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How To Not Be Stuck Ever Again


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“I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?”

So, I want to share with you about moving forwards and embracing the change and if you don’t embrace change on your forward movements and your pursuits in this world, in health, and business, in relationships, whichever endeavour, you’re going to stay stuck, guaranteed. You’re going to stay stuck. So many people they want to shift, they want to change, they want to grow, yet they throw away the help when it’s offered to them because people think that the help should come in like a magical formula like a magical pill.

I’ll give you an example. I was in a workshop a few weeks ago in Bucharest and we’ve done this amazing two-day workshop and I’ve given all of this knowledge and all these tools and given people so much and the guy right at the end says,  “Jerry, Jerry, what’s the secret? How do I really upgrade myself and shift and change?” I said, “brother I’ve told you a gazillion times, I need to get the basics right to start with. You need to wake up early, go to bed early, cold showers, exercise, meditation, etc.” I went through this list of stuff, and he went, and I said, “brother this is just the way that it is. This is the truth okay. You’ve got to be disciplined and committed,” and this guy just wanted some magical potions, some magical fix, that’s going to make everything okay without him putting any effort in.

I saw this post on Facebook or Instagram and there was this like Chinese guy and he was showing this technique for getting rid of anxiety and he was saying you lift your arms up and you’ve got to throw them down and you’ve got to breathe out. Very simple and you’ve got to do it for 30 minutes a day and there’s comments on this thread in 30 minutes, I haven’t got 30 minutes, blah blah blah blah blah, but people will sit there with their anxiety. It’s crazy. So, there’s people out there sharing information and knowledge and most of it costs no money. It’s free. You’ve just got to put a bit of effort and discipline, and this is where people fall because all the knowledge is there, all the wisdom is there, all the guidelines are there. All the tools, all the tricks, and they’re not really tricks. They’re just simple things that require a little bit of discipline and a little bit of dedication.

If you’re not prepared to put in a little bit of effort, then you’re going to stay stuck. If you’re not prepared to change the way you eat, to change what you eat, to change the timing of your eating, to exercise, you’re never going to lose weight ,strip down body fat, get yourself in better shape, build muscle, all that stuff. If you’re not prepared to change the way in which you think, the way in which you respond, the way in which you observe, the way in which you show compassion, the way in which you exercise, patience, then you never going to build harmonious relationships and change the relationships that you’re in or create new ones. If you’re not prepared to get up early, stay late, grind when you’re tired, if you’re not prepared to take risks and step into the unknown and take a little bit of a calculated gamble here or there, if you’re not prepared to put your neck on the line, then you’re never going to grow in business.

Fortune favours the brave, he who dares wins, she who dares wins. Life is a game of steppingstones, challenges, tests, experiences, and unless you jump on those steppingstones, dive into those experiences, and just keep stepping, you’re never going to know what you’re capable of. When you’ve got people around you offering you gold for free take it, utilize it. Don’t Chuck it back in the river because it weighs a little bit and it’s heavy. Life is not always easy, life doesn’t have to be hard either because hard is your perception, easy is also perception, so you can change your paradigm, you can change your perspective, you can change your perception and actually just enjoy everything that you’re engaging. If you’ve got to put a little bit more time in here, a little bit more time in there, gamble a bit of money here, make some sacrifices over here, try things that seem a little bit strange, wacky, and weird to start with, then give it a go.

You’re obviously not happy where you are right? I’m not saying you might be but a lot of people they’re not happy where they are and if you are in that category, if you’re in that arena right now where you’re not happy and you’re not waking up in the morning with joy as your natural default state, then you need to take some radical action, and you’ve got to start making some changes. Get down the gym, go out for a run, start fasting for at least 12 hours a day and build it up to 18+, start drinking your own urine, yoga, start hitting a punch bag, start sitting in silence for 30 minutes a day and just observing your own thoughts, your own emotions. Turn your phone off for an hour a day  then try two hours and three hours and see how your vibration rises. Practice listening when someone else is talking instead of thinking about what you’re going to say next or what you’re going to do later or what you didn’t do before. Truly listen make some little changes in your life and I guarantee you you’ll move forward, leaps and bounds.

Get up in the morning and have a freezing cold shower. Go to bed earlier, get up earlier. When no one else is around you are so productive. Turn off Netflix, never watch it again. Just little changes guys, little changes. Be the first to say sorry if you’ve had a disagreement with your partner, be the first to say I love you when you wake up in the morning. Be the first to hug every day. These little changes will develop you and grow you in so many ways. You are amazing, beautiful soul. If you want to move forwards in life you’ve got to take risks you’ve got to step into the unknown. Get out of your comfort zone and start doing things you’ve not done before. It’s the only way you’re going to change, shift, grow, expand, and become more of who you are, and believe you and me, you are an amazing human being. You’re a galactic titan, a warrior from the stars who came to this Earth plane with radically unique gifts. So, go into this magical mystical mysterious stargate in the centre of your chest and discover who you really are. I love you. You’re amazing. Maximum respect for even being on this planet because it’s crazy, right.

Beautiful Soul go into this world and love your sisters and your brothers, love them fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go. that’s the golden rule of hugging. Remember to check out our website You can go and get free access to Infinity now for seven days and listen to meditations, cosmic yoga videos, light language transmissions. Get access to our nutrition section, breath work, access master classes join our weekly fearless focus groups, frequency spas, meditations. There are so many tools inside Infinity to help you expand and grow into your superhuman potential, but I can’t make you do it and no one else can. Either you’ve got to make that radical plunge and decide to experience life to the full or do I want to sit on the sidelines and watch everybody else having fun, making money, having beautiful relationships, traveling the world, creating change, and helping the world being healthy and ultra fit and loving life,  or am I just going to sit back and feel depressed and anxious. It’s your choice, beautiful soul. Happiness is a choice. It’s all a choice. I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.


