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VIDEO: Spiritual Growth Is Dangerous | Here’s Why!


Spiritual growth is dangerous. Find out why.


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“That is the most dangerous part of this journey and that is a road you don’t want to go down. I love you so much you know it really is dangerous to grow spiritually. That’s the truth. It’s so dangerous, it’s beyond your scariest dreams, dangerous. So, if you’re growing spiritually and expanding you better stop right now.”

With my heart, with my soul with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? Oh my gosh, I love you so much. You know it really is dangerous to grow spiritually. That’s the truth. It’s so dangerous, it’s beyond your scariest dreams, dangerous. So, if you’re growing spiritually and expanding you better stop, you better stop right now you know why – because you’re scaring the s*** out of everybody else. That’s why it’s dangerous for them, not you.

As you expand on this human journey you change, beautiful soul. You become a different human being, the skin that you’re in right now. You’re going to shed it and then as you grow a little bit more, you’re going to shed the next lot of skin and you’re going to keep shedding skin and growing into to new energetic bodies. Your physical body is changing, your energy body, everything about you is changing 24/7 365 because you are dedicated to this mission. Other people don’t like it. It scares them because you shine light into their world. You shine light into their darkness, and you force them to change their identity and you’re going to keep forcing them to look at themselves and change their identity again and again and again until one day they realize that they don’t have an identity.

What we identify with is dangerous. The reason that a lot of people don’t love themselves is because they identify with themselves and when they identify with themselves with their experience, their experience becomes their identity. That identity is limited, “Jerry, I run a business called Star Magic, I have two children, I have a girlfriend, I travel the world, I love to hug trees. Okay this is limiting. When you go past all the things that you think you are, all the experiences that you identify with, you realize that you’re nothing and then when you become nothing you become everything. Your light body expands into the infinite sea of possibility, and you become this beautiful sparkling mesmerizing wonder, this floating beautiful magic esoteric quantum butterfly that’s just emerged from its human chrysalis and life becomes incredible.

When that starts to happen, you could be lying in bed one morning and your wife or your husband they wake up, they turn around to look at you and they see a great big quantum butterfly and they s*** themselves. They’re like “oh what’s going on baby. Oh my gosh I went to sleep with my husband or my wife and now I’ve woken up and they’ve turned into this golden diamond esoteric translucent butterfly with geometrical wings, and they jump out of bed, and they run out of the house, and they freak the f*** out. Okay, this is the kind of stuff that is happening. Maybe they don’t wake up and see a quantum butterfly, but you get my drift, beautiful soul. You cannot stop expanding and growing and elevating and becoming more of you. Just because they can’t handle those beautiful wings of yours that you fly around this planet with once you kind of wake up and go on this magical journey.

So, the dangerous part about this journey is not for you. The dangerous part about this journey is not going on this journey and I’ll tell you when it gets even more dangerous. When it starts to get treacherous, okay, when it starts to get treacherous is when other people start to judge your expansion and you lower your own vibration to match theirs again. That is the most dangerous part of this journey and that is a road you don’t want to go down, but I know that you’re a high vibrational being. I know that you’re dedicated and disciplined to this mission, and I know that you’re going to keep growing and expanding and diving into this cosmic heart of yours where all the answers to all the questions that don’t exist lie, because there are no questions and there are no answers. It’s only when you’re in here that you’ve got questions and answers. When you dive into here you realize it’s just magic and miracles and everything starts to flow. When you become whole and realize that the whole universe lies inside of you, you become this unquantifiable being, no limits, no boundaries. You can’t be controlled. It doesn’t matter what you see in your external environment.

No one’s going to control you but at the start of this journey there’s a little bit of a period where you’re here and then you rise to here and you rise to here and once someone in your family reaches up and tries to pull you back down because they’re scared of your vibration, because you’re different, and they can’t vibrate with you anymore,  and because they can’t vibrate with you anymore. Nine times out of ten they can’t control you and that is what scares them the most – they can’t control you; they try they try to press all those buttons. Let me press that button, let’s press the guilt button, let’s press the rejection button, but they don’t work anymore. That freaks people out because before they could say something or do something or have some kind of mood or expression and you’d respond and react to that. But as a high vibrational being on this journey going deeper and deeper, higher, and higher, expanding and expanding more and more. These triggers don’t affect you and what you’ve got to do is to keep going amongst the chaos, amidst the mayhem. You keep going on this journey.

I’ve got my unicorn with me here today, she’s beautiful Alana, and I introduced this unicorn to lots of people that I meet on my spiritual journey. She’s beautiful, man look at her. What a beautiful unicorn, you know, she gives me so much love but when I introduce this unicorn to people, people think I’m crazy. But you can see her right. She’s black and multi-coloured with stripes, she’s got a golden horn and a diamond tip. She’s the most incredible unicorn that I’ve ever met. Say hello to Alana, beautiful soul. As you go on this journey you’ve got to express yourself okay. Don’t dampen your sparkle for anyone. If people can’t handle your expansion, keep expanding, and they’re either going to grow with you or they’re going to leave your life and whichever way it goes and flows is perfect, it’s perfect. It’s absolutely a1, a hundred percent no ifs butts or maybes, perfect, okay. So, keep being you, keep expanding. Don’t stop. Keep elevating your vibration and let’s ride this magic carpet ride baby.

Make up your own rules play the game as you wish and go out into this world hug your sisters and your brothers ever so tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. I will see you again very soon. I can’t wait.



