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The Battlefield Of Life Is Your School Of Excellence


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, the battlefield of life is your school of excellence. Powerful, strong, sharp swords are forged in the burning fires of the furnace. Diamonds are created under the massive pressure of mountains, crushing, and compounding that earth for millions of years. Until that diamond in the rough starts to emerge as a glitzy, shining, beautiful, high frequency stone. Steel sharpens steel.

If you want to become better at what you do, you’ve got to mix with those at the top of their game, not hide away and shy away under a rock somewhere. You’ve got to walk to the edge of the cliff, and you’ve got to jump off. You’ve got to grow your wings on the way down. It doesn’t matter where you are in this world and what you’re doing right now. You have to make a choice and that choice is either I’m going to pull back and stand on the side-lines or I’m going to get stuck in and be all that I can be.  I might suffer a few bumps and a few bruises. I might take a few knock backs. But you know what? I’m going to get back up and I’m going to keep going.

I’m never going to fail because I’m never going to stop. I’m just going to keep mastering my craft and elevating and expanding and keep climbing until I get to where I know I can be. Once they get there, I’m going to go to the next mountaintop, because I know that there’s more magic, there’s more levels, there’s more to unlock, there’s more to unleash.

You see those that are at the top of their game, they never settle. Once they climb the mountain, they acclimatize and then go again, and they will never, ever, ever settle. They might be happy. They might be grateful for where they got to, where they’re going, where they’ve been. But ultimately, they’re always going to try and strive for something extra. That’s what makes us human. It doesn’t mean that it’s bad that you need more. You want more. You don’t want more because you’re greedy. You want more because you want to go to the next level of your game.

If you’re a sprinter, you want to be faster. If you’re a boxer, you want to punch hard, move better. If you’re an artist, you want to paint better, draw better. There are different perspectives on every single situation and to be the best you can be, you must uncover every single perspective. I will tell you now, there are infinite perspectives for every situation. So, your work is never done. You are an amazing Beautiful Soul. You are truly, truly, truly powerful, magical, and phenomenal and all of the answers to all of your questions lie inside this life compass, your heart. Just take the deep dive. Jump off that cliff. Fortune favours the brave.

Wherever you are on this magical planet, go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go, ever. Love fiercely and ferociously and I will see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website We’ve got some of the best Ascension tools on the planet. Hundreds of meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, high frequency nutritional recipes, masterclasses and so much more.

Make sure you’re cold showering, doing your headstands, doing your cosmic yoga. Make sure you’re doing your Chi-Gong and drinking your own urine and meditating and doing all those things that turn you into a superhuman. Stay disciplined. Stay focused because that creates freedom. I’ll see you again real soon. Go and be an amazing Beautiful Soul. Shine that light and dampen that sparkle for no one. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out Beautiful Soul.

Infinity is the Ultimate Ascension Toolkit. We have life changing meditations to heal illness and disease. Enhance business performance and heal relationships. You can access them at home or on the move. Your vibration will rise as you connect deeply. You have access to short yoga routines that will activate you in different ways. Cosmic yoga to activate your third eye, open your heart and your crown chakra, help you sleep better and much more. The instructions are easy to follow and carefully explained. Your mind, body and soul will be brought into perfect alignment.

There are a large variety of high vibrational recipes that are quick to prepare breakfast lunches, dinners, snacks, desserts, shakes and smoothies. You can make for yourself or the whole family. The food is healthy, tasty, and fun to create. You can choose from a selection of light codes and light language transmissions. Light language is the language of the soul, and our super powerful transmission will expand your consciousness and turbocharge your vibration.

At the same time, the visual light codes will activate your pineal gland and switch on your body’s natural potential. There are complementary healing sessions uploaded regularly. As a valued member, you can access them 24 seven to heal. There are private healings geared towards different mental, physical, and emotional issues. Any deep pain will be brought to the surface and healed so you can live a happy life. There are also monthly two-hour interactive masterclasses where you will discover the latest information on healing and transformation and top tips for the month. New codes and frequencies are shared that you can apply in your life to go deeper on your journey.

This is a one stop shop for your healing and ascension requirements. If you want to be a high-vibrational human, happy, full of joy, totally healthy, full of vibrancy and vitality, then Infinity is a must. You get seven days free with unlimited access to make sure it’s for you. See you on the inside, Beautiful Soul.



