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Courage and Confidence Codes | 3 Minute Light Language Transmission | DNA Upgrade


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. I invite you into this space to download these courage and confidence codes.

This is a daily activation. Come back and do it as often as you like. Just be in this space and open your hearts as I open mine and that light transmits from my heart into yours as we connect soul to soul, light to light, consciousness to consciousness, in this space as I transmit electric gold and translucent violet codes from my heart into yours.

Light language transmission

They start to alchemize your inner reality; they flow up into your crown down into your room as you breathe deep and long and slow. I am bringing in an inverted emerald pyramid into your space up above your crown. It’s spinning clockwise, the apex opens and a beautiful stream of light full of hieroglyphs and cold flows down through your crown through your pineal glands into your heart.

Boom, there is an explosion of energy as these codes race through your physical system. We invite the Andromeda symbols to go down through your crown and into your left and right hemisphere to reprogram and rewire your consciousness.

Breathe these frequencies into your body, allow them to work their magic as these codes of courage and confidence race through your system as your consciousness expands and your heart expands. You are amazing.