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Release Identity, Heal and Manifest Anything You Want Jerry Sargeant


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Your body and your brain are like a biological computer and when you know how to program and reprogram your biological computer you can access the information held in your DNA. You literally are a superhuman waiting to burst and rebirth like a phoenix in this physical reality.

I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul? So, let’s talk about thoughts, let’s talk about energy, let’s discuss healing and how you can create rapid healing very quickly within your own field,  within your own body, within your own life, and how you can rapidly and radically change mentally physically emotionally and spiritually.

Most people are playing around in this life in the external world and they’re trying to be someone or they’re trying to be something and what I am suggesting to you and everyone else is that you try and be nothing. Most people are building their identity. I’m Jerry. I’m a certain age. I have a business, a family,  a mission. Instead of being the identity and building that construct why not step into a space which is completely opposite than what you’ve been conditioned to, strive for, and aim for. Why not become nothing?

When you go beyond your body, beyond your identity, and you step into that space of nothingness where you enter the fields, where you become the frequency, the sound, the vibration beyond this physical form then magic starts to happen. There’s this recalibration, this kaleidoscope of colours and geometry, which you are beyond the physical, starts to weave itself back into its original template. Healing happens when you breathe deeply, when you go into meditation, and you become still, and you open your heart, and you live in these states 24/7 365. This takes practice and discipline, but you can do it. Everyone can when you go into this state of consciousness where you live from the heart and you enter the present moment.

When you stay in this high frequency state, blend with your environment, your environment blends with you, and you realize that your environment is an extension of your body and your body is an extension of the space,  an extension of your environment. There is no separation and as your heart expands and flows through the space you feel that wholeness, that oneness with everything. When you experience that wholeness and oneness with everything you want from nothing but when you get to that space where you want for nothing everything starts to flow into your life,  abundance and physical healing. It’s rapid.

We’ve just finished a workshop, a training, in Shropshire in the UK last week. We had a guy with no hearing start to hear and take out his hearing aids, a lady with a curved spine since birth straighten up in 20 minutes. Radical, fast, rapid healing and physical changes that most human beings would think were impossible and according to the medical worlds are impossible. When they step into that magical mystical space and they connect with the geometrical code, the quantum building box of the universal fields, magic happens. There’s this re-synthesizing. There’s this recalibration of you – zero point, the masculine and the feminine, the electromagnetic and the magnetic in the centre of your chest in your heart space, and things start to recalibrate and change and shift back to their original order. When that happens, healing takes place and manifestation starts to happen.

It’s not rocket science. It’s actually easy but it does require a little bit of discipline and on our trainings and on our workshops we show you how to achieve this, how to accomplish this, and your life will change massively. What I want you to know is this, beautiful soul. You’re powerful beyond measure. You are radically unique, and you have all of the tools and all of the skills and all of the energy locked inside of you. Your DNA is like computer code, your body and your brain are like a biological computer and when you know how to program and reprogram your biological computer you can access the information held in your DNA. You literally are a superhuman waiting to burst and rebirth like a phoenix in this physical reality. You’re amazing.

Go and check out our website We have some of the best ascension souls on the planet. Click the link underneath this video and get access to our free seven-day meditation challenge right now. Go out into this world and shine your lights, your powerful magical lights. Dampen your sparkle for no one. Live by your own rules,  play the game of life. It’s incredible. We live on this glorious green and blue ball that we call home, planet earth. It’s full of surprises and wonder and magic but you’ve got to be curious like a little child loving every second roaming these Earthly planes.

Go and see this world and hug your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go beautiful soul. That’s the golden rule of hugging. We really are a gigantic family, a human family with one great big, massive, gigantic cosmic heart. So, live from this present state of awareness and love your life and I’ll see you again real soon. Check out our website and I’ll see you in the multi-dimensional playing fields.