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Immortal DNA Codes | Light Body Activation


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?

So come into this space with me. Be still, open your heart, and let us connect as I share this immortal transmission with you. You are an immortal being, an infinite being. You are light, sound frequency, code, mathematics. Be in this space and breathe into your body as I open my heart and connect with you in this space.

Light language transmission

As a crystal blue stream of light flows down through your crown and into your heart full of galactic activation codes. Boom. They explode in your physical body as your heart expands and expands and expands past the boundaries of your physical body and through the empty space as this immortal frequency rises from the depths of every cell in your physical being.

You are amazing, beautiful soul. Go out into this world and shine your light.

“It is amazing to feel the upgrades almost instantaneously as this energy integrates into the cells and into the DNA. You feel this openness, this expansiveness. That is just unbelievable and yeah, it’s hard. You cannot even control the shakes; you cannot even control the feeling almost like a full body orgasm. In a sense, where it is, like wow what is going on, but it is so enjoyable at least for me it was. It is just what I feel when these activations are taking place.

The limitations that I once had for myself that were conditioned from society and my own belief patterns, I feel these limitations are just shedding, each layer is shedding. It just comes with this expansiveness, and it is like I am shaking talking about it because it’s still the energy moving through me. It is just incredible so thank you so much. It’s beautiful. If you think about it like a belief system, an information stream, or a program so as the new light comes in and the new data comes in. it literally is stripping out the old layers of programming you know, and like you say it falls away. It literally does fall away so yeah super cool man, yeah, thanks for sharing that bro thank you bro.”