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How To Tap Universal Potential | Access The Quantum Field


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How would you like to thrive on this planet? There is a unique code. Everything in this universe is codes and when you know how to access this code and tap the raw data, the building blocks of the universal fabric, you can change anything on a subatomic level, and that can manifest in the physical very quickly.

Human beings have a body and a brain, and that body and brain is literally like a biological computer, and that biological computer, it taps information. It downloads information and it downloads the information that it is plugged into like a computer is tapped into the internet. So, it can access the information that’s on the Internet. It can access information that is on hard drives and USB sticks. Just like your computer downloads information from the hard drives, the USB sticks, the internet, so does the human body download information from past life experiences, present day life experiences, even future life experiences.

In the quantum field, everything is now. There is no past, present and future. We literally are like biological computers, and when you know how to access the codes that operate the biological computer, you can rewrite. You can re-engineer the codes in every single human being. You can change anything from health to finances to relationships. You can turn an unconfident human being into a confident one. You can turn someone who struggles with finances into a human being where abundance flows through their life very easily. We weave this magical code into every light language transmission, every guided meditation, every cosmic yoga video, every masterclass

Everything we do at Star Magic inside our Infinity App has this magical code woven through it. So, you can change your life right now and what I want to do is to offer you seven days free access to our meditation challenge. You can go into this meditation challenge and activate. You can bring beautiful and abundant relationships into your life that fill you full of magic, that make you glow from the inside out. Happiness and joy will be your natural default state when you wake up every single morning. That is how we should be beautiful soul. Life should be magical. It’s important that we take full advantage of everything at our disposal, and being a biological computer, it’s important that you have the opportunity to rewrite the code that is operating in your life right now.

The question is, are you ready to change? Are you ready to shift? Are you ready to step into a new and empowering reality where magic, abundance, love, sovereignty is associated with your very presence, with your very name, with who you are, the core of your being, a spiritual being having a human experience. It’s time to catalyse that vortex of love, and I will see you on the inside. Go and access these potent, short, and powerful meditations. Right now, your vibration will rise. Your consciousness will expand. Your energy levels will go through the roof. Let’s do this beautiful soul. Click the link and I’ll see you on the inside.



