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Mapacho for Your Health and Healing

For millennia, ancient and modern native peoples have used mapacho for a range of purposes including shamanic healing, meditation, energy work, and journeying. Mapacho is pure tobacco with a high amount of nicotine containing none of the additional chemicals found in normal smoking tobacco and cigarettes. Read on to learn about mapacho and its potential for spiritual meditation, energy healing and your ascension journey.


What is Mapacho Tobacco?

The sacred tobacco mapacho, also known as Nicotiana rustica, originates from the South American amazon. Native shamans in the Amazon have used mapacho in countless shamanic rituals for over 8000 years. It is believed to be one of the first plants used on the South American continent. Mapacho is well known by shamans for its capacity for healing your energy for your entire body, mind, and soul. Mapacho is also a sacred teacher plant that is highly respected and often used as a vital ingredient in ayahuasca and other shamanic healing ceremonies.

Mapacho tobacco is very potent, containing up to 18% nicotine and no tar. It is one of over 100,000 classified plant species in the Amazon region. The nicotine content of Mapacho is up to 20 times that in normal tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) which contains around 1% nicotine and 30% tar. In recorded history, Nicotiana tabacum has been incorrectly used and abused with toxic chemicals added to it. All smoking-related diseases are caused by the chemical additives and carcinogenic that are used in modern cigarettes.


The Healing Science of Mapacho

Mapacho also contains a large amount of harmala alkaloids, known as harmane and nor-harmane. These are like the alkaloids in the Amazon vine Banisteriopsis caapi, which is the main ingredient of the psychedelic hallucinogen Ayahuasca. These two alkaloids act as MAO (Monoamine oxidase) inhibitors and help prepare you for healing, and they act as antidepressants by increasing the quantity of serotonin in your brain.

When smoked nicotine facilitates the generation of dopamine, glutamate, adrenaline, endorphins, and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that has a similar chemical structure to nicotine, and it binds to nicotine which causes it to be addictive. As a result, nicotine binds to chemical receptors in your body which are responsible for improved attention and increased memory. They also create feelings of pleasure, euphoria, and alertness.

There is no scientific evidence that nicotine is damaging, and shamans insist upon its healing and spiritual potential. Shamans use Mapacho tobacco to induce a state of profound trance when it is ingested or smoked in large quantities. The antimicrobial properties of nicotine help with the production of new blood vessels and balancing of the immune system. Nicotine is also being tested as a treatment for dementia, specifically Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.


The Incredible Health and Healing benefits of Mapacho

Mapacho alters your consciousness, and shamans who practice healing ceremonies in and around the Amazon will use mapacho tobacco as an essential ingredient. It is used with other sacred plant medicines for shamanic healing including San Pedro, Ayahuasca, and as an ingredient for important spiritual ceremonies. Tabaqueros are very skilled shamans who work exclusively with mapacho as a healing medicine and for shamanic journeying.

Specifically, mapacho is used to facilitate visionary experiences and communication with nature as well as for spiritual healing and meditation. Many users of mapacho believe that tobacco has strong healing properties, and it was used for treating and healing people with a variety of physical, mental, and spiritual illnesses. Mapacho tobacco also has antidepressant effects that relieve physical and mental stress. This is due to the unique blend containing a high amount of MAO inhibitors.

The effects of Mapacho are unique in the way that it can relax and induce a state of pleasant relaxation while gently stimulating the body. Mapacho is often used for meditation and journeying because it relaxes your body whilst stimulating your mind. The high amount of nicotine increases nerve activity and the blood flow in the brain. Also, it enhances and sharpens your senses, and your concentration and focus are increased.


Mapacho Tobacco Rituals for Meditation and Energy Healing

Shamanic traditions, that remember the old stories and experiences from their ancestors and the spirit of mapacho, know a different plant. Mapacho use has originated from many tribes including the Witoto people (Peru), the Cariris people (Brazil), and the Cahuilla (in California). Many indigenous tribes saw mapacho tobacco as a gift from the gods from the earliest days of creation. They viewed tobacco as a powerful spirit medicine that heals through connecting with the spirit world, and its use is deeply rooted in their culture.

In  Colombia, the Tubú people believe that mapacho was a gift from the star people from the Sirius star system who travelled through twelve dimensions in an anaconda canoe. This canoe contains the ayahuasca vine at one end and mapacho at the other end. They describe Ayahuasca and mapacho as spiritual healing medicines, and as gifts for healing the earth and its people that have lost their memory of who they truly are.

The ancient Shipibo Merayas tribe used different smoking blends and rituals to clean the space, purify the body, and remove any negative spirits that cause illness and disease. Mapacho, Ayhausca, and rapé were used to purify the body, mind, and spirit. The Merayas used shamanic rituals to purify their own environment and any spirits that could interfere with the healing process. Shamans could travel or shift through other dimensions and visit beings on other worlds and turn themselves invisible.

The ancestors of native Amazonian tribes used a unique blend of several substances in rapé which is a snuff tobacco. The main ingredient of rapé is mapacho, and this is mixed with other plants that are carefully selected for the intended healing, meditation, or spiritual teaching purpose of the medicine. Rapé is most often used for activating your energy, spiritual protection, opening your heart and your other energy centres, removing blockages and evil spirits, and connecting you with the higher dimensional earth and other dimensional beings.


Preparation, Storage, and Use of Mapacho

Always use a dark place to store your tobacco. To allow your mapacho to breathe, put it in a paper bag and not a plastic bag. Mapacho can be stored in a fridge in warmer environments, or at room temperature in a colder climate.

Just like regular tobacco, Mapacho can be rolled into a cigarette, smoked in a pipe, or wrapped up in a cigarette. Shamans use Mapacho incense as a protection against evil spirits and use tobacco smoke to cleanse the ceremonial space.

Tobacco is used as a major component of Rapé which is a shamanic snuff. Rape releases mucus and toxins from your body and it helps to purify your immune system and relieve you from congestion. Mapacho tobacco leaves can also be leached in water and applied nasally to heal colds and cavities.


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