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Change Your Energy FAST


It’s time to unite Beautiful Souls.


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I love you with my heart with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?

So, I wanted to share a quick message with you today about your thoughts, your emotions, your feelings, and the interface that you are and how that interface can either uplift or tear apart those around you consciously or unconsciously.  You are always downloading and uploading from the quantum fields. You have 75 to 100 trillion cells. You’ve got 100 trillion protons in every cell of your physical body and every single one of them is like a mini universe. It’s a portal of information. It’s connected to the fields everywhere and everything you’re thinking, everything you’re feeling, every action. Your own energy field is being transmitted out into the field 24/7 365.

Let me ask you a question. Would you intentionally put a virus onto your friend’s computer where they’re going to lose all their data up their business, whatever it is, would you intentionally download a virus onto their computer laptop phone whatever it is. No, you wouldn’t. So why would you go around and allow yourself to have thoughts to feel emotions that are detrimental to everyone else around you. You are a biological computer. You have a soul you have a light body inside this physical vessel and the physical vessel is the hardware. It’s the interface that allows consciousness to communicate with consciousness in this physical 3D reality.

You know when we’re when we look at healing. If someone has a physical symptom in their body it literally is a symptom an injury, an illness, a disease is a symptom and if you want to change the expression of that symptom in this physical environment within yourself or within another human being that you’re facilitating the healing of, you go into the quantum field and you change the data and the code in the background which then has a physical verifiable result.

Every past life, every present life, experience every future incarnation are all parallel in the field but every single one of those experiences is like a hard drive plugged into the biological logical computer of the human being in question whether it’s you or another human being. Sometimes that data is positive, sometimes that data is negative and as a quantum architect you can go into the field and switch those data streams.

Now the same applies for you 24/7 365. As you’re rolling through reality, you’re discharging data and if you’re going around angry, pissed off, feeling full of guilt or you know lower vibrational emotion on that love and fear spectrum. Okay, if you’re not operating at the love end, you’re somewhere down sliding towards the fear end, and all of that is being just charged into the field and because you’re linked to everything everywhere. Other people are downloading that information.

Sometimes when you feel upset angry jealous whatever it might be they’re not your emotions. You’re downloading them from someone else but what you can do if they’re yours if it’s your stuff your emotion you can transmute it by switching your vibration by elevating yourself.  If it’s someone else’s and you’re feeling it, you can do the same. You can change the pattern, the code, the information by simply making a choice to smile to move your body to feel happy to feel energized to allow bliss and joy to emanate from your cosmic codes. You can either go around being disruptive and bringing other people down or you can go around like a high vibrational bundle of bliss and absolutely elevate everyone in your environment. You get to choose.

This is one of the ways that the human species is controlled because it’s data. We’re talking about computer systems. We’re living in a holographic reality and the game masters know this. It’s why they pump out low vibrational frequency into the field to change the frequency in your biological computer, so you emanate that data too but now you know the truth. For you to carry on emanating those data streams that infect and affect everybody around you in a negative capacity you got to be mad, you got to be crazy man. Seriously we’re all sisters and brothers on this planet.

Surely, we want to upgrade elevate expand consciousness. Guilt, frustration, fear, abandonment, the feelings of all these lower vibrational aspects of reality are never going to make other people feel good around you. The only good thing about dark stuff, negative stuff, is it gives us polarity and it makes us realize where we don’t want to be, but the issue is some of us get sucked up into it and can’t see the wood through the trees. But now you know the truth start acting and be a bouncing bubbling ball of high vibrational data and let that light, that love, that magic just emanates from you in a galactic fashion. One love, one heart, one human family baby.

We’re a team or a tribe we got to work together. We got to work together man we got to upgrade the whole field and allow that field of love to permeate the hearts and souls of our sisters and brothers until the cracks appear in their consciousness and the light starts to pour through and seep through.  When it does it brings dark and light into equilibrium and they realize their own wholeness.  Be a catalyst for change, beautiful soul. Be a catalyst for joy.

Wherever you are on this beautiful planet go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging. Never, ever, ever be the first to let go.  That’s the golden rule of hugging man. Even if you got to spend hours in that hug you don’t let go fast. I challenge you never be the first to let go of a hug. It’s interesting what unfolds and develops in your reality. Go out and love fiercely and ferociously beautiful soul like the lion, the lioness that you are, and I’ll see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website Come and join the tribe.