Winter Solstice Remote Group Healing – December 2023

Winter Solstice Remote Group Healing - December 2023

This section contains Winter Solstice Remote Group Healing – December 2023, Video for our Infinity Members who are Winter Solstice Remote Group Healing – December 2023 attendees.

If you have already attended this workshop, please contact for the access. If not, please buy the workshop from here.


Why Attend This Class?

Due to the massive success of our remote access healing sessions, that have been linked into live group healings sessions, we are taking it to a new level for the Winter Solstice.

Jerry will take you through a very similar process to our live Group Healing sessions, but online. During the day Jerry will be taking you on a journey filled with breath work, meditation, light language, frequency upgrades and healing. Spending 6 hours in this super potent container, is life changing. Combining it with the Solstice Frequencies, it will be a whole new level of love, connection, joy, inspiration, change, expansion, growth and freedom. Be on it!

This will be deeply transformational and the perfect way to end 2023 and prepare you for 2024.


Can You Radically shift Your Entire Life in 6 Hours?

Imagine a super-safe, high frequency container, that you can step into for 6 hours, knowing that when you come out the other side, your life will have radically changed. No more disease, injury, illness, anxiety, bad habits, worries and you were so connected to Source, to Love, that Abundance flowed into and through your life effortlessly. Would you have the courage to step into it, knowing that you will shift and transform so much?

Would you be willing to let the old-self die?

And a new version of you be re-born into this world?



Compressing Time

Due to the nature of the container that Jerry creates, time is compressed due to the velocity and charge of the energy inside the space and emotional, psychological, mental and physical shifts that can take months or years with contemporary healing, takes place in minutes and hours. Time and space collapse into each other and healing can be instantaneous.



Jerry will create an incredible container where you feel safe and can fully surrender to the process in store. Jerry will teach you an extremely powerful and effective breathing system that you will adopt throughout this 6-hour healing journey to amplify the whole experience. This breathing system is something you will be able to take into your life to continually change and evolve with.


Dissolve Old Programming

Human beings have a body and a brain and the body and brain are like a biological computer, and just like a computer accesses data streams from the internet, the human biological computer accesses data streams held in the quantum field, and on a cellular level inside the body. These data streams are both positive and negative. The negative data streams are programmes having detrimental effects on a person’s life. During the group healing Jerry will administer a very specific healing technique on each Soul in the room to delete the old programming and install new and empowering programmes that heal, elevate and expand the person’s life. Make sure you tell your loved ones that a new you is coming home.


Biological Upgrade

What you experience during this 6-hour healing journey is mind blowing. Please come with an open mind. You will witness people having radical life changing experiences where they shake, bend, twist, scream, cry, laugh and unleash huge amounts of deep-rooted trauma that has been controlling their behaviour and ruining their life up until this consciousness shift. You will experience this too. Your bodily reaction is simply the result of a biological upgrade taking place and new frequency streams moving through the body to bring it into balance.


Key to Health & Abundance

Every Soul on Earth is designed to feel vibrant, healthy, happy, joy-filled and abundant always. As you go through your own healing, your heart and brain will be brought into coherence and your energy field will expand and shift, creating a potent magnetic field around your body that will magnetise new experiences into your reality. People that come to our group healing experiences start manifesting quickly and efficiently because the old self dies during the session and a healthy, worthy, curious, love filled, childlike self leaves the session and enters the world on a completely different frequency and like an alchemist re-creates their new life very quickly.