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Love The Vaxxed – Humanity Unite


It’s time to unite Beautiful Souls.


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul?

So, I got a question for you. What is the only thing that fire can’t burn? Fire itself because it is the fire. What is the only thing that a knife can’t cut? Itself. It can cut anything else, but it can’t cut itself just like lights cannot illuminate itself. If you tell a knife to cut itself, it’s going to get confused. You are nature, you are like a tree. A tree is planted into the ground.

You are a human being. You’re like a moving tree. Your legs are your roots, but you can walk around this planet, but your energy can stay rooted into the consciousness of the planet connected to that Magdalen, that magnetic energy, that life force as well as being plugged in to our celestial sisters and brothers up there.

When you wake up in the morning do you look inside your own head and speak to your eyes and say right guys this is what we’ve got to do. I need you to see today. Do you go into your ears and try and get your ears to hear. Do you talk to your heart and say come on heart you need to beat today? Otherwise, I’m going to die. No, you don’t. You don’t because your nature just like the knife cannot cut itself and the fire can’t burn itself and the light can’t illuminate itself because it is what it is and that is what it is it just is. Just like you are the is-ness.

You are nature. You are all things. You are not separate. You are not disconnected. You are expanded infinitely throughout this world, throughout this galaxy, throughout this universe, throughout this multiverse.

You’re here in this dimensional space and you’re in other dimensional spaces. You’re vibrating across multiple

frequency bands at the same time.  What we must do as a human species is allow nature to take its course

and as nature takes its course, we as human beings were allowed to make choices within the natural flow of nature and that choice could be to go and take the magical potion. That choice could be not to take the magical potion.

What is important for us as a species is that we allow everyone to make their own choices and still love them because if we love them then we can’t be separated and if we’re not separated, we’re not divided and if we’re not divided there is only one site.  There is only one whole wholeness because it takes two sides to have a war. It takes two sides of a coin to make up a coin, heads and tails, light and dark up and down in and out. There are polarities everywhere and they’re both opposing forces that make up the whole and it’s okay to have these opposing forces but when these opposing forces become separated then you got a problem because those opposing forces can be flipped and pitted against each other like the vaxxed and the non-vexed.

What is happening on earth right now World War 3 is unfolding around us World War three is a silent war and what we’ve got to do as human beings as intelligence higher consciousness beings evolved beings is live in our hearts. Live in unity, live in love, and allow us to make the choices within the framework of this experience and realize that everybody has their choice. You don’t have to agree with it because I don’t agree with some people’s choices, but it doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It just means that they’re having a different experience and it takes everybody to make their own different choices to enable us to have these polaristic views to enable us to see the games from both sides to see the contrast and out of the contrast we realize what we like and what we don’t like.

Everyone that’s making certain choices is helping other souls in these human vessels see things from a different perspective and we need all these perspectives. Otherwise, it’d be boring as it would be boring man so we have to respect everybody for making their own individual decisions. As I said you don’t have to agree with it but at the same time love every human being on this planet because whilst we love each other we cannot be separate and then we can’t be pitted against each other and then the war just becomes non-existent because the only power that people have over us is the power that we give to them god’s infinite intelligence.

Whatever label you want to stick on that stuff created men or man evolved from this intelligence because i don’t believe anyone got tools and created us, but we evolved from this this this this source this energy and then man themselves created government. So how can any company which is what a government is a corporation be above man it can only be above man if man allows the company the corporation the mind control machine to be above men by acquiescing and agreeing and not speaking our truth and not holding the line and not speaking up and being authentic just going along and just you know being like a little rowing boat on a great big ocean with no walls just being pushed around and blown around by the waves and the winds that’s not you.

You’re an unfuck-withable human that came to planet earth to expand and experience and within that experience speak your truth and honour who you are, a magical divine intelligent source. Love unvaxed people i love vaxed people, i love everyone i love the birds the trees the animals maybe those that decided to get vaxxed aren’t weak.  Maybe they came here to get vaxxed to show us what would happen if people did.  So that we could see the atrocities within this whole game when people start to pass back to spirit die in this human flesh, someone had to play that role right because we can’t play all the roles ourselves or can we.

Maybe you are the vaxxed and maybe you’re the unvaxxed, maybe you’re the stars, maybe you’re the earth, maybe you’re me, maybe I’m you, maybe you’re looking through this screen right now into the eyes of yourself and maybe I’m talking to no one because no one else really exists because it’s just me talking to loads of enemies somewhere out there in the world all looking back at me. Nothing else exists man we’re all just godheads we’re all focal points of creation. It’s beautiful man. So why would you want to kill yourself, why would you want to argue with yourself, why would you want to hate yourself, why would you want to judge yourself.

It doesn’t make any sense. Every bit of poison you chuck out mentally physically emotionally spiritually it comes back to you because everything’s you are ultimately. You can’t run from this stuff, you can’t hide from this stuff, it just is what it is – consciousness. At the same time, we can all realize that this is our body, this is our land.  It’s sacred and we have the choice to protect this land or to let something invade this land and right now on planet earth many people are letting their land be invaded. There are many people standing up and

protecting their land because we’re sovereign and we’re divine and we have the power of choice, and it doesn’t matter how much pressure someone applies. They can’t do anything unless you say yes to it, or you say nothing and allow it to steamroll you into a jail cell that doesn’t really exist because this is the jail cell

You know you’re dying right. I’m dying every day we’re dying every day we’re dying and it’s a beautiful thing.

It’s a natural process. You can’t stop it happening. This body grows and evolves and then eventually decays and we leave it and we move on to a different experience. Maybe that’s in another body, maybe it’s not. You can’t control that. Stop trying to play around with nature. Man has messed about with nature so much and man always loses, always. Nature is intelligent. You don’t see the trees arguing with the plants in the forest and saying listen I’m a bigger tree, the new stupid little plant I’m going to grow that way get the out of the way. They just grow and they interweave, and they just have this beautiful magical experience together within the chaos of the forests and the jungles there is pure stillness pure equilibrium because everything just does what it naturally.

But what we try and do is we control things. You can’t control anything. All you can do is make choices within the fluidity of the experience. The water is always running. If you want to swim upstream it’s going to be a battle. So, get into the flow and go downstream but within that stream make your moves, make your choices, decide what experience you want to have within the experience.

Everything that is happening right now on planet earth is the water running down the stream. It’s supposed to be this way. We have been gifted with the most magical opportunity to create something brand new a whole new paradigm, a whole new world to jump up through the density streams and live a higher vibrational lifestyle. All the stuff that is happening, all this so-called chaos on the planet is just what we needed. Some will make it and that’s cool because the ones that don’t make it and the ones that do make it they’re all you anyway.

So, you’re just having all these different experiences so don’t be sad don’t be upset don’t be angry just kick back open your heart and love every single second, love your sisters and brothers and let’s just get on like a human family with a grand crew.  We’re the number one resource on this planet right now with the game changers with the sovereign soldiers the earth angels and we came to this planet for this time right now this space that we’re living in. It’s what you signed up for.

Your amazing, beautiful soul. Go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them so fiercely and so ferociously. Hug them tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging beautiful soul. Never ever be the first to let go. Alright you might be there for a while but that’s okay. The more you hug the more oxytocin you’re going to release. Those levels of trust go up, it deepens. Hugs are magical good therapy. You’re amazing. Go out and be awesome, go out and be extraordinary. Open your heart and keep it open. Dampen your sparkle for no man, no woman, no corporation, nothing. Just keep raising the vibes baby and I’ll see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website Come and join the tribe and I’ll see you again real soon.