap this frequency for everyone who hasn’t trained in star magic is meditation. Another simple way is breathwork. Meditation and breathwork are two opportunities for every single human being on this planet. The issue is it takes a little bit of effort okay. It’s free. It just costs a little bit of time, a little bit of patience and a little bit of discipline and you can retrain your mind, you can retrain your body to tap that frequency, to tap that goal, to tap that oil, to tap that energy, and when you do so your life will never be the same. So, there are different ways to do this, different types of breathwork. There are different types of meditation.

A simple type of meditation that you can do is just to sit there in silence and retrain your mind and your body because the mind has sixty to 90000 subconscious thoughts running through every single day and most of them were the same as the day before, the month before, the year before. You’re running the same old patterns. Your mind is always chattering when you sit down and go into meditation your ass hurts, the back hurts. The body and the mind are telling you to get up and move, that this isn’t going to work, that this is boring, this is taking too long, you can’t do this. You got to retrain your mind and your body like a dog. You got to whip it back into shape, you’ve got to make it be obedient and you’ve got to sit in that space with your eyes closed.

You’ve got to bring your awareness into your heart or up into the back of your brain and you’ve got to sit there and feel the expansive vast chasm, the voids. Feel it growing inside of you and you disappearing into it and eventually it’ll just take you and you will become no body, no mind,  no nothing. Nothing, no thoughts, no emotions. You will go beyond it all into the geometrical mathematical streams of energy that are just there. The potential you’re tapping sauce when you get to that stage. Now you might have to sit there for five minutes,  you might have to sit there for five hours, you might have to sit there for an hour. Every day is different. There are days when I go into meditation and boom, I’m in there like that. There are other days that I’ve got a battle and I’ve done loads of meditation, loads of work. So, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve done. We’re all human and there are different frequencies flowing through our spaces, different energies, different emotions. So, every day is a whole new experience, but you get better and better at it and once you tap it and you’ve been there you know you can go there and then going back is much easier. We have meditations on our website that will take you there, that will take you beyond your body.

Breathwork is another thing. You can close your eyes; you can breathe into the pit of your stomach back out through your mouth. In and out through your mouth so this is a very simple breathing exercise. I’d put my hands over my sacral chakra in front of it as a marker and I’d breathe like that say 30 times. On the 30th breath I’d breathe out and hold it and I just kick back, and I do this lying down. You could do it sitting. I always do it lying because it’s comfortable. So, I’d be lying down, I’d breathe out and I just hold my breath. I’d let it go and I just relax and what happens is you start to get lost. You get lost in the energy, lost in the frequency. When you can’t hold your breath anymore, you start to breathe again, you go for another 30 times. On the 30th breath you breathe out and you hold. You can do this for three sets, four sets, five sets, each time you’ll be able to hold for longer and then you’ll start to journey.

You’re tapping your DNA, you’re tapping your lymphatic system, you’re tapping your central nervous system, you’re increasing DMT in your body and your brain. You start to journey and when you do this work, you’re tapping that frequency. You’re tapping that energy now. You came to planet earth to be phenomenal and when you came out of your mother’s womb and into this world you were delivered by strangers. Most likely your mother was probably high on drugs because she had an epidural or some kind of pain relief. You’d lost your trust and you were then brought up in a world that conditioned you to not be yourself. They conditioned you to be like other people. You started to develop patterns and programs.

There’s a lot of mind control in this in this world. There has been for many years. You’ve had parallel realities, past lives on planet earth and other planets and other star systems. Your soul records all this stuff. You’ve got to reset your consciousness. it’s so important. If you don’t reset your consciousness and go back to the start, go back to the beginning, you’re going to carry on running patterns going round in circles. Why is it Groundhog Day again and again and again, and your beautiful soul. You’re so much better than that so now is the time to reset your consciousness, now is the time to meditate, to do your deep breath work. There are other ways of tapping this energy, qigong, yoga. We have all these tools on the website. Go and check it out or if you’ve got your own ways and methods. Follow them but right now on planet earth this isn’t a time to be sitting around. This isn’t a time to be waiting. This is a time for action. This is a time to go deep into your cosmic heart and reignite those divine sparks of source energy.

You’re like Optimus Prime. He had the all-spark in his heart. You have the awe-spark in your heart. So do I, so do all of us but you’ve got to realize that it’s inside of you. You’ve got to connect with it, and you’ve got to allow it to feed you, to elevate you, to expand you, to nourish you and when you tap this , your life is going to be phenomenal. Wizardry is going to flow, you’re going to be a master alchemist, you’re going to be able to touch people and heal them, you’re going to walk down the street and people are going to be elevated by your presence even if you’re several hundred meters away. This is the power that lies in your all-spark. So, my question to you is are you going to go in and tap it or are you going to carry on being a slave to the system? Are you going to carry on following these rules and regulations, wearing those good old masks, cover your face baby, oh yeah humiliation or freedom for those that choose their own rules and regulations.

I love you, beautiful soul. You are a phenomenal warrior or warriors, a lion, or a lioness,  and you came to this planet to be magical. So, let your inner magician act, let that white witch out, that wizard, that master alchemist, that light worker, that grid enhancer, that space holder that knows the truth. Your amazing, beautiful soul. Wherever you are on planet earth go out and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them ever so tightly and never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Never ever, ever be the first to let go. It’s dangerous letting go first. You might fall down that hole into the middle of the universe and never come back but that might not be a bad thing. Love fiercely and ferociously, fiercely, and ferociously, beautiful soul. There’s no other way because that fierceness and that ferociousness is going to bust and burst through the chaos the mayhem and the illusory c*** that cloaks this planet.

It’s time to shine your light baby. It’s time to ignite your all-spark, it’s time to be Optimus Prime. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website We’ve got light language transmissions, meditations, yoga routines, high vibrational recipes, a whole heap of ascension tools to send you not up there but in here in the most profound way possible so you can ignite your divine all-spark. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. I love you so much.