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Top Signs You’re Suffering from Cosmic Energy Blocks

Cosmic energy is everything. It’s what powers us as complete beings, you can feel it all around us on a daily basis. It’s what makes us creative and happy.

It’s what enables us to love purely and freely. It’s what heals us and empowers our daily lives.

However, when things start to fall apart, you should always try to find if there are any energy blocks in your body, mind and spirit. Are you wondering how can you tell? Read on to find the most common signs which indicate towards cosmic energy blocks.

#1 You Constantly Feel Tired, Burned Out, Fading

Do you seem to never feel energized after a good night’s rest? Are you having a hard time finding the energy to carry on with life?

You could be suffering from energy blocks.

cosmic energy

This sign is the most common in people who have sacrificed their personal wishes for years in a row. Not allocating time for yourself and your dreams can give birth to cosmic energy blocks which affect you as a complete being.

Your body will feel exhausted, your mind tired and lacking creativity, your soul fading slowly into nothingness. You can no longer feel and enjoy love and every beautiful aspect of life seems to turn into a constant struggle.

#2 Your Natural Cosmic Energy Flow Could Be Damaged by Ignorance and Stress

Ignoring your true self and refusing to connect with it year after year, can lead to energy blocks as well. When you are straying from your path, the energy fueling your life slowly fades away.

As that happens, stress and anxiety start taking over almost every aspect of your life. You constantly feel agitated and nervous. Love loses any meaning and nothing seems to work out anymore. You get clumsy and your body starts taking longer periods of time to fight off different physical issues.

They are all signs your natural cosmic energy flow is affected, damaged or even blocked. The energy of the Universe can no longer travel through your body, mind and spirit. It can no longer fuel your existence.

#3 Your Aura Contracts

Do you feel like you cannot connect with anyone? Do you feel like you’re in survival mode? There is no positive outcome for your daily activities?

There’s a high chance your aura is affected as well and instead of radiating outwards it is now contracted, trapping you.

You can’t attract abundance, love, or any positive experiences whatsoever. Your body is torn and fear becomes the dominant feeling.

cosmic energy

What Can You Do?

Cosmic energy blocks have dire consequences, but with the right guidance and will, they can be completely removed.

I have developed an 18 days Journey for global meditation and healing which can solve your problems by reigniting the light and energy in your body, mind and spirit.

By the end of the Journey, you will already be taking steps on the Path of Ascension. You will have already learned what it is to embrace abundance, happiness, love and permanent relief.

Your natural cosmic energy flow will be restored and you will be countless steps closer to fulfilling your one true potential: changing the world. The infinite wisdom will travel throughout every cell of your physical body, energize your mind and empower your spirit.

Book your ticket here.