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Star Magic Healing | Healing Crisis vs Healing Process | What To Expect


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, today’s message is about what you can potentially experience after an energy healing session. If you are a facilitator of healing, then it’s important that you inform your clients  and you let them know what they can potentially experience after you facilitated their healing.

A lot of people will say, well you know, once you’ve had a healing session, you’re going to go through an emotional healing crisis. I can’t stand that. I don’t think there’s anything worse that you could possibly say. You’re going to go through a healing crisis. What about a healing process? Because it is a process. Why would you want to kind of stamp that label, you know, into someone’s consciousness? Crisis doesn’t sound too good, does it? But everybody goes through a process.

Now we’re all unique individual human beings. We’re unique individual souls. We have many, many different layers of stuff that we’ve got to heal, work through, transmute, and shift so all humans go through a different healing process. What’s important is that you explain to your clients that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. A lot of people come for an energy healing session. They think, I’m going to feel amazing afterwards and, you know, sometimes you can feel amazing afterwards but then a few days later, you might have all this trauma surfacing. You might have anger, you might have guilt, and you might have pain. That could be a rejection. It could be fear like something’s rising in your consciousness and you’re feeling these energies and you can feel low at times and it’s not easy to deal with. Sometimes you can feel like this straight after a session, and then you start to fly and then you dip again, and it can be like a bit of an emotional rollercoaster like a process.

You’re clearing, you hit a plateau, you clear. Another level comes up. Once you drill into someone’s cells, once you drill into their consciousness, once you start to tap them on a soul level, on a light body level, on a on a DNA level, and you start to bring trauma up to the surface, it’s like flipping the lid of a bottle that’s been shaken up for thousands, potentially millions of years through many incarnations. Imagine, every single cell in the human body is like one of these bottles. You got 75 to 100 trillion little fizzy bottles that have been shaken like crazy and when you flip the lid off all those bottles during the healing session. All that fizzy pop, that toxicity, that trauma comes rushing to the surface.

Sometimes it comes up at once. Sometimes a load of it comes out and the rest comes out over a few weeks, a few days, or a couple of months. It’s different for everyone but what is important is that you let your clients know that they may go through this process and if you prepare them mentally, then it’s going to be much easier if they do come into a space where this stuff is shifting within them and this big cauldron of emotions is being stirred around, if that comes to them unexpectedly, it’s very easy for someone to tip and think the healing session was bad. The healer is dark, the healer is this. The number of times people have turned around and said, Jerry, your dark, Jerry you’re this, Jerry you’re the devil. Jerry, you know, Star Magic is full of darkness because we’re going into a healing session shifting their trauma and it’s coming to the surface and instead of taking personal responsibility and realizing this is their own stuff coming up, people like to point the finger.

A lot of humans don’t like to take responsibility, but that’s okay. It’s the way that it is. But as a responsible facilitator, it’s your responsibility to share the knowledge and the wisdom and let your clients know what may or may not happen. Explain to them that after the healing session, they’re like a caterpillar going into a chrysalis, and the caterpillar doesn’t know how long they’re going to be in the chrysalis for. Wrapped up tight in the darkness, not being able to move but the caterpillar accepts their position, and eventually they sit in the darkness for long enough and they emerge as a beautiful butterfly. Scientists have cut butterflies out from chrysalis before it’s time, and the wings aren’t strong enough, the butterflies, they can’t fly.

You see, being in the darkness it’s like being in the womb of the universe and you get this opportunity to grow. The darkness nourishes you and nurtures you. If you’re prepared to accept it and sit inside of it and eventually it will pass because all things do pass. You’re a human being with layers and healing can often be like peeling back the layers of an onion. Sometimes they can peel back fast, sometimes they peel back slow, and it doesn’t make you less or more of a human being, whether it’s fast or slow. It’s just the way that it is for you. What I always recommend to people is that they just go in hard.

You go as deep as you can on the healing session and shift as much about as you can and if you explain to your clients in the best way possible and prepare them mentally, psychologically for what may rise in their consciousness, everything’s going to be okay. If you just go in and hammer them with energy, you know, you go deep into that consciousness on a soul level and you start, bringing in soul fragments, soul aspects into healing, future aspects into healing, because we all know there’s no past and future in the field, right in the quantum field.

So, you start bringing these soul fragments into healing and the trauma-based experiences that are held in the quantum field from past, present, and future life experiences all come rushing to the surface and it can be painful sometimes. When people are releasing emotions, you can often get headaches, when the liver kicks out the toxicity, that toxicity often passes the brain first, and people can get headaches. If you’re working on a client and you’re working on their light body, pineal gland, Merkabah fields, different parts and components of their multi-dimensional light body, and you start to mathematically manipulate them in a positive way so they can hold more frequency and hold more light. That new frequency and that new light in the reconstructed light body or the components of the light body that you’ve brought online now start to enable the human being to bring more light through their physical system, their mental, emotional bodies, and their spiritual bodies.

That new light coming through is going to pass through the cells, and it’s going to clear, clear the cells out. There’s going to be no more room for those old programs. Those old programs are going to be deleted and as they’re deleted, the trauma from those programs is going to come to the surface and shift. It’s just a process. You are an amazing human, truly, truly phenomenal. Truly phenomenal. Go out into this world Beautiful Soul and shine that magical light, expand, and blow up your heart and let the frequency of love permeate every single human being’s energy field that you interact with. Love is the key. Love is the answer. Love is the question and as a powerful sovereign being, you’ve got to become a master of dark and light. Bring into the zero-point equilibrium. This is how you harness your power.

Healing is a part of this process to transmit those traumatic experiences into pure energy that you can house inside of you. Not get rid of, not chuck away, not run from, but transmute and bring into wholeness. This is how you experience formidable power; this is how you can really, truly help your clients. Wherever you are on the planet, Beautiful Soul, go out into the world and hug your sisters and your brothers, hug them so tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. You know that that’s the golden rule of hugging. Never let go first. Hug them forever if you have to.

Keep your heart open. Shine your light. Speak your truth. Honour yourself because you are the most important human being on planet earth. You are the most important soul in the whole multiverse. Honour and respect your truth, your magic, your light, if you want to truly under inner-stand the depths of energy healing, then go and check our website at

We have some of the best Ascension Tools on the planet. You can go and get free access to Infinity and all our Ascension Tools right now. You can go and get access to our online training, in-person training. We got five-, seven- and ten-day programs, go and check them out. You’ll see why the very best healers in the world are turning to Star Magic to take them to the next level and beyond. It’s magical and you’re magical and I love you like my sister or brother. I’ll see you soon Beautiful Soul.