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Why Do I Fall Asleep When I Meditate? | Star Gates & Ascension


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, I wanted to answer a question today, an important question, and it’s a question that I get asked all the time. You know, we’re doing online activations and meditations all the time with our tribe members at Star Magic and one of the main questions is why do I fall asleep during meditation? People email in this question all the time. They ask it on our podcasts, on our interactives, on our webinars, especially people that are new to the tribe and not used to the frequency.

Now, there are many different types of meditation, you know, I mean, you could be meditating 24/7, 365 whilst you are walking around with your eyes open. Just going about life. If you’re looking around and there’s no thoughts in your head and you’re just observing everything with no labels and judgment you’re in meditation. You can lie down and close your eyes and be the observer of your space. Just breathing deeply. You can enter meditation that way, sitting, lying, standing. You can put some music on. You can let the music take you on the journey. You can put a guided meditation on whoever’s guiding you. They take you on the journey.

The kind of meditations that we do in Star Magic, we’re bringing in extremely potent light frequencies. Now, before we get onto that, one very simple reason that human beings can fall asleep during meditation is just because they’re tired. You know, if you shattered and you lie down and you start to breathe deeply, before you know it, you’re in dreamland and you don’t even realize that you’ve crossed over. You just disappeared and it’s not until you wake up that you realize you went to sleep. Okay. That is one simple way where people, human beings could fall asleep during meditation.

When we’re talking about bringing in potent light frequencies from other frequency bands, dimensional spaces, then the reason people fall asleep during these activations and meditations is because they can’t handle the frequency. It’s that simple. Now, that’s not a good thing or a bad thing. It’s just the way that it is right now and wherever you are right now, you can build on that. You can make this a stronger, more fully functioning vessel. Exercise, nutrition, Qigong, breath-work, all these things. Eating clean foods.

The stronger and more effective and efficient your body is, it is the home of your soul, the easier it’s going to be for you to run these off-planet frequencies, not just off planet frequencies, but frequencies that are coming in from you know, the planetary grids, the architecture down in the Earth, the architecture all around us. You know, there’s many kinds of opportunities for us to draw in frequency light code light data from the empty space. If you look at a plug, right? If you run too much electricity through a plug, the fuse goes. If you run too much electricity data information, you know, during a download meditation through a human, they shut down. They go to sleep. They don’t necessarily blow a fuse but the electrical circuits in the body can’t handle the frequency and they go under.

Quite often when you go under, if you’re in a meditation, a guided one, if you’re in one of the Star Magic meditations and I’m guiding you, when I’m bringing you back in at the end, five, four, three, two, one, zero, you’ll wake up and then you’re like, wow, I didn’t even realize that I’d gone to sleep. Your subconscious is with the meditation the whole time, so you never lose out on the download. That’s the other thing people always ask. I fell asleep, will I still get the activation? Well, most of the time, yes. If you’re in the correct space, you’re going to receive the frequency.

There are times on certain activations where your physical body plays a part in it through breath, through intention. Now your inner highest self can step in and work with that intention for you and sometimes that can be enough but there are sometimes when you might have to go back and do the meditation again, replay the activation of the recording to get what you need out of it.

Now, if you’re one of these humans that keeps falling asleep during activations, during meditations, you’ve just got to strengthen up your electrical system and you’ve got to strengthen up what houses is your electrical system and that is your body. So, you always hear me harping on about exercise. You always hear me harping on about breath-work and jumping in cold showers and eating the right foods and looking after your body. You know, I can’t stress enough it’s one of the most important things you can do.

You see on this spiritual journey, a lot of people that are flying around in the ether, they’re up there in the cosmos, they’re out of their body, flying through the cosmic fabric and having experiences with other beings, downloading information. Some people haven’t got a clue what they’re doing and they’re connecting with beings that aren’t so positive and they’re downloading negative frequencies, negative geometry, but that’s a part of the learning process, the remembering process.

Unfortunately, some people don’t learn and don’t remember, and they stay stuck. Other people, they work it out. But people are flying through the ether, you know, just journeying and having a wild time. But this isn’t productive, either. We’re human beings in a physical body, and we have to ground these frequencies down into our body and into this now space. When you’re flying around too much, you can get caught up in those high frequency electrical energies and you can become a little bit lightheaded, a little bit dizzy, a little bit kind of like floaty and that’s dangerous because then it’s easy for other frequencies to tap your field and manipulate you.

I’m not saying that you never want to leave your body and go traveling, because I do it regularly and a lot of other people do but we’re doing specific things. We’re going on specific journeys. We’re connecting and traveling to specific activation chambers or grid points, and we’re doing work and we’re coming back safely, efficiently, and effectively. This is something that we share on our Level three training in complete and utter detail inside and out. How to navigate the quantum field because it’s an art form, it’s a skill set and the thing is, every single human being on planet Earth has the potential to own that skillset. Just takes a little bit of practice and a little bit of guidance and a little bit of work to journey deep into your heart and remember this skill set but you’ve got to put the work in, you see, you’ve got to put the work in.

When you stop falling asleep in meditation, you know you’re expanding, you know your vessels are getting stronger. You know that your electrical system can handle more information, more light, more code, more data and more geometry and that’s when, you know, you grow and evolve. If we’re going to do the work that we came to planet Earth to do, to be able to bring our consciousness back into the zero point and then shoot through this Stargate structure network out from this environment, then we’re going to have to do this work. You haven’t really got a choice. Well, you have got a choice. The choices that you don’t go through this ascension process and you stay here on this prison planet, in this prison planet environment and eventually you turn back to Stardust but if you’re watching this video and you’re listening to me right now, I truly feel that you’re the kind of human being that wants to be successful and navigate this human journey and enable yourself to travel either pull your consciousness through or pull your consciousness and your physical body through the star gates and out of this system and go somewhere else.

So, start working on yourself now. Get your physical body strong, eat the right stuff, do the meditations, do the activations. One thing I would recommend to Souls that fall asleep is to meditate standing. To be honest with you, when I meditate, standing. I get the best activations. When you’re standing up and you’re meditating, you become a lot more present and aware because you realize on that deep level that you’re standing and it’s a lot harder to go under. Now the frequencies can still put you under.

We’ve done large standing meditations in workshops in different parts of the world, and I’ve seen people in standing meditation hit the deck. It happens. They’re there fully present and the frequencies come in, they go. I remember when I was in China with my translator. I downloaded these frequencies into everybody, and as the frequencies came in, they obviously went into her too. She hit the deck. I was in Turkey with a translator who sat on the chair next to me doing this meditation. She just falls off the chair onto the floor during a download.

It happens, okay. So, you must decide that you want to do this work. You have to put the effort in, you got to dig deep, and you’ve just got to stick with it and don’t get annoyed that you keep falling asleep. Challenge yourself, go in again, keep working, try sitting, and try standing. Try these different types of meditation and don’t do it. Once a day, do it too often. You know, in the Star Magic Meditation Library inside Infinity, our membership section, we got hundreds of meditations ranging from 5 minutes to three and four hours.

So, you can start doing five-minute meditations to tune into this frequency, start getting used to holding a five-minute meditation, and then going to do a ten-minute meditation and 15, then 20, and start building and building it. Remember, life is a game of steppingstones, and as long as you’re stepping, you’re moving forwards. You know, you don’t go out and build a castle. You lay the first brick and then you come back and lay the second brick. Eventually you get a wall and then a fence and then you stick a roof, but don’t forget the foundation that goes in first. Eventually you’ve got a castle and then a king and to create your kingdom, you’ve got to keep stepping. The moment you stop stepping is the moment you start to slide backwards. That is not an option for a superhuman like you.

Remember you’re a galactic titan from the stars that came to this planet to elevate and expand beyond measure, to enjoy your time here, to have fun because it is a beautiful planet and there’s so much to do. At the same time, you want to be a high-vibrational being, ready for action, full of courage, confidence, wisdom, ready to move forwards and change direction never in fear, only in love. Wherever you are on this planet, Beautiful Soul, go out and hug your sisters and your brothers so tightly hug them so, so tightly and remember, never be the first to let go. Love them fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website  We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. Go and shine that light, live your truth, never back down and keep moving and I’ll see you again real soon.



