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Message for Star Seeds. This is how you follow your body’s natural resonance, heal, and shift humanity into a higher state of consciousness.

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So, how do we shift the collective heal our emotional body and change the resonance of our global human family? How do we do it? I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?

This planet is crazy, beautiful man. We’re so blessed to be down here at this time in this space going through what we’re going through and just riding this magical carpet and I want to just say you’re awesome. I love you and I’m so blessed to be here in this space and sharing with you right now. The message I want to share with you today is about resonance and frequency and mother nature and how we as a human species can truly recalibrate and be on path with everything that is flowing through our universe in the most positive and passionate way.

Now what a lot of people do is they try and think their way through situations, and we all know how destructive the mind can be. When we feel our way through life it’s much easier. A lot of people they try and reframe situations, they try and recreate their thoughts and recreate reality inside of their minds and that can have a positive effect on your external environment when you infuse it with highly charged emotions and natural Communication but that is old school. That isn’t the way that we’re truly going to create the reality that we want to create. When we work with our own body’s natural frequency and our own resonance we naturally communicate like plants and flowers and trees do with their environments, with mother nature, with the stars, with everything around us.

The space is so rich and bountiful. What we often do as humans is we f*** nature up. Okay this is the truth. Now there are some people, companies, out there in the world and when they go and build houses for example they communicate with the ground, they communicate with nature, they communicate with the environment, and they ask is this the right place to build, is this the right way to build into the land, into the soil. Should I chop these trees down, should I remove these trees and place them somewhere else. This is conscious building. A lot of people just chop off mountain tops and strip down trees and burn down forests so they can go and build grey’s cow or whatever madness they want to do. You’ve only got to go back to 2004 which wasn’t that long ago when that tsunami came across the beach and killed many tourists. Those hotels at the top of those beaches were built on mango groves. Mother earth was just reclaiming her land.

We’ve got to be conscious in our approach to life and what we’ve got to do is return to nature. So, what do I mean by this? What we’ve got to do is to feel our way through life and be like mother nature if you go out into the woods or into the forest or into the jungle. You don’t see trees fighting with each other about how they’re going to grow the clouds, never fight with the earth when it’s time to rain. The earth is never annoyed saying you know I don’t want to feel any rain right now. The rain just accepts that this is time to rain. When the sun comes out and shines light on the whole planet. It’s only us humans that sometimes moan it is too flipping hot. It’s crazy, you know when the sun comes out be grateful, when the rain comes out be grateful, when it’s cloudy be grateful. Enjoy the process of nature, your life compass.

Now if we can turn inwards into our own magical divine cosmic heart, into our centre and start to use this this tool which is like your life compass, it will always lead you in the direction of your dreams. It doesn’t mean that it’s going to be easy because it leads you through chaos and challenges and you know you must overcome certain things and quite often it seems scary or dangerous or there’s no way through this situation but if you just keep moving forwards, anything the universe furnishes you with the skill sets or you learn or remember the skill sets as you navigate the situation. So, nothing is ever too difficult, but your heart leads us in this  crazy ride to discover our life mission and become all of who we are and to discover why we came to planet earth as these magical galactic titans, as these spiritual beings, these extraterrestrial beings.

Home is your Heart coming to planet earth to remember what it’s like to return home which seems a bit backward in one sense why would we want to come home when we’ve gone somewhere to just find our way back, but home is our hearts, home is inside. This is where all the knowledge and wisdom lie, this is where all the answers to all your questions are. You’re not going to find it in a textbook you’re not going to find it anywhere outside of yourself because outside of yourself it’s just going to point you back into your heart. Everything external are just signposts and opportunities and directions you’re being redirected back into your soul to look inside of yourself to realize that you’re the power, you’re the question, you’re the answer. You’re the reason you came here.

Life is magical but we’ve got this heart okay and when we listen to our heart, and we tap into our own feelings. Listen to your heart. We connect with our own resonance and when we connect with our own resonance and our own vibratory fields, we can feel our way through life. Sometimes it’s good to sit still, sometimes it’s perfect to act but when we listen to our body’s resonance we start to flow with life and sometimes that could be mean going hell to leather. Sometimes it could be mean kicking back, sitting back on a sunbed, lying down in the trees, in the forest, and doing nothing. It just depends on where you’re at and what you’ve got to achieve but your heart knows these answers. But a lot of us are trying to figure things out logically and the minds can be so destructive because we have eighty-two thousand, eighty to ninety thousand thoughts every single day. On a subconscious level these patterns and programs are running our life.

The mind is destructive but when we come from here down into here, we start to feel our way through life. We create a longer space, or we create more space between us, and what is happening in our external environment, when you’re in your head there’s a 0.25 second window between stimulus and response. So, if you’re bouncing around up here quite often, you’re reacting in a negative way but when you’re down in your heart you can feel and you know with clarity which way you should move or maybe you shouldn’t move at all. Maybe you should sit still for a bit, but the heart is our resonance, our vibratory field. Vibratory fields are created by these magnetic and electromagnetic frequencies flowing out from our heart. So, when we connect to this we start to feel and be like nature. We start to be like the trees and the bushes and the forests. They just grow and they get along. They interweave with each other, and everything is natural.

As I said you never see the trees arguing. You never see the dolphins argue with the whales in the ocean, inside our heads they’re just swimming along inside the same space. Their environment in the ocean is designed in such a way that everything just flows and life itself is supposed to be like that but we’re inside our heads trying to figure things out. As I said you can recreate reality inside of your mind and there is a perfect way to do that which I’m going to come on to. But when you are in your minds and you’re recreating reality from a jumbled perspective when there’s all these thoughts flying around. There is no coherence between your minds and your hearts, and you make ‘shitty’ decisions. Now if you want to create from your minds and you want to recreate reality the first thing you’ve got to do is to empty your mind.

Take an artist for example. An artist never goes to work and paint on a dirty old canvas. The artist sets up the easel, gets a beautiful clean canvas and then goes to work and creates a beautiful piece of art, sometimes worth billions of dollars, euros, or pounds. It’s not about money, okay. It’s just a beautiful work of art but yeah, it’s worth a ton to some people because the price of art is really governed by the value of the person perceiving it and your life and the value of your life is governed by the person experiencing it and that my friend is you. That’s why you’ve got to value your own life and that’s why you must become like an artist if you want to create the perfect life. You want to reconstruct reality inside of your minds, breathe deeply. You’ve got to breathe deeply into your core. You’ve got to silence the mind, observe the thoughts inside of it, and detach from them, and empty the space in your head. Make it like a pristine canvas and then you can go to work and recreate and create new realities inside of your mind. Live it because the subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s inside and what’s outside and then you emotionally charge this with love, with joy, with bliss, because inside here when you’re living it becomes just as real as your external environment if not more real.

Now you are a quantum architect, and you get the choice to build and create the reality inside of your mind to signal new genes inside of your body, to communicate with your DNA.  Your DNA is like  a computer script, like computer code. You’ve got six foot of DNA inside every single cell. If you take all this DNA out of one cell and unravel it and stick it together or just unravel it because it’s already stuck together, it’s about six feet long. If you get all the cells in your body and stick all that DNA together, you’re looking at around 10 billion miles, the distance from one side of our solar system to the other and back again. Data, that’s crazy. You can download 35 000 terabytes of data onto all that DNA. This is how incredible you are, beautiful soul.  This is how incredible I am, in every single one of our sisters and brothers DNA template, the ones of us that are human anyway that have this DNA structure, this DNA template, DNA blueprint. There are others you know walking amongst us that aren’t quite like us, but we don’t need to go there in this video. What’s important is you know that you have this potential inside of you, your potential.

So, whatever script whatever code is inside of your DNA running programs creating reality, you’ve got two choices. Number one is you go into your head, you clear it and you start to recreate reality inside of your mind and then you charge it with love, with joy, with bliss, with ecstasy and then your mind starts to communicate with your body because they’re intrinsically linked and then it communicates with your cells and your DNA and you start to rewrite these programs. The Fastest Way, that way works, but the fastest way is to go directly to the heart and start to feel your own bodily resonance and feel your own frequency and start to feel your way through life and become like nature. We’re not just bones, muscles, and organs wrapped in a bag of skin and separate from everything else.  We are connected by energy, we’re connected by photons, by information, by light. We are magical, code, geometry.

We are so magical, this planet’s so magical and the entire universe is so magical. It’s one big geometrical mathematical equation and we’re humans running around in this physical form interfacing with each other downloading and uploading, sharing, and receiving with each other 24/ 7 365. We’re sharing with the trees, with the plants, with the animals, with the oceans, with the sky, with the ground, with each other, with everything, with celestial beings in space and this beautiful celestial being that we’re bouncing around on. This green and blue ball we call home. Start to feel your way through life, vibrate on this resonant frequency of your heart and I guarantee you that we’ll raise the Mother Nature collective frequency because we’ll become nature again. We’ll flow with the human resonance; those high vibrational octaves of light will raise our vibration and we’ll become one. We’ll become mother nature. We’ll connect with each other at a deeper level. Love will drive us; love will guide us. The rest is history, baby.

Wherever you are on this planet go out and hug tightly. Never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Love fiercely and ferociously. If you enjoyed this video tap the notifications button to make sure you’re in tune and notified of the next bit of content. Check out our website We’ve got some amazing ascension tools. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Thank you for watching. I love you so much. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.