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Activate A LOVE Attack & Enter 5th Density


You can activate a love attack and move into 5th Density whenever you like. Change your energy, change your consciousness. Change your life.


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I love you with my heart with my soul with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul? So, let’s talk about having a love attack, yeah, a love attack man.

So many people talk about heart attacks and panic attacks. Why when you can have a love attack and you can change the vibration you know right now on this planet it’s like a cancer. As above so below. What happens in the macro happens in the micro and you know if you look at our body, when it starts to allow toxicity in and not defend against toxicity but welcome toxicity. That is cancer. The cells start to change.

Now look at what is happening on planet earth right now you’ve got millions and billions of people defending the agenda saying that it’s good to put poison into your body to change you on a deep level to recode your DNA. This apparently is a positive thing. The world has got cancer, the world’s got cancer. People walking around this planet are the cancerous tumours. They’re allowing it to happen.

Now what we’ve got to do is we’ve got to completely shift this paradigm with a love attack by opening this beautiful cosmic gateway in the centre of our chest. The high vibrational frequency of one human can counteract the negative frequency of eight hundred thousand humans.  So, we can have a massive positive effect on so many people. We don’t need everyone to wake up, we just need a certain proportion of humanity to amplify their frequency, shine their lights, expand their consciousness, and go into a frenzied love attack so that they’re just pumping like beauty magic joy bliss and divinity out from their hearts 24/7 365.

We need to reboot society; we need to reboot our human system. You know when the body gets ill there’s certain protocols that you can do to sort it out. You know you can go on a five-day fast, you can reboot your system you can eat the right foods. you can use breathwork, meditation, exercise, you know different vitamins and minerals to truly reboot your system to eradicate any disease. Every single human being on this planet has the ability and the capacity to self-heal.

We’re like biological computers and the computer is never so run down that it can’t be rebooted. If you’ve got a great engineer, if you’ve got a great technician with the right skillset, and the thing is you own are the CEO of the most incredible pharmaceutical company on planet earth, your own physical body. You can generate so many magical potions and chemicals aided by mother nature, breathwork, meditation, exercise, water. Different vitamins and minerals created by love by alchemists around the planet.

Our human society is like a huge holographic biological computer and humanity needs a biological upgrade. What is happening right now is a lot of people are having a biological downgrade instead of getting the next iPhone. They’re going 24 versions back and some. There are not even 24 versions, but they’ve gone way down sub-zero. Okay they’re becoming non-human because of what is being stuck into their bodies and they’re walking around defending that. We got a fella that lives down the road from us an old guy who comes around and does a little bit of work now and again. He’s had like two boosters, and he was saying I can’t wait to get my third one, can’t wait for it to come out.

So, we can be safe and secure and happy, and you know in a space where he’s not going to be infected by this mysterious thing that is sweeping across our planet right now. In this world we have people around us. The people around us can be like soul nourishment or they can be like cancer. It’s that simple. If you’ve got someone in your reality who is lifting you up, and firing you up, and nourishing your soul and fanning your flame and igniting that divine spark inside of you and turning it into a roaring fire or triggering you to turn it into aurora and fire yourself. You want those kinds of people around you right now on planet earth.

There are too many victims, way too many victims. Victim mentality and what happens that victim mentality gets supported by people in your local environment – friends family sometimes strangers just people around you what you want is people around you that are going to kick you up the ass and say get your Sh** together. Enough is enough. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. It’s time to act it’s time to flip the switch and go into a new gear because you’ve been moping around for far too long. They’re the kind of people you want in your life.

You don’t want people that say oh it’s okay, it’s going to be all right, you’re going to be okay in a few weeks it’s just a little phase that you want people that are going to switch you out of it straight away give you a slap around the face and tell you straight. They’re the kind of people you want in your life. This is the kind of mindset and mentality that we want to breed. We need to start to take responsibility ourselves for our actions and the way that we are in this world. You know too many people blame other people and say well it’s their fault and it’s his fault when it’s her fault. Some things might be other people’s faults but it’s not their responsibility.

What is important is that you know whatever happens in your external reality you are the one that’s got to sort it out and be responsible for how you respond and how you deal with the situation it doesn’t matter if someone’s called you a name if someone has left a relationship from you it doesn’t matter what it is your missus could have walked out your husband could have walked out you might have had a family member that’s died your business might have gone to turn to custard. It doesn’t matter how you respond how you deal with it how you become responsible for this situation.  Your own energy your own frequency that’s what matters because remember your heart is inside your body and you’ve got to be responsible for your own happiness for your own joy for your own bliss.

If you want to have a love attack and send the positive love virus out into the fields of consciousness around this planet, then you’ve got to take charge of your own frequency amplify your heart and be on that frequency of love joy bliss divinity kindness just all that magic that potential that is inside of you waiting to burst out into this planet.

You know the worst disease on this planet it’s fear. Fear is the worst disease. They’re pumping crap through the television screens through the radio through mainstream media out into the world to pump you full of fear and its fear that has made those that are still asleep go and get one of those because if it wasn’t for fear no one would have got one fear is the disease. Now you’ve got love on this end of the emotional spectrum and fear on this end and every other emotion in between is some diluted version of one or the other. Where do you want to be bouncing around the fear end or up on the love ends injecting magic and enthusiasm and passion out into this world.

You get to choose. It comes back to a simple choice. Just decide I feel great I feel awesome I feel amazing. I’m going to act right now on my goals and my dreams. I’m going to stand up for my sovereignty for my human rights. I’m going to be an unfuck-withable being and you are not going to take my liberties away from me because I’m a lion I’m a lioness I’m powerful man. We’ve got to adopt this mentality and unfuck with mentality having that goddess god-like lioness lying like mentality that big frequency roam in this jungle reality that we call earth with our pride our human pride. No separation.

Join forces divide and conquer as the order of the day from those that control the system. Let’s create our own system, let’s step outside of theirs and be free and again that’s a choice but what holds you there in the prison of your own mind is fear man. Listen beautiful soul. You are so powerful you have so much extraordinariness locked inside of your own DNA template, your own genetics, your own soul template. You came to earth right now for these times. You’re a leader you’re a general you’re a commander and you’ve led some of the most incredible fleets and battalions up in the stars before you incarnated down on this crazy green and blue ball or dome or flat square depending on your perspective, but the point of point is you came here as a galactic titan into this earthly body to resume or assume your position as an earth angel as a guardian of this planet.

So, what are you going to do, you’re going to rise to the challenge and remember your truth, step into your power, or you’re going to stay in that victim mentality hoping someone’s coming to save you because no one’s coming to save you, no one’s coming to save you. I don’t give a f*ck what you believe in. That’s your choice man but whilst you’re hoping and praying that Jesus is going to come back, that some ET from up there is coming down to rescue you, you’re so mistaken. Yes, we have galactic support absolutely and we’re the ground crew. Remember that but they aren’t coming to do it for us. We got to take control, we got to act, and we’ve got to enforce our own measures, our own powers, our own sovereignty.

It’s on you. Take responsibility man. It’s on me. I’m taking responsibility. Let’s open our hearts wider and wider and wider and let’s have a love attack. Let’s have a full-blown ecstasy driven love attack and let’s raise the vibration on this planet man. Every day when you wake up choose to have a love attack.

Wherever you are on this planet beautiful soul, go out and hug your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website and come and join your tribe.