Multidimensional Abundance Grids

Multidimensional Abundance Grids


This section contains Multidimensional Abundance Grids workshop video for our Infinity Members who are Multidimensional Abundance Grids workshop attendees.

If you have already attended this workshop, please contact for the access.


Multidimensional Abundance Grids

If you really want to bring abundance into your business, then you need to know how to create energetic grid structures that keep the energy moving and ensure the right clients step into your space of business, either in person or online.

The is a very specific structure that works every time. During this workshop you will be shown how to create and implement it so your business grows.



You will be shown how to clean your grids to keep the energy flowing as from time to time your business blueprint will pick up unwanted frequencies. Detecting those frequencies is mission critical and clearing more so. You will be given the codes to do this.



Every time you experience an upgrade as a human being and your energy shifts, your business will suffer as there is a frequency mismatch. You will need to adjust the business frequency to match yours so the original abundance grid continues to magnetise and the business flourishes, using your upgraded energy potential. You will be shown exactly how to do this quickly.


Running Codes

There are certain energy patterns and frequency models that work and others that don’t. Keeping your business plugged into the correct grids is if the upmost important.



We all need a little break from time to time, but what happens when you take a break? Usually, your business slows if you are your business. Having the correct holographic structures in place to keep your business thriving when you are on holiday is extremely important.


Meditation & Activation

Jerry will guide through a series of guided meditations that you can plug into and use on a constant go forward basis, any time you wish to work on your business.