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Energy Healing 101 | Why Healers Must Live In Wonder


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, let’s talk about energy, healing and being a healer or what I would prefer to call a facilitator of healing, or a facilitator of energy healing. Now, when you start off and you get into healing and you get some really good results with your clients, friends, family, whoever you’re working on, you get excited. Okay, and there’s this part of you that is like, wow, this is awesome and part of you can’t believe what you facilitated happens. You know, someone can have an injury, or a serious illness and it disappears, it transmutes, vanishes, and you’re like, man, that was beautiful. You know, like, it’s like pure magic right.

Now there’s this little part of you inside this little boy, this little girl that is so excited, your inner child is just thriving. This part of you, you want to maintain. You see a lot of healers, right, and they’ll get into healing. They’ll be excited and then it turns into a job, and they’re waking up and they go into work. Maybe they’re working from home, but they’re speaking to clients or they’re working and facilitating healing all day and what happens is they get into this kind of, like, mundane rut and they lose that magic. They lose that spark. They seem to lose that part of them that was excited and thrilled every time a little bit of magic or a so-called miracle takes place within the session, within the client that they’re working on. You never want to lose this.

Children are the best healers. The reason that they’re the best healers is because they have no preconceived ideas of what healing should be like. They drop into their heart. They start to play in the quantum field, with the colours, with the codes, with all of the stuff that is just presented and if you know about healing, you know that when you kind of drop into your heart and you connect, the universe shows you things in weird and wonderful ways, you might see a banana with blue wings and to someone who’s not been into healing might seem like a little bit strange, and an adult would be like, get that banana with wings out of my space,

I’m trying to heal this person. I’m trying to heal this human being. But a kid would be like, wow, look at that banana with wings and the child will start to play with it and if you ask a good question, like, hey, can I use this banana with wings to facilitate this healing for this incredible human being that I’m working on. Then the universe will show you how to use that banana with wings because the banana with wings isn’t really a banana with wings, it’s piece of code that can create healing.

So, if you maintain that mind-set of a child and everything is exciting and wonderful and beautiful and weird and then mystical, then you maintain this kind of wonderment and excitement in every healing session. And it’s that spark that joyful, playful spark that keeps you interested and keeps you exciting day in day out. You never want to lose that. Whenever I go into a healing session, the first thing I do is ask this question. Please show me something I don’t know to help me facilitate the healing of this incredible human being. When you ask that question, you never know what you’re going to see. You never know what you’re going to feel. You never know what you’re going to experience.

Whatever you see, feel or experience is the universe communicating with you and giving you the information, you need to help create the healing and then you’ve just got to keep asking good questions. Use your intuition, feel the situation out and play like a little kid and you will be able to facilitate miracles and magic for your clients, friends, family, yourself, whoever you want to work on, but you’ve got to maintain that connection like a child waiting for Santa Claus to come down the chimney they get excited, right? They get excited when it’s their birthday. They get excited about Easter, all these things.

Now, I’m not saying that for Christmas and Easter, we should buy into all that kind of mainstream stuff, but I’m just making a point. Children get excited. They’re in wonder. Children play from the moment that they can kind of experience reality, they play beyond the physical, and they play in the mystical. They’ve got these imaginary friends which aren’t imaginary. They’re playing out in the woods and in the fields with the fairies, with the Pixies, because they truly exist. They’re playing with the elemental kingdom; they see spirit beyond the physical in other frequency bands in the space around them.

What happens a lot of the time is parents close the children down. Oh, you just had a bad dream. Oh, stop being so silly. They’re just your imaginary friends. But we all know that imagination is reality. If you see something inside of your mind or in the space, it’s real on some level, so maintain that inner connection. Inside you is a little wizard, inside you is a little witch, and inside of you is a little alchemist. Inside you is a mini quantum architect. Inside of you is a little astrologer. Inside you is a little artist. Inside you, you have the potential to connect to multiple facets of reality where aspects of your soul are playing out in the quantum field, and you can bring them all back home into this now space to facilitate healing.

One of the reasons that a lot of energy healers struggle is because they’re so fragmented. If you want to master healing, you must be able to command all your energy into this now space. So, you’re supersonic powerful when you go to facilitate the healing. You don’t want pieces of you spread all over the place. You want to be here in the now space ready for action and children are like that, children are magical little beings. So be like a little child un-fragmented whole, full of love, full of joy, full of inspiration, full of pure magic and be excited and grateful when things unfold in your environments around you. A great way to cultivate this when you’re walking down the road, when you’re walking through town, when you’re driving, you know, through country lanes and there’s fields, whatever it is, be amazed that the hedgerows, be in awe of the trees.

Be grateful for your fellow sisters and human beings that you’re on planet Earth with. Look up into the skies and see the magic in the blue, the blueness of the sky. Be grateful for it. Every little thing. Flowers, blades of grass, animals. Be grateful, in wonder, in awe, in joy, in bliss, in ecstasy. Practice it, cultivate it. The more magic you cultivate, the more wonder you practice, the more of it will flow into your life and life will just get better and better. Your frequency will elevate, your heart will stay open, and the universe will give you more things to be grateful for, more things to be in awe of and your healing sessions will get better and better and better.

Wherever you are on this planet Beautiful Soul, go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Give them a great big heart and don’t be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging, love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon and remember to check out our website

We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet. We run five-, seven- and ten-day energy healing training experiences online and in person, and they are mind blowing. When you come to our training and you get to witness first-hand the kind of magic and miracles that I’m talking about, your life will never be the same because once you’ve witnessed it first-hand, you can never go back. You can never unsee what you’ve seen. You can never unsee what you’ve just witnessed. So come and join us on the other side. I’ll see you again real soon. Go shine that powerful, magical, beautiful light of yours and open that diamond heart. One Love, One Heart, One Human Family. Peace Out, Beautiful Soul.

“It just feels like I have been living with my eyes closed for a long time and finally, my eyes have opened. Now we are opening. That was amazing. It was powerful. We’ve seen things, experience, things that I’ve heard of but never seen. Incredible experiences and I love the group cohesion. Take my breath away. I thought it was like something like that. I realize that it’s like that.”