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Mark’s Metastasis Prostate Cancer Gone


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Hello, my name is Mark Orxa, and I want to say a few words about star magic, Jerry, and how much it’s helped me. In July I fell down, broke my arm, and found out it was cancerous, and then with more diagnosis I found out I had metastatic prostate cancer in all my bones.

I went to a seminar in Costa Mesa, California. At that point in time, I was wearing a catheter for a week because my prostate had swollen beyond golf ball size and it was not allowing any bodily functions to take place, and I was in a wheelchair, almost bound to a wheelchair, I could not walk.

I went to his seminar and all the processes that we went through, the breathing exercises, I was bound and determined to try something. Jerry spent some time with me during the thing. Basically, I’ve gotten myself totally healed. As a result, my PSA which was a bad thing for prostate cancer was a 25, and now my PSA is a 1.9, which is for a middle-aged man like for my son.

So, I am thankful to Jerry, and I’ll always have part of him in my life. I haven’t been felt this good since I was in a wheelchair in August and if Jerry didn’t help me get my head on right and tell me what I had to do and how tough I had to get, I don’t know that I’d be where I am today. I might not even be here.