Activate The Royal Dragon Code

Activate The Royal Dragon Code

This section contains Activate The Royal Dragon Code Workshop Video for our Infinity Members who are Activate The Royal Dragon Code Workshop attendees.

If you have already attended this workshop, please contact for the access. If not, please buy the workshop from here.


Essenes Mystery School Teaching


Incredible 1 Day Workshop

We, as incarnated souls in human form, often forget or sometimes neglect our multidimensionality.

We are multidimensional beings in human form and actually have the power to access other aspects of who we are.



Dragons are some of the finest architects in the universe and you have been a dragon. You are a dragon in another reality field.


Access More

Everyone has the ability to shift their awareness and become a dragon right now. You can blend with the fabric of space, which is bountiful, rich and full of code, and re-emerge from the fabric as any multidimensional version of you that you choose.

There are many different dragons, some positive and some not so, like any other species in the universe, and these dragons bounce around in different frequency bands.


Royal Dragon Code

To access the most powerful dragon version of you, there is a set of codes. A set of principles that one must honour.

These codes and principles are known as the Royal Dragon Code.


Essene Tribes

It’s an ancient Mystery School Teaching shared by the Essenes many years ago.

The original 12 Tribes knew the importance the dragons played in the structure of our planet and the universe.

They honoured the Royal Dragon Code and lived by its values, principles, codex and accessed the Royal Code to stand firm in their task of protecting our planetary and galactic Star Gate systems.


Transcend time & space

Having the ability to transcend time and space and move freely unseen is a dragon’s birth right. The Royal Dragons Code takes this to a whole new level of sophistication and application.


Dragon Knowledge

Jerry will share with you information on different Species of Dragons, where they originate from, their role in the galaxy and how you can communicate with them and co-create with them in your life.


4 Life Changing Activations

During this potent workshop you will be taken through four life-changing activations which will culminate with you receiving your Royal Crown and access to the technology you left behind thousands of years ago.

There will be an opening meditation and discussion about what’s instore.



You will be given a very specific breath work and visualisation protocol along with some specific meditations to help integrate these multidimensional changes once the workshop is over and in between sessions.



Part 1: Dragon Krystal Body Activation

Part 2: Egg of No Time

Part 3: The Kundalini Crown

Part 4: Grid Work Technology & Hypercube 6D Transmission and grid work exercise to use and demonstrate this technology.


6D Mission Movement

For those who are serious about grid work and assisting the planet, we are going to meet once a month for an hour to set up grids and re-inforce the 6D architecture around Earth.

This will take place through Infinity Plus, launching in 2024.

During these monthly meet-ups, you will learn/remember how the technology you downloaded, activated, and brought back online through the workshop, is put into practice on a regular basis.

This will be fun, educational, exciting, and will accelerate a new skill set you can take into your life.


What are the benefits of attending

Activated DNA

Ability to shift your energetic template and merge with the Quantum Field.

Access Dragon Technology

Become a more efficient grid worker

Increased levels of joy

Live your truth fearlessly

A deeper sense of love as your dragon heart opens

A connection to your dragon lineage that will support you always

Activated 3rd eye

Heightened levels of awareness

Connection to a beautiful community


Investment – £777