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Powerful Meditation I Becoming Nothing & Remembering Everything


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Wherever you are on this magical planet, close your eyes and breathe into your magical body, and just be here for a moment and feel. Breathe deeper and longer and slower. Feel your body. Feel your energy. Feel your heart. Your cells. This space around your body and know that you deserve this time and space to kick back. To relax. To elevate. To upgrade.

Breath in through your nose all the way down to the pits of your stomach. And back out through your mouth. Long, slow, deep breaths and as you are breathing into your body, your powerful, extraordinary, magical body, you’ll become aware of a crystal white light full of fluorescent green codes flowing in through the walls, down through the ceiling, up through the floor. This powerful high frequency crystal white and fluorescent green light flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of you in a clockwise direction over your head. Underneath, your feet, around your chest, around your back, swirling, getting brighter and stronger, swirling around the outside of your physicalness. Like a powerful crystal white and fluorescent green tornado.

You start to breathe this frequency in. You breathe it in through your nose, up into your mind. It flows into your left brain, into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skill, down through your head. Your face, your neck, your throat, through your shoulders, your chest and back. It flows through your spinal column, middle, back, lower back into your buttock, through your heart, to your lungs, your rib cage, down through every vital organ, through your hips, your groin. It swirls through your thighs and your hamstring down through your knees. Your calves, past your shins into your ankles, through your feet, all the way to the tips of your toes. It moves through your shoulders, down your arm, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers, and thumbs.

Continue to breathe in this powerful light, this healing frequency until the inside of your body is completely full at the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind, say thank and keep breathing as these lights flow through every cell, every atom, every molecule, every fibre of your entire being. Your cells dance and smile, communicating with each other like one big happy family. Your heart expands and expands and expands filling up your chest, expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body and into the empty space as the light from your own soul illuminates your environment and the love from your own heart amplifies that love frequency.

It grows and expands 360 degrees in all directions and your chest, your shoulders, your back, your arms, your stomach, they feel like they’re melting, getting lighter and lighter and lighter as your neck and your throat feel like they’re dissolving. Your chin, your cheeks, the back of your head feel like they are dissolving. Weightless, nothingness. Your arms, elbows, forearms, wrists, hands feel like they are melting, becoming nothing. Your fingers, your thumbs. They dissolve into the space, your hips, your buttocks, your groin. They get lighter and lighter and dissolve. Your thighs, your hamstrings, your knees. Weightless. They dissolve into this space as your knees turn into liquid light along with your calves and your shins and your ankles and your feet. The energy flows like liquid plasma as your feet and toes melt into space. The top of your head. Weightless. Nothingness. You become pure frequency as your consciousness expands and expands and expands. You feel more and more space within you, around you, as within you and around you become one pure energy.

As your heart continues to expand, way out into the distance as time and space collapse within each other and everything solid merges with its environment and the environment merges with everything solid. You realize that love is all there is. Energy, frequency so pure, so divine.

Light language transmission

As your consciousness expands and flows and floats in this infinite sea of possibility you realize that the building blocks of life of the universe are intangible, weightless and are contained in the very fabric of silence within and upon waves of energy, harmonics, vibration.

Light language transmission

As you vibrate. As you flow, infinite throughout the multiverse, you can be anywhere and everywhere within no time at all because time does not exist. You are beyond time, and you are the space. Within this environment of nothingness, you are a creator, a wizard, a witch, an alchemist. You are pure code, mathematics vibrating yourself into existence within this infinite field of ecstasy, of love, of joy, curiosity, and wonder. There are no rules, just choices. Frequency, light, quantum spikes within an ocean of more quantum sparks.

Light language transmission

As you bounce and vibrate and expand unfolding out from the zero-point knowing that nothing matters. You are the game master and the game and it’s impossible to lose and it’s impossible to win. All you can do is play and get played. Enjoying the experience as the experiencer and the experience. You are a kaleidoscope of colours that have no meaning and yet mean everything, that have no substance, yet have the power to create worlds, galaxies, and universes.

Light language transmission

As you expand and expand and expand knowing that contraction is an impossible scenario when you are vibration harmony, energy frequency, consciousness, and as you vibrate, expanding and expanding, realizing and knowing the planets and stars, suns and moons, celestial bodies throughout the multiverse are inside every single cell of this aspect of reality that we call a human body and this aspect of reality we call a human body is a mirror image of the galaxy of the multiverse. Everything is connected. Our human body, just like the multiverse, is a giant mycelium network, super connected, beyond measure, beyond thoughts, beyond emotion, the intangible and the tangible zero-point, time and space collapses and as you vibrate with these in truth, vibrating in every cell of your body, you start to feel this magnetizing pull, as your expanded field of awareness vibrates throughout all time and space, and at the same time inside your physical body, you start to become aware of the vibration in your bones, the tingle in your cells, the frequency in every muscle.

We’re going to count from five back to six zero. When we get to zero, open your eyes. Come back into this space and just be. Take your time. There is no hurry. Five, four, three, two, one, zero. Whenever you’re ready, open your eyes. Come back into this space and just be. Take your time There’s no hurry. You are incredible. Super Sonic. Thank you for being here awesome souls.



