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Shadow Parasites, Dark Forces & Evil Entities – Protect Your Energy!


In this video Jerry will explore Shadow Parasites, Dark Forces & Evil Entities and how to Protect Your Energy!


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Hey there beautiful soul. How are you feeling? So, we’re going to talk about shadow parasites, dark entities which is a subject that a lot of healers in general sweep under the carpet. Either they don’t want to focus on that stuff, they just want to pretend that everything is sunshine and rainbows, or they just don’t understand it. They know that it’s there, they know that it’s playing out in their client’s field, but they don’t know how to tackle it, how to shift it, how to change it, how to get rid of it. So, it’s swept under the carpet or ignored, and you can’t do that.

A lot of people say well if you focus on it, you’re going to create more of it. Now that is true, very, very, true. However, if you don’t focus on it at all and you allow it to play out in in someone’s consciousness, in their field of awareness, it’s going to sneak around and it’s going to have a detrimental effect on their health and their well-being. It’s going to play around with their thoughts, play around with their emotions and do its best and not always. Sometimes they’re multiple entities or they will do it or their best to keep someone in a low vibrational state because these malevolent beings ,they feed off low vibrational energy. Laughter and love are like the worst thing for them.

So, when you choose love and you choose high humour and you choose laughter and you choose joy, they can’t stand it. They can’t stand it when you speak light language. That is poison for them. It disrupts them in a major way you know. I’ve seen parasites in someone’s field, spoken light language and you can see them crawling under their skin up around here. There’s a really good book called parasite rex. Now this book parasite rex talks about physical parasites like normal parasites that you might find in the human body, that you might find in a worm or a fish or a spider or a caterpillar. There are parasites everywhere. To give you an example, there is a parasite that that gets inside caterpillars and what this parasite does is it takes over the caterpillar’s consciousness and it makes the caterpillar crawl to the top of the tallest tree and then it explodes and all of the juice and the gunk and that goes over the trees and the branches and then other caterpillars come along and eat it and then it takes over their consciousness. Then lots of caterpillars climb to the top of the tallest trees. Then they explode.

There are parasites that go into a fish, and they eat the fish’s tongue and then it’s not like they kind of like fully eat it but they kind of take over it and then they go into the fish’s eyes and brain and they take over the fish’s eyes and brain and so the fish still swims around but the fish is literally like a host to these beings. now the reason I’m telling you to read this book or get it if you want a deeper understanding of parasites is because energetic parasites behave in the same way that the parasites in nature behave. They take over the host and they control the host’s thoughts, and they take over the host’s body.

I’ve seen so many human beings and it’s like the lights are on but no one’s home and it’s because they’re not really them. Now there are other different kind of situations where you might have you know an extraterrestrial that’s fully kind of immersed into a physical vessel and that’s slightly different, that’s a different ball game, that’s a different kettle of fish. You sometimes have souls come in that take over a human body. Walk-ins, they can be positive and negative, but what we’re talking about here is specifically entities and the reason that I call them shadow parasites is because they behave as the same way as parasites in our physical world, in nature, but they live in the shadows. So, we call them shadow parasites, and if you go to our website, one of the products we have is a shadow parasite cleanse because many the human population suffer with these things. It’s crazy.

A lot of the time you go into a healing session, and you will see these things sometimes in people’s bellies sometimes, in their arms. Sometimes they’re in their energy field out in the space. Sometimes they’re working remotely from a faraway space which could be in this world, the environment. It could be up in the galaxy and because there’s no time, distance, and measurement in the quantum field and these things are living in a in a different density, they can operate and manoeuvre and control human beings on earth from a faraway space.

Now this world,  this game that we’re playing, is about it’s a game of energy. You must really truly understand this. It’s a game of energy and we are in a spiritual war, and you can choose love or fear but if you push this stuff under the carpet and don’t do anything about it or at least have the awareness of this situation then there is the potential for these things to infiltrate your consciousness and if you look around this whole human world you know we’re being manipulated through black magic in so many different ways. Through the television, through the radio, through our food, through our water, through the actual systematic structure that is set up for us to operate within the parameters of, for example, being born and given a birth certificate, having a heel prick test and your blood samples being sent to the Vatican and your blood bond contract being put into place.

These crazy people if you can call them people that attempt to control this world have done a very good job up until this point. They believe they own your soul. Now you look at when people go to vote right. People go to the voting station, the polling station. Now as I said this world is full of black magic. When you go to school you get educated. Education means to impart knowledge. Impart is the devil’s art imp, is the devil, the devil’s art. We go to school to have spells cast over us through spelling and education and words and when we go to a voting station, we’re going to a volting station. We’re not going to give our votes we’re going to give our volts v-o-l-t, an electrical charge. Volt, it’s all in the words, man.

Words have so many different meanings, but we’re taught one set of rules and regulations for the meanings of words and there’s a whole other play on all this stuff and not just one play but several plays. When you go to vaults you go to the polling station the pulse, the electrical pulse you are going to volts, to give a charge, to charge up the polls to give your vote to some man or woman some puppet who’s playing the game, and is there as a puppet to say certain things to control the masses as a leader of a government a leader of the mind control machine. So, you’re going to charge that entity, that human being, and give over your life force.

Now everything in this this world is intention based okay. It’s why distance healing works, it’s why what we do with star magic, while we’re able to remove disease,  you know injury, illness, at distance very, very quickly. I’ve demonstrated this so many times, giving people lung transplants. Just go to our website and look at the videos removing ovarian cysts. Ovarian, you know the word beginning with c that nobody can really say and combine it with healing because you end up getting arrested like I did a few years ago because that word with c is big business to big p h a r m a. That word beginning with c makes up a lot of a country’s GDP gross developed products. If there’s more of that in the country the country’s worth more because healthy people don’t make money. But this is a whole other side topic and it’s not for now.

What is important is intention. When you go to give your volts, you’re intentionally giving your life force and your energy and your intention because your thoughts and emotions are focused on that little piece of paper that you’re saying with your intention you’re giving over your energy and they’re siphoning it and siphoning it and sucking it dry, millions of people every year in different countries voting for these so-called leaders that do f*** all apart from causes distress. But it’s all good. We see through the wood, through the trees now, don’t we? Okay, we know it’s all falling apart, and you know it’s a great thing, it’s a great experience that’s happening right now on planet earth, but you know coming back to this volt. When this charge, you know when you get summons to court, they send you out a summons and on that summons is what you’re going to be charged with. What happens is you get charged or they tell you what they want to charge you with. So, they’re basically kind of loading up your battery with the charge and then you go to court, and you know when you go to court, you’re going to play a game. It’s why it’s called a court. You’ve got basketball courts and tennis courts and squash courts and badminton courts. You’ve got all sorts of courts and on courts. You have matches and play games against an opponent.

When you go into their courts which are full of black magic and trickery. You’re going to play a game, but the thing is they don’t tell you that you’re playing a game and that’s part of the black magic, is part of the spell. You go into in through the entrance, you’re entranced. As soon as you walk in there, you’re under the hocus pocus and the trickery of the black magic and the game that no one’s ever told you you’re playing. So, they run rings around you, and you might get a fine or you might go to prison. But the main thing is they’re siphoning your life force. You’re a cash cow, you’re a chicken in a free-range chicken coop thinking that you’re running around the yard, running around the field that everything’s good, but one day they come and chop your head off and sell you. The thing is in this game they don’t chop your head off they poison you slowly and keep you alive as long as possible. Now all of this is going on the they are siphoning your energy left right and centre. The other element is the parasites that are hiding in the shadows playing around in in the field beyond the physical experience which has a huge effect on the physical experience which is also draining people’s energy.

Now when you know about this, and you shine light onto this stuff, and you live from your heart and in the present moment it creates an awareness in your field. Then when you start to observe your own thoughts and your own emotions and the things that happening in your body in your space. You start to see the cracks and you start to become aware that these are not thoughts that I would choose because if I act on this thought it’s going to cause me a little bit of pain, or maybe this other human being a little bit of pain because these beings they want you to argue with other people. They don’t want you to be happy, they want you to be in misery. But that’s a choice. Every emotion, every thought, is a choice but when you don’t know you’re playing this game most people just think their thoughts are their own but they’re not.  When you know that this is taking place and you take a step back outside of your body and you look back in at your thoughts and your emotions, you see the truth, and then you can start to pick those thoughts out of your head that are not yours and chuck them away. This isn’t my thought send it back to wherever it came from right now with love and light. Right now, command them out of your space. Seriously you’re in control your energy. Your intention is everything, you’ve just got to decide.

Choice is so powerful. When you make a solid choice backed up with intention and conviction and your own magnified amplified supersonic superhuman life force energy, absolutely nothing can stand in your way, and these beings that play out in the shadows are energy if you decide that you’re more powerful than they are. I remember years ago, four or five years ago, I was at one of my first mind, body, spirit festivals in Birmingham. There was a tree of life festival and I stood there with my friends, and we were giving away, not giving away, but we were doing  taster session healings and things like this, and this big lady she came marching down the corridor. Boom, boom, she had big hands, big shoulders, and she walked up to me, and she looked into my eyes, and she ripped her face back real far like it was going to rip, and she  was looking into my eyes, and I looked into her eyes, and I saw these two beings. Anyway, we sat down, and we took these beings out of her, and all her hands were slender, her shoulders shrunk down, and she lost like 20 years. She went from looking like a big old haggard like half sumo wrestler, great big dude which was a woman, to this beautiful slender looking lady literally in 10 or 15 minutes.

I’ve seen this many times. It’s not always like that some of these things are hiding around. They’re small little beings in someone’s eyeball or in someone’s kidney. You take them out send them back to wherever they need to go to. You know we’ve got a protocol for that we’ll either try or get them to go to source but sometimes they’ve got to go to a different dimensional space to learn their lessons, but that’s a whole other story. The most important thing is that you shine light on this and that you stay in love, and you stay in high humour, speak some light language. These beings don’t like it. It frustrates them, you’ll see them, you’ll feel them, and then once you shine that light onto them, it’s easier to deal with them. You can just take them out of your body. You just decide, you just command them out of your body. You grab them and you take them out now.

The other thing is some of these beings are scared you know. Your heart, your body, is like their home. If I came to your house and I said right get the f*** out of your house, its mine, now you’d be like you’d either fight me or you’d say no or you’d start kicking and screaming. You wouldn’t put up with that and there would probably be an element of fear. Some of these beings they don’t want to be there, so you don’t always have to go in and rip them out. Sometimes just love is the answer. You can love them into coming out of your body. You cut a hole in the fabric of space-time, send the being through. We use a code ‘m369’. It’s a satellite navigation system that’s been programmed extensively. You place that into a smoky quartz pyramid around someone’s physical body or the hologram of whoever you’re working on. If it’s a distance and you send that being, all those beings through a hole in the tunnel, and it will go to whichever dimensional space is supposed to go to.

A little trick for you, a little tip for you, this is the kind of stuff we share and help people remember not teaching but help people remember on our star magic facilitated trainings, you should come if you’re interested in this stuff. But that’s a little tip and a little trick for you will help you massively. Place a smoky quartz pyramid around the human that you’re working on all their hologram. If it’s a distance take out the entity, take out the being, all the entities or the beings. Cut a hole in the pyramid, send it through, close the hole, easy-peasy lemon squeezy. Now as I said, light language you can use chromium light. Chromium is an andromeda and frequency we’ve been sharing it for the last three years in star magic. I’ve seen it shrink people’s skulls, I’ve seen it remove tumours, I’ve seen it do all sorts of stuff. It’s a powerful, we call it kaleidoscopic chromium. I’ve wrote about it in my new book, how to be superhuman live and thrive in the fifth dimension, and that’s going to be out next year and it’s a powerful frequency man.

I had a guy who woke up one day and his skull was massive, and his brain was still the same size, and his brain was rattling around, and I tapped in and looked. What happened and some off-planet frequencies have triggered his extraterrestrial DNA and his skull had grown, and he asked me to shrink it. I was trying to persuade him to grow his brain, but you know he didn’t want to do that and I didn’t have a clue how I was going to grow his brain and I didn’t have a clue how to shrink his skull but I thought well if we’re going to try and shrink his skull we may as well try and grow his brain because nature is trying to tell him something you know. You are an extraterrestrial. Embrace it, but anyway he said you know he looked a little, his head was big and he said he looked funny, and he was embarrassed and it was hurting so what I did is I took him to a healing chamber that we use in star magic and  I ran him through some kaleidoscopic chromium frequencies with the help of some of my ET friends and I watched his skull just go, just shrink back down. It’s a powerful frequency.

Now, within kaleidoscopic chromium we’ve got multiple frequency bands, so we use that to help us see shadow parasites. We run it up and down through the hologram or up and down through the physical body of who we’re working on and the shadow parasites they can’t shape shift fast enough and you catch them eventually. You start sticking certain light frequencies through, gold and diamond. They can shape shift and hold that, but you start sticking kaleidoscopic chromium in, they haven’t got a chance because every single colour frequency in every range and sub range is within that frequency stream. They can’t cope with that, so you know even if you’ve got a hold that light for 15, 20, 30 seconds, a minute, eventually they’ll show themselves and then you know what you’re working with and then you go to work and take them out as already explained. You can use light language and chromium two, brilliant ways, help you see these beings.

Now as I said, love is mission critical, okay. This whole game is based around one spectrum of emotional energy. You’ve got fear at one end then you’ve got love at the other and everything in between is a diluted version of either love or fear, guilt, anger, happiness, joy. Happiness and joy based on love, and anger and guilt are based on fear. There is no anger and guilt without fear, there is no joy and bliss without love, and you can choose how far down the emotional spectrum you want to go, the love end or the fear end or somewhere in between. When you’re dealing with this kind of stuff the love end is where you want to be. If you stay at the fear and you’re **** that’s just the way that it is okay.

So, I just wanted to share these little tips with you today and shed some light on this stuff because of what’s happening on the planet right now. A lot of this stuff is becoming what’s coming out into the open because you know these beings, these shadow parasites, I mean they were so much more in the shadows but because a lot of their battery supplies are being eliminated, they’re showing themselves more actually, even in human form and you see them sometimes walking around the streets shape-shifting and so it’s important that people are aware of this stuff so if they ever do see something they don’t freak the **** out. When you’re living in a very 3D mindset, heart set, and your kind of into this this this matrix and this prison planet in this third dimensional physical reality you know these other beings. If you were to see them, it can be quite different if you’ve not seen anything like that before.

It gives people the opportunity to at least have that seed planted and for you guys that that know this stuff is true you can start looking into people’s fields, in your own field, and you can use what I’ve shared with you to help shift these beings and you know you’re doing yourself a great service you’re doing humanity a great service and you’re doing these beings a great service too because they need to learn their lessons and hanging around in the human body stripping our life force is not called for them. There are certain rules and regulations to this cosmic game and when those laws, rules, regulations, are broken there’s massive spiritual equity that these beings must suffer and it might be in this reality, it might be in another lifetime, it might get passed down through their soul lineage, but they’re going to suffer at some point. So, by you helping them on their way and helping them on their journey through love and compassion you know we’re all winning here okay, stay in love and just work within the framework of your experience and do what is necessary. Do what is necessary. You have the skills; you have the ability. You came to this planet for this time right and so did I.

So, let’s exercise our un-fuck-with-able nature, step up to the plate, step onto the playing field, into the courts and play this [ __ ] game and win not because we want to win but we just want to make this world a better place man. You know we’ve got an opportunity to create heaven right now inside of our hearts and to allow that heaven frequency to flow through the planet to spill through the fabric of space-time and enlighten and uplift and upgrade every single human. There are many you know extraterrestrials stuck in a galactic environment. They have been over many years now and this is where the war is being fought . We’re right in the thick of it, beautiful soul, and as I said this is why we came here. So, let’s man up, let’s woman up, let’s line up, let’s lioness up, let’s God, let’s goddess up, and let’s handle our business.

Wherever you are on this magical planet go out into the world and hug your sisters and your brothers so tightly. Hug them and don’t be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Even if you’re there for a little while, don’t let go. Love fiercely and ferociously like a lion, like a lioness, loves his or her cubs. Protect honour and respect you. You are amazing, beautiful soul. I love you so much. Go and be awesome, go and be extraordinary and shine that magical light and remember to check out our website Come and connect with the tribe and I’ll see you again real soon.