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How Do They Not See It? Shocking Truth!


The shocking truth about our freedom in this reality.


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Hey there, beautiful soul. How are you feeling okay?

So, today I wanted to answer a question that so many people ask and sometimes I find myself asking even though I know the answer, and don’t we all know the answers but sometimes we just can’t see certain things or can’t remember certain things. This is the question that so many people are asking. When I answer this question today, I’m going to tell you some truths and kind of like open my heart and share some interesting things that have happened to me in the past and recently that well really shed some lights on this topic.

So, people ask why we cannot see the truth, why can people not get it why don’t people get it with all the information out in the world with all the data. First, you’ve got to take what’s happening in our global environment now with the magical potion. Why can’t people get it, why don’t people understand, why not? It registers that it’s not good for you that this is a whole different agenda taking place within our environment.

Why is it that some people are so awake, and they see through the bull**** and why is it that some people think this. It is a bowl of oranges and bananas and a bottle of sparkling water, fresh strawberries, and cream. I don’t know why is it that people can’t see the truth and sit there munching on their breakfast thinking that it’s real that it’s something that it’s not that it’s fresh fruit that it’s this or that but and it’s everything that is beautiful for them why don’t they understand why they can’t see why is there experienced different from other people’s experience.  There are some real fundamental key reasons for this, and I want to go into them like why people can’t see the truth in anything.

Going back to those two incredible towers that seemed to disappear from New York. I mean it’s not funny, but you got to laugh baby. Now always around my mum’s house this has gone back a few months before she got the magical potion, and I was sat there, and I was I was sharing with her, and you know I’ve been trying to. I’ve been trying to trigger my mum’s consciousness, to wake up for I don’t know I’m 43 now, a long time probably since I came out and I was completely rebellious from the start, but you know since I’m I am I can consciously remember I’ve been trying to wake her up over recent years.

You are where you are, but something comes along like the magical potion you think you know what let me give it another whirl so I’m right in. I’m not trying to convince her but, in a way, trying to convince her even though it’s her path but sometimes you go over and above what you should be doing but you know. That’s on me but I’m sharing with her and I’m showing her videos of good solid doctors and people giving you know real solid advice and evidence videos that you’ve all seen and she’s like you know I reckon there’s some truth in this Jerry.  I’m like what yeah maybe so anyway we had this deep conversation she you know.

It’s like she’s coming around you know and I’m thinking to myself there’s no way she’s going to get the magical potion anyway I don’t see her for a few weeks I go back I say how you are doing? She says I’ve had the magical potion I’m like what you’ve had the magical potion you told me you weren’t going to have it she said no I didn’t I said listen the last time I was around here we sat and we had a conversation in the dining room I had my phone I was showing you these videos I want to talk she was like no you didn’t don’t remember that and I looked at her and I thought this is just this is just the depth of the programming, the programming runs so deep and they can plant thoughts into your mind. They can you know flick switches in your already programmed consciousness. They can delete things; they can add things. Remember your brain is a biological computer and mass consciousness can be influenced like this, not just one human but many humans at the same time in whole cities maybe whole worlds.

The issue is now you’ve got a mass rising in Consciousness but there’s still a mass unconsciousness and that is highly programmed now this is just a simple example. Okay, I was writing my mum’s house again. I don’t know four weeks ago roughly I can’t even remember it might have even been a bit longer the first time but anyway I was around my mum’s eye it’s not too long ago and me and my mum have always had like heated discussions and arguments we never had the most amazing relationship when I was growing up so quite often we have these little kind of like head to heads and we were having one of these head-to-heads in this moment and she turned my hands to me and she said I’ll put a bullet in your head. she looked at me seriously calmly and you know sometimes when a million things go through your head at the same time your calm, I was cool I was composed.

All these thoughts are gone from my head like just like it was literally like this this crazy computer was just downloading the data and working it all out in about two or three seconds and I realized that she’d been triggered and what had activated was actually a past life experience and it wasn’t her that was communicating with me it was another element of her soul another Soul experience was bleeding through in that moment now maybe that just Rose to the surface or maybe the game that we’re playing in maybe some beings that are controlling the game that we’re playing in you know press the button and got her to activate that kind of that element in the moment. Anyway, I thought to myself I need to mirror this back to us.

So, what am I going to do? So, I said what I’m going to go into the kitchen I’m going to grab a kitchen knife I’m going to come back in here and I’m going to slit your throat and I just looked at her straight in the eyes and you might think that’s a bit harsh Jerry. But I had to mirror her, I had to help her see what she had just said. So, I said that, and she looked at me like horrified as I would say. How could you say it and then she said to me, what did you just say? Oh my God, she said see you’re always like this blah blah blah. I said what did you just say to me, and she had to think for a second. It was like she couldn’t remember it. It was like she didn’t even realize she’d said it.

I said you just told me that you were going to put a bullet in my head and then she remembered saying it but like it was like her conscious mind was somewhere else when this other part of her was bleeding through and saying it. But only when I said it, she kind of like linked it together which is interesting. Right, how can someone say something to you and not remember that they’ve just said it. There are so many elements to fragmentation, there are so many elements to like the splitting of the cranium in the base of the brain and children being split very early through several different ways.  So, when they grow up into adults, they can be mind-controlled. so anyway, what ensued from here was the most incredible conversation.

My adoptive mother had a birth mother, and I found my birth mother. I think it was 25 or 26 around that sort of time and we’re in contact and we had a crazy whirlwind relationship to start with me and my birth mother that’s a whole other story going back four or five years I started to get a lot of recall about my kind of early childhood and birth and all this sort of stuff, and I realized something wasn’t quite right and I found that my real mum.

I said to my real mum I said listen something happened I want you to tell me about my birth like in in a lot of detail and anyway my mum had gone she was from Birmingham, and she got a train from Birmingham to Cheltenham, and she told her parents she was going to college didn’t tell them. She was pregnant she goes down there, and she goes into mum and babies hump like for parents that are pregnant now a wedlock because it was framed upon back then when it comes to the point where she’s about to give birth they take her to some place and like Locker in a room and she’s left there crying and screaming for hours and hours no one came in to see her it was about 13 hours in total no medication no one came in not once left in a room screaming in labour just before 03 50. That’s when I came out at the 350. which is an eight which is a really you know I was born on the 8th of March Pisces um eight is all the way through my life in every single capacity you could possibly imagine, and I was born at 03:50.

Two Men In Black masks came into the room and a nurse in a mass and no one said anything they didn’t give her any drugs they just pulled their legs apart got massive pair of scissors cut her vagina you know I can’t imagine what that would be like you know you’re in labour that’s bad enough and they just cut your vagina like with a pair of scissors and then they reached in and ripped me out and then what they did is they put me in another room and just left me there crying and then they walked out and they left her. They never they never said anything to her they didn’t stitch her up they didn’t comfort her or console her or ask her if she’s okay.

So anyway, she never saw me she just heard me screaming and crying in another room for ages I was left there for a long time and yeah you know later on they came back into the room and um again in masks Etc no words they literally just stitched her up with no medication and apparently when you stitch up her a wound it’s worth it worse than the actual cup so um they stitched her up well so go back to this mum baby’s home and that was it she never heard anything about me until I turned up like you know 26 years later or whatever it was and said hey so I’m sharing that because that happened to traumatize her to traumatize me through this birthing process so they could do the same thing to me as a child they wanted to fragment my brain and there’s a whole other whole number of different reasons for that but we don’t need to go into all that stuff right there anyway back in my mum’s house we’re having this conversation when I was little my adoptive mum used to like

When I did things that she didn’t agree with she’d make me go to my bedroom she’d pull my pants down and she’d make me bend over the bed and she had this wooden ruler like a 30-centimetre ruler it was kind of like hard but I had this little like wobble in it and she stopped which like hit me with it three times hard I remember I used to get a pillow like the pillow on the thing and just hold the pillow and just go and I was just ready to take my beatings and this happened regularly and when I’m in the in the in the lounge with her now I’m saying you know a few weeks back must you traumatize me as a kid I said you know we’ve I’ve never really spoke to you about this stuff but you] traumatized me I said every time you bent me over the bed pulled my pants down and hit me with a wooden ruler three times you up my psychology.

He said I didn’t do that, and my ego was like you liar I didn’t say that but that was what was going on in my head like a straight away. I’m like the internal dialogue is you liar you’re full of bull**** but my soul looked into her soul and I looked into her eyes and I knew she was telling the truth she actually could not remember doing that and this happened a lot of times and part of me was blown away but part of me you know it didn’t surprise me at all you know but when some when you know someone’s actually done something like that you know you’re on the receiving end how could they not actually remember doing that I mean that’s a bit crazy in it you know this this little boy that is you know you’re supposed to be looking after you keep pulling his pants down making him bend over the bed I’m hitting him three times,  not once twice but many times.

So how do you not remember that and the reason that she didn’t remember is because she was programmed and I started going we had a deep conversation about this like when she like she like there was a part of her soul that knew what I was saying was the truth because she you could see the guilt in her you could feel the guilt coming in her energy field you know like this energy in the room you could feel it so strongly and she was very apologetic and she was like if I’ve done that I’m so sorry oh my God how can I ever change it blah blah blah and she actually meant it you know and um we went into this deep conversation about you know extra-terrestrials and other beings and you know mind control and all this sort of stuff and you know I said to her you know it may have been that there were other beings working through your Consciousness or maybe programs within your own.

Within your own you know energetic fields field of Consciousness maybe in your brain maybe in your aura maybe being a programming you from afar you know I said but they have the ability and the capability to do that to come in and get you to do things yeah they can switch your personality and you know she said to me well you know that does give me a bit of relief because I actually can’t remember doing it and if someone was doing that and making me do that at least it makes me feel a little bit better anyway it was a good conversation in the end but I’m just sharing this story with you because you know we’re talking about how why is it people don’t remember and stuff and you know the programming in this world it goes so deep it’s unbelievable.

How can someone not remember something that they’ve done. You get people uh that that go into schools they go into casinos and they unload a magazine, they let off 30 rounds maybe they stick another magazine in they let off another 30 rounds until they’re shot you know you get people that go into these places and afterwards if they don’t get killed when they’re interviewed they can’t remember they don’t even remember doing it you know I work with a lot of Satanic ritual abuse clients I work with a lot of military mind control clients I won’t call them victims I don’t like that word but people that have been exposed heavily to nasty things and you know when you’re working with some of these people they might have four or five different alters. They might have 10 or 11 different altars like ultimate personalities that are within their frame of all their different frames of consciousness and they kind of step to the front and speak and then retreat and another one comes through. Sometimes they’re having conversations in the background and the human being at question has this whole internal world going on and this is how they create assassins.

You can have an assassin altar and when it’s time someone can either go and communicate with that assassin altar, say certain trigger words, depending on how the coding’s been laid into their consciousness through abuse and drugs and different things that I mean the techniques that they use are completely horrific but they lay a fabric they let they layer um well they input layers of codes like fabric like tapestry into the consciousness of whoever it is that. They’re trying to mess up and then these layers of code can be activated by certain symbols certain words certain phrases etc, etc. So, someone might go and see them someone might phone them up and say blah blah blah and those three words or certain words um like put together in a certain way that create a very specific sentence will activate that kind of assassin personality.

It goes and grabs its AK47, off to the casino, unloads a magazine and then straight away afterwards that altar confirm that personality can go back, and you know the person is there like what just happened. I’ve got a gun in my hand now. That sounds crazy right that you know you you’re in your own body and something else can overtake you and then all you realize is that you’ve got a gun and there’s just loads of dead people on the floor or injured people or whatever it’s not realize you did that that goes to show the level of the programming and how good it is and you’ve got to realize beautiful self.

We have a body we have a brain the body and the brain are a biological computer, and the computer has access to information now the computer can be completely closed down and plugged into certain like hard drives data streams which are the programs within the person’s Consciousness that the programmers have downloaded you can have other humans that are kind of much Freer and it’s like they’re exposed to The whole World Wide Web, the whole internet, they’re not closed down and there’s Wi-Fi streaming internet you know just the information in the space some people are half and half like different percentages like we’re living in a crazy world.

The only way that you’re ever going to kind of like Get control of your own Consciousness is to realize that you’re in a game and start playing it and to start being still enough to see the cracks and the holes and the blemishes within the programming because they’re there but when you are rushing around real fast. It’s real hard to see man it’s real hard to see so you know coming back to the original question like how it is that people can’t see the truth how is it that people you know don’t know that the magic potion is bad for them. How is it that people can’t see with all these facilities going up around the planet how is it that people can’t see government contracts you know live on the internet for crematoriums you know next to some of these facilities next to graveyards there’s contracts going out to build temporary human body storage facilities.

Do we need a load of human body temperature storage facilities around London around Manchester and different places? Why do we need those where are all these dead bodies going to come from. I mean this stuff is in plain sight. The fact that there’s so much information out there on the birth certificate and you know us being you know controlled and being government property through serial numbers through codes. The fact that we pay tax I mean all these crazy little things people think that you know. I know people that have this philosophy in psychology. Let’s try and earn more tax because if we’re under more tax it means we’re earning more money.

I mean what a crazy psychology I get it when you’re in the system I get why you’d have that goal don’t get me wrong okay at the same time paying 40 of your money that you earn every single month for every single year to a load of government people that go and spend it all on wars and in putting it in their own pockets and having a lavish lifestyle you know you’ve got football players that have traded recently for literally millions and millions and millions and millions when there’s starving kids all over the planet where there’s homeless people. I mean I don’t. I understand it looks why don’t people get it because they’re programmed, they are a biological computer in full control of the system and the system runs on an automated system through artificial intelligence it’s unreal but we’re a part of all of this.

But we can be a part of all of this without being a part of it we can be within the system but not of the system okay we can step back and go and create our own worlds we can start loving unifying stepping out of the monetary system stepping out of all of these kind of systems the food system and going creating our own thing this is what we’re doing man you know and I know a lot of other people that are doing it too but Unity right now is the key.

Okay if you’re awake let me tell you this no one is coming to save you. I don’t give a flying f*** what you believe okay. You’re entitled to your own opinions, your entire to your own everything and I love you and I respect you to the ends of the Earth for wherever you are in your reality but let me tell you this no one’s coming to save you no one this is a team effort and whilst there are lots of people around this planet doing lots of individual pieces of work you know who I’m talking about. They aren’t coming to save you no one from up there is coming to save you this is all part of the program. They’re supporting and guiding but we must act, we are the ground crew on this planet, and we got to take radical action.

We got to start loving fiercely and ferociously we got to start building our own communities. We got to start creating our own systems outside of the banking system. We’ve got to go back to exchange things are crumbling on the other side. You know we’re not organized enough. This is the problem part of the program. It’s the Saviour program. Part of the program is the entitlement program. So, whilst we’re sitting there thinking that we’re going to be saved and that we’re entitled we’re completely left in no man’s land because we’re entitled to nothing and no one’s coming to save us we got to get off our lazy assess and go and make it happen and we do that by going into our heart and loving fiercely and ferociously. We do it by realizing that all this system is crumbling, and we need to find a new way we can’t wait for it to crumble we got to make Headway. Now we got a plan and we got to prepare.

Everybody knows where to find me. If you want to find me maybe you don’t maybe this is the only time, we’ll ever connect but we’re making our plans we’re making our own preparation okay we’re building stuff and making things happen you can be a part of that you cannot be a part of that you, might do your own thing and maybe your community is going to work and trade with our community different services and skills and products and stuff that’d be awesome man. But right now, you got to do something it doesn’t matter wherever you’re at don’t tell me you haven’t got any money, don’t tell me you haven’t got any time, because time and money don’t give a flying f***. I know I’ve used a lot of time and energy in this video, but I don’t give a f***. The thing is time and money don’t care about you. Only you can care about you.

You got to love yourself enough to make the time to make the connections to get off your butt and go and make stuff happen anyway I love you, beautiful soul. At least you now know why not everybody gets it and that was the purpose of this message so go out into this world love your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever, be the first to let go love fiercely and ferociously. Go out and shine your light and be like this fierce lion in the background or a fierce lioness. Be the God and the goddess merged into one frequency, masculine and feminine unified, in the centre of your heart. I Love You Beautiful Soul. Remember to check out our website