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Energy Healing Secrets I Activate Your Christed Light and Heal Multiple Soul Aspects


In this video, Jerry shares a powerful healing transmission to bring multiple soul aspects into healing and activate the Christed Light within you. You have so much power and this power lies in balance. Bringing both negative and positive polarities into equilibrium, both dark and light. You carry the magnetic power to transmute all things through love. Its time to be that love and stand in your Christed Light!

The quantum field is an energetic architecture that can be changed in any way shape or form, using codes and frequencies. Healing should be fast. It shouldn’t take time and when you know how to play with the cosmic fabric, all things are possible. Energy healing should be easy. It should also be fun. If you want to be able to facilitate the energy healing sessions of others, listen to and watch the full Energy Healing Secrets Video Series. Preparation is the most important part of the energy healing puzzle. The higher your vibration, the clearer you are, and the more light that is available in your physical body and your light body, the more of a powerhouse you will become. The frequency of the heart is mission-critical to all energy healing sessions. This energy healing protocol is very much needed for effective distance healing. Distance healing is no harder or easier than hands-on healing and using a hologram makes it even easier. Discover and use these energy healing secrets and become a powerful energy healer. if you want to be a powerful energy healer then you must practice. You must prepare your light body and you must practice daily.

These videos give everyone a basic foundation into Star Magic Facilitator Level 1 Training Experiences and what’s in store. These videos are by no means a replacement for what takes place in our training.

I highly recommend you go back and watch it and go through the entire series. You can watch the first Energy Healing Secrets Video here.


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“It’s all inside of you all, of the magic, all the beauty, all the wonder. You’ve just got to be prepared to take that deep dive and today with me we took that deep dive together and I salute you and respect you.”

Hey there beautiful soul. How are you feeling? Welcome to this energy healing secrets video. Today I want to share with you some tips and a short meditation on how you can heal multiple aspects of you, of your soul. You see your soul is here in this physical body but there are also multiple aspects of your soul in most cases out there in the fields the quantum fields, past lives, parallel realities, future lives, parallel realities. in this game of energy.  Nothing is future nothing is past. Yes, we’re playing on this linear time frame that we’ve all been conditioned to believe in but, time doesn’t exist when you step into the quantum field time distance measurement are all illusory.

What this gives us is a massive opportunity, an opportunity to heal things extremely quickly and when I say extremely quickly, I mean now you’re here in this physical body and there will be most likely aspects of you that have been traumatized in the so-called past and potentially traumatized in the so-called future. There will be aspects of you that have lived timelines, lived in human lives, extra-terrestrial lives, lives on other planets and solar systems, lives and other galaxies, lives and other universes, and not all of them will have been pleasant. If you’re an old soul I can pretty much guarantee that you will have lived and played in realities that could be deemed as evil or bad or negative. That doesn’t make you a bad human being.

I’ve been into hundreds of my past lives, hundreds which are all parallel really, in the quantum world. In my last incarnation i was a German soldier. I incarnated before that. I was worshiping the devil; I was playing around with black magic. Before that in in the 1850s I was with the soul of my ex-wife in this reality, and I was a drunk. I was a very horrible man. I’ve been back through so many incarnations. I’ve had some incredible ones; I’ve had some beautiful incarnations where I’ve helped many people, but I’ve also had some dark ones.

Now what I want to do today is to show you how you can tap some of these negative realities and bring them into healing very fast. You could be a man, or a woman and you might have lived out some of these negative realities, but they could be harnessing so much power. You could have been a negative wizard or a witch you could have been using black magic. Now black magic and white magic are both just as powerful. They’re both magic. Black magic and white magic are both just as powerful. They’re both magic it’s how you harness this magic and what you do with this magic, the same energy, that’s available to people that do negative things is available to people that do positive things.

Now if we can bring aspects of us from other realities back into this now space, if we can absorb these pieces of our soul right back here and there, we can awaken sleeping giants and harness that energy and transmute that energy and use those aspects of our soul that are lost in the field somewhere we can bring them back home. They can be our assets we can use that for positivity we can use it to help humanity. We can use it to help ourselves we can use it to heal the world. We can use it to do so much good on this planet. You see a lot of people they shy away from their shadow selves: “oh I don’t want to deal with that, or you know that piece of me can’t possibly exist because I’m just this beautiful soul on a spiritual trip and it’s all sunshine and rainbows it’s all love and lights”.

Whilst love and light and sunshine and rainbows are a part of this magical puzzle. They’re not everything and if you truly want to harness your power you’ve got to become a master of dark and light you’ve got to bring dark and light into perfect equilibrium. You’ve got to balance both polarities and so they become one stream of consciousness, one code, and you’ve got to be brave enough to take that step because when you tap into some of these realities they can be pretty heavy and a lot of the sorcery and the witchery and the wizardry and the black magic that’s taking place in some of these other realities can still be playing out in your consciousness now. You might be one of these humans that has some amazing ideas: “i want to go and do this to help humanity”, and you start moving towards it and then you like self-sabotage, or you decide to pull back because you’re scared.

A lot of these pieces of the puzzle that are making you self-sabotage or bringing you into fear. It’s the deep sorcery and deep witchery from the quantum field from other aspects of you not wanting you to do good for the world because those aspects are still playing out in your consciousness deep inside you, and they want to destroy the world or be destructive or harm people or release fear. Okay, it doesn’t make you a bad human being. We are beautiful souls with the potential to love and the potential to kill. You can get a knife, you can cut some bread, and you can feed someone. You can also plunge it into someone’s heart.  We all have the ability for dark and light. The devil and God are both inside of all of us and anyone that that tries to tell you any different just doesn’t want to face up to reality.

The biggest battle that you face is the battle with yourself. Everything is energy, everything is consciousness, and you can do beautiful things and you can do nasty things. That’s just reality but as a highly evolved conscious being on your spiritual mission with a great big open heart and a higher consciousness and an expanded state of awareness you can make better choices and the better choices you make and the more often you make these good clean choices, the more the light, the more the love, the more the beauty rises from within you. It transmutes the polaristic opposite which is the darkness and the negativity, and you bring it all into equilibrium. You don’t get rid of it.  No, anyone that tries to force that stuff outside of themselves and put it external is dangerous. It means you’re not taking responsibility.

You’ve got to take responsibility for who and what you are and that is an energetic being that has had multiple experiences has incarnated on multiple planets multiple galaxies multiple universes. You’ve had many experiences and you’ve got to come to terms with that and you’ve got to bring all that magic and all that beauty into this airspace. So beautiful soul I invite you to close your eyes for a few moments and just be in this space with me.  Close your eyes and feel your body just breathe and we’re going to go through a short exercise to help you tap into these aspects of you and bring them into reality right now. So, close your eyes and breathe into your magical body breathe deeper and longer and slower and settle down into this space with me and know that you’re incredible know that you’re extraordinary know that you are a magical being in this physical avatar body wandering these earthly planes and you have so much to offer this earth plane, so much to offer to share with your sisters and brothers.

Breathe deeper and longer and slower. Settle down into this space be here be now and know that you deserve this time in this space to kick back to heal to transform, to love to expand to raise your vibration and to absorb these pieces of you back into this now space. As you’re breathing into your magical body, I want you to become aware of a crystal white and sky-blue lights that starts to flow in through the walls down through the ceiling up through the floor. This powerful electromagnetic frequency flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of it, over your head, underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back, swirling in a clockwise direction getting brighter and stronger, swirling around the outside of you like a sky blue and crystal white tornado.

You start to breathe this frequency breathe it in through your nose up into your mind. Breathe it into your left brain, into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull down through your head, your face, your neck your throat through your shoulders your chest and it flows through your spinal column middle back lower back into your buttocks it flows through your heart your lungs your rib cage down through every vital organ. It flows through your hips your groin it swirls through your thighs and your hamstrings down through your knees your calves past your shins into your ankles through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. It flows through your shoulders down your arms through your elbows your forearms your wrists into your hands, fingers, and thumbs. Continue to breathe in this powerful light until the inside of your body is completely full of the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown.

Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing as the light flows through every cell every atom every molecule every fibre of your entire being. Cells they dance and smile communicating with each other like one big happy family. Your heart expands as this powerful transformational healing light opens you up from the inside. You flower, your heart cosmic heart space in the centre of your chest blooms and opens and flourishes as love and light falls out from your soul. If you have an incredible connection to your higher self, I want you to communicate with your higher self now and just tune into your higher self. If you don’t have a connection that you’re aware of or a strong connection that you’ve built up with your higher self-that’s okay.

What I want you to do is to visualize up above your crown chakra a sphere a golden sphere. In the centre of that golden sphere is a diamond light. See and feel that golden sphere with the diamond lights about 90 centimetres above your crown chakra just vibrating in the empty space. In your mind I want you to say this golden sphere is my higher self, this golden sphere is my higher self, this golden sphere is my higher self, and just feel your heart expanding and expanding and expanding. As your heart is expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body the love and the energy from your heart it flows up through your shoulders down through your belly it moves 360 degrees in all directions and the energy from your heart flows up through the golden sphere. It flows down through your feet; it moves throughout your space.

As the frequency from your heart gets stronger and stronger as you vibrate in this space you become aware of a spiral of light spiralling out from the earth. The point of that spiral starts to flow up through your roots and then it spirals out wider and wider. It moves up through your body up through your chest up through your throat, up from your crown. The top of the spiral enters that golden sphere, and this crystalline spiral energy is racing around the outside of your physicalness communicating with the frequency of your own heart communicating with the sky blue and crystalline frequency that you breathed in at the start. Light codes start to flow up through this crystalline spiral. These codes are timeline collapsing codes, they’re healing codes.  You feel them you see them racing up through your body up through this spiral up into the golden sphere up above your crown.

As you’re vibrating in this space, I want you to set an intention. I want you to communicate with your higher self and I want you to tell your higher self that you’re ready and willing to collapse any timelines to bring all soul fragments or soul aspects into healing right now. You understand that some of them are positive and some of them are negative, but all must be integrated, and you’re prepared to do what’s necessary. Feel your heart expanding and expanding as the codes flow up into your higher self and communicate with your higher self your higher self-starts to reach as streams of electromagnetic light start to flow from that golden sphere from your higher self throughout the quantum fields in all directions. There may be several there may be hundreds there may be thousands. We’re all different. Whatever is happening for you is perfect. Your higher self is communicating with other aspects of you, some on this timeline, some on other timelines.

Now there may be contracts that need to be broken so i want you to repeat something after me and as you’re repeating it, you’re communicating it to your higher self: “I break all contracts in all agreements seen and unseen known and unknown throughout all time and space across all dimensions densities realities and frequency bands and I break them there. I break all contracts and all agreements seen and unseen known and unknown throughout all time and space across all dimensions densities realities and frequency bands and I break them there. I break all contracts and all agreements seen and unseen known and unknown throughout all time and space across all dimensions densities realities and frequency bands and I break them now”, and after you’ve said that three times just be in your body and allow your heart to expand and allow your higher self to work its magic.

There may be aspects of you that are scared to come into healing that don’t want to work in a positive fashion by breaking these contracts in this way. They will have no choice be in your body and feel your heart expanding and expanding and as you’re being in this space expanding, you’ll become aware that up above that golden sphere three meters above your crown is an inverted platinum pyramid spinning in a clockwise direction as it spins it draws in codes. These are integration codes. They come from higher timelines higher densities higher frequency bands. These integration codes are racing inside this inverted platinum pyramid which spins faster and faster and then the apex opens. A stream of platinum light flows down from the pyramids down through the golden sphere straight down through your crown your pineal glands your throats your higher hearts your hearts. That frequency explodes in your heart chakra

These codes race around the inside of your physical body communicating with every cell, all 75 to 100 trillion of them they dive into your DNA on a subatomic level. These codes they flow out into your energy fields, they communicate with your light body mentally physically emotionally and spiritually. these codes race through you. Just be in this space and allow these codes to work their magic as your heart expands and expands. All these aspects of you flow down through the electromagnetic streams and back into the golden sphere, back into your higher self. Those aspects of you are transmuted and then downloaded through your crown, through your pineal gland, through your throat, your higher heart, down into your heart. These aspects of you are coming home right now. Just be in this space and feel. Be in this space and know your truth. You may feel surges of energy through your body.

Right now, I’m going to open my heart and connect with you brother to brother to sister, light to light consciousness to consciousness. A multi-coloured light is flowing out from my heart through the empty space and into yours. That light flowing up into your crown down into your roots on a multi-dimensional level that crystalline spiral starts to erase faster and faster up through your body.  More codes, more crystalline spiralling codes racing into your consciousness.  This crystal spirals these new earth energies so powerful allow them to flow through into you as they help with the absorption and the transmutation process. You are incredible, a master of all things energetic, dark light polarities. As you vibrate in this space you become aware of a crystalline pillar from your crown to your root that starts to extend down through your root and up through your crown up into the empty space, down through the empty space.

This crystalline spiral, this crystal tube, this crystal pillar, it moves up into your alpha transmission centre down into your omega, the end point and the outputs from your multi-dimensional light where you birth codes into the planetary grids. This pillar of light is strengthening becoming stronger your Christed light, your krystic light, your new earth frequency. Just be in this space for a moment and feel as your heart amplifies as your Merkabah spins like crazy. The crystal spiral gets brighter and stronger as all these multi-dimensional aspects of your absorbed back into this now space. Your higher self-communicates with thanks you for being brave and lets you know that it’s all worth it. You have so much to offer this planet but whilst you’re fragmented, you’re never going to be the formidable power that you came to this planet to be but now things are changing.

That platinum light flowing down from the pyramid above gets stronger and brighter and then the last stream flows into your heart boom it explodes. This platinum frequency races through your consciousness that inverted pyramid starts to descend. It moves down towards the golden sphere and moves inside of it the sphere and the inverted pyramid then both shrink they move down towards your crown. They move down through your crown and into your body into your mind they shrink down and down and fit neatly around your pineal gland where they’re going to continue to work for a short period of time. When this integration process is complete start to become aware of your body arms legs hands fingers stuff feel the vibration in your bones the tingling your cells the frequency in every muscle. As this crystalline spiral flows up into your body it shrinks down it gets smaller and smaller until it fits neatly inside your chest in your heart. A stream of light flows from your heart straight down through the planet through the rocks and the minerals down into mother earth.

Light language transmission

This light starts to flow through the planetary grits through the dragon lights through the ley line the dragon grids through the crystal city and the crystal cathedral network communicating efficiently and effectively with high energy grid points all over the planet. The earth knows you’ve arrived. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero open your eyes come back into this space. Five four three two one zero. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes come back into this space and just take your time. There’s nowhere just be in this space.

Know that you are phenomenal. I love you with all of me as my sister or brother. We are a family. We are a tribe. We are here to support each other, elevate each other, assist each other in becoming one formidable force, one human family, one global community. Over these next days, weeks, be with yourself allow yourself to just process to integrate. The integration process is sometimes smooth and sometimes it’s rocky. Whatever you’ve got to do to go through your process. Just do it. My advice to you is to be still, be in nature, hug some trees, drink water, eat clean foods, photonic fruits, sun-drenched foods. Give your body what it needs. If you need eggs have some organic eggs, if you need some fish have some organic fish. If your body requires something give it to it. Don’t label yourself with any nutritional way, exercise, move your body breathe deeply, qigong.

All these things will support your growth i want you to know that i respect you from the bottom of my heart for being on earth at this time. You’re a courageous brave spiritual warrior you’re a galactic titan from the stars here, on earth, now. The world wants you to shine. Your sisters and brothers they look to you they love you. They see the truth your truth their truth inside you. So, open your heart and let it shine, beautiful soul.

Underneath this video is a link to the very first energy healing secrets video I’ve shared lots of top tips to help you become a powerful being this is another one. I recommend that you go back and watch them all they’re short and sweet and there’s lots of information that will help you heal yourself and, in some cases, other people. We’re all designed to self-feel we don’t need drugs we don’t need doctors and nurses. We are all we need, we are our own saviours, our own power. We’ve just forgotten. Now it’s time to remember and these energy healing secrets videos are helping you remember the truth. So go back and watch them and share them with your friends and your family, beautiful soul.

Remember check out our website  We’ve got hundreds of guided meditations, light language transmissions, high vibrational nutritional recipes, cosmic yoga videos. We’ve got an incredible community of high vibrational beings all sharing with each other 24/7 365. Come and join our community at  Check out our facilitator trainings we train people all over the world how to heal the most powerful modality on planet earth right now. The results speak for themselves. Go and check out the testimonials on our websites, watch the videos.

We now run these trainings online to level one.  The other three levels they’re in person. I love you with all of me. Go out into this world, hug your sisters and brothers ever so tightly and never be the first to let go, beautiful soul. It’s the golden rule of hugging. Love them fiercely, love them ferociously. The world needs that fierce and ferocious love right now to burn through the chaos and the mayhem.



