Awaken Creativity

{"playlist":[{"title":"Awaken Creativity","artist_name":"You have infinite depths of creativity inside you waiting to burst through to the surface to assist you elevate your life in every way. There are artists, painters, craftsmen, sculptures, architects, builders, poets, writers and other Divine aspects of your soul, playing in the quantum field, past and future. When you connect with them and bring them home your creativity will thrive. When creativity is in full flow it will help you weave an intricate web of magic through out your life. You can create whatever you want, in every way. You can create the most harmonious and fulfilling relationships, both personal and in business. You can tap into a world of health and vibrancy. You will discover the super-human potential within, harness it and use it to create the most rewarding and profitable business ventures that will give you a life of total freedom. The question is, are you ready to have all of this NOW? Start listening and tap in to this world of wealth, love and beauty.","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/10\/81.awaken-creativity-1.jpg","duration":"18:18","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":25759}]}