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Healing Your Energy Through Compassion

Compassion is a great healer and when you develop authentic compassion with true love in your heart, you will heal yourself and others. Continue reading to discover how you can connect with your heart and develop unconditional compassion for your inner healing and the energy healing of others.


What is Compassion?

Compassion is a real gift containing the power to lower stress, heal anxiety and depression, transform lives, and empower your spiritual meditation practice and ascension journey. Compassion is a feeling and a healing wish to transform your own suffering and the suffering of others.

Compassion is a deeply healing virtue that is rooted within spiritual consciousness. Compassion is felt in your heart when you feel empathy and unconditional love for yourself and others, an impulse to heal yourself and others and to help them too.

As you meditate more on love and compassion and bring compassion into your energy healing practice the stronger and deeper your wish becomes to help and heal others. With compassion you can heal yourself and the world and boost your own energy and confidence.


Why is Compassion Needed?

Compassion is so powerful that it can strip away the patterns and imprints of social and mental conditioning and heal your past life karma. Compassion washes away negative energy and protects you from negative human and spiritual beings. It accelerates and amplifies the pace of your spiritual journey, self-transformation and activates and aligns you with the highest energies in the universe.

Authentic compassion is being pure in your mind and heart. It will not emerge until you let go of your ego, cravings, and illusions. This can be achieved through spiritual practice by meditating on the different forms of love and compassion in your heart combined with clean living, energy healing, and doing selfless actions.

Universal compassion and unconditional love are medicines for everyone, and this is what the world needs right now. When we heal ourselves, heal and guide others, and work together without any competition then we can create miracles for our lives, the lives of others, and the natural world.


Developing Self-Compassion

To develop compassion and love for yourself, begin by being self-aware of how you are triggered by something, how you react to someone, and when you judge yourself. Listen to your body as it sends you signals including pain, tension, shaking, and blood rushing up to your face. Also, take slow deep breaths to slow down your racing thoughts that may be clouded by anger and judgment.

To calm your mind, connect with the present moment by letting go of your thoughts and focusing on the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your nostrils or focus on the clear space between your thoughts. Meditation, energy healing and mindfulness practices will help you to develop self-healing and compassion. By observing your inner thoughts and feelings each day, your words and actions will be healing and compassionate.

Set an intention to love yourself including all your faults and let go of reacting to situations and people. Tune into the moment and become present with how you respond to pain in your body, heart, and mind. Allow your heart to feel the healing sensation of compassion until you feel calmer and more connected to the present moment. Catch your thoughts and feelings before they cause you pain or become words or actions that you may regret later.

When you open your heart, you are healing your soul with the tremendous healing power of compassion. So, open your heart to the high vibrational feelings of loving kindness. This will dissolve lifetimes of anger, frustration, darkness, and negative patterns and imprints that have been controlling you. Place your hand on your heart and accept the pain you are currently experiencing. Then imagine your heart opening into a limitless sea of compassion and healing and send this to the place inside you that hurts.

You will heal yourself faster and feel lighter and healthier when you eat clean, engage in energy healing, and heal yourself through guided meditations, and keep yourself grounded throughout your day tuning into the feeling of the ground beneath your feet. It helps also to visualize yourself being embraced or surrounded by your spiritual mother or a trusted guide, or extraterrestrial energy healers, and invite healing geometry and light codes to heal the energy of your body and your environment. You may also want to do healing meditations and energy exercises such as qigong to improve your concentration.


Having Compassion for Others

Compassion is showing loving kindness for yourself and others, and it is having sensitivity, mercy, and sympathy for other people. When you truly care for yourself and others, your heart will fill up with love and joy, your body and your light body will feel energised, and your soul nourished with healing love and light. So, when you show a profound act of kindness then you will feel your heart energised and healed, and your entire being will vibrate with high frequency healing energy.

A truly compassionate person recognizes and feels for the suffering of others, and they take action to remedy or heal them selflessly. In Sanskrit, compassion is known as karuna, the highest form of compassion. This is also known by Buddhists as loving kindness. Compassion is one of the powerful emotions which can lead to liberation, the freedom from the cycle of karma and rebirth. This is like a key to unlock the door the leave the matrix forever.

Compassion is shown in different ways. Firstly, when you only feel pity, or sympathy towards your suffering children, relatives, or pets, when they are in pain generates good karma. This is often stained by attachment, bias, and selfishness and you may feel compassion for your pets but may go out and chase away birds or animals in your garden, or you may love your children but hate the naughty children of your neighbour.

Unconditional compassion is being compassionate towards someone without any bias or self-interest. regardless of their relation, race, culture, age, etc. Many people show unconditional compassion when disasters and natural calamities are witnessed by them. Only a few people, such as bodhisattvas, advanced energy healers and some yoga gurus, can be consistently and universally compassionate towards all sentient beings. Unconditional compassion emerges as the result of extensive spiritual practice including meditation and energy healing, self-healing, subtle energy mastery, and self-transformation.


Self-Healing and Compassion

True selflessness, being the purest highest frequency, is when you experience the suffering of others and actively respond to heal it. When you cultivate this level of compassion without any expectation, attachment, or desire, then you are determined to do what it takes to reduce, heal, or eliminate their suffering. You are like a bodhisattva who deeply feels the suffering of others in your heart and then you take the actions that  heal them, or which protect them from harm.

Healing with compassion is natural when you have filled your heart with unconditional love and filled up your entire being with pure love through long term regular spiritual practices including meditation, energy work and energy healing. In meditation, open your heart, mind, and soul to the chaos of the world today. Feel the compassion rising in your heart and the tears welling in your eyes. Then from your heart send out healing energy and multidimensional love, light, and sound codes to heal and regenerate Gaia and all her living beings, and to heal and transform all energetic beings, in all dimensions, in all universes.

Remember always to open your heart wide and send thoughts of compassion and healing to those whom you find difficult to forgive. Avoid saying hurtful words and emanate from your heart streams of pure love and healing for the world and humanity. Always see others as if you are them and feelings of oneness, empathy, and compassion towards them will naturally arise.


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