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Crack In Her Face Disappeared – Incredible Healing


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I met a lady. She’d been punched in the face by her husband 20 years previously. She had a dent in her facial structure. She’d been to specialists. She’d had facial reconstruction surgery, but the dents, the hole in her cheek bone was still there. I worked on this lady with Star Magic and the bone, the dents have completely reformed. That may sound a little but farfetched. That may sound like something out of a storybook or a movie, but this is Star Magic. Star Magic is powerful.

“Today, he just called out to someone who has a broken bone and I’ve had this injury. I was punched in the face. So, my zygomatic was cracked and we did do a surgery, but you could make out there was a dent, this side of my face and Jerry worked with me for maybe two minutes or 1 don’t know, five. I think after 15 minutes, someone said your face has changed. So, I touched the side of my face and I can not feel the crack, I’m amazed. Wow. How was this even possible? I’m so, so grateful. Thank you so much.”

The Star Magic training experience is five days with two free bonus days. I will train you personally and show you how to heal broken bones, fibromyalgia, heart disease, life-threatening diseases, and illnesses, and so much more. I will show you how to get fast, rapid, and lasting results in your client’s lives. There’s been no better time on planet earth to build a healing business, especially an online distance healing business. Your whole world becomes your marketplace and business thrives. Go to now. Download our course prospectus and fully understand the opportunity so you can see and realize why the very best healers in the world are all coming to Star Magic.



