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A Doctors Take On Star Magic Healing


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Hello, my name is Angela, and I’ve just completed Facilitator Training One and I’m actually speaking as a doctor. I’m trained in Internal Medicine as well as an acupuncturist so as a doctor I must say I have never ever seen anything like this.

The level of healing of very deep long-term chronic conditions that have changed for the person without anyone even touching them. I’ve never seen anything like this. The people with chronic severe lower back pain that emerged within half an hour free of pain. It’s not within the realm of logical possibilities and we have learned to do this on others. We have actually learned to perform this and not just witness it and I feel I have a level of confidence in being able to achieve such results.

So as an acupuncturist this actually is what led me to Jerry because at the beginning of the year, I started feeling like there was something very new happening in my practice of acupuncture. As I was putting the needle in, I felt like something was coming through me that was very new and it felt like light to me. I couldn’t explain it because it’s not physical light obviously. But I just kept feeling this is light and it’s very intelligent and it’s very deep and the patient felt it and then I felt like this is amazing. But I need to find out more about this. I need to really understand this. I need to be able to take this much further.

So, then I looked up working with light and I found Jerry. I read this book and the book there was so many synchronicities when reading his book and what was going on in my life around me, it was magical. So, I decided to sign up and then I realized while I was in the workshop that what I was feeling going through the needle is exactly what Jerry is talking about. That I feel like I can now really amplify that and give my patients much bigger results with and without acupuncture. Actually, I feel just much happier than when I first came. I feel more focused. I feel stronger, more vibrant, and for the rest stay tuned.