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Alchemist Or Victim? How To Create Health & Abundance


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You must choose between being an alchemist and a victim.  Alchemists they move into their pain they lean into their fears, and they transmute anything and everything that is blocking them or derailing them from living their most extraordinary version.

A victim simply falls prey to the programming that is running through their biological system, their body and their brain. The thing is this. Most victims don’t even realize they’re victims. Most victims will defend their belief systems, they will defend that which is keeping them small, they will defend with their life in most cases. The belief systems the patterning and the programming that is keeping them locked and subservient and small they will defend it.

For someone to step onto this path and start to move forwards by going inwards it often takes a shift in consciousness or it takes for a human being to experience something which sends them tumbling down the stairs where they fall, they break a leg, they get disease life-threatening disease and they’re up against the ropes. They’ve got no alternative but to take heed to take notice. Quite often on people’s paths they miss the signs, the small and simple little signs, because the body is a communication device, and it lets the human being know when something is out of alignment.

Someone might get a rash. They might get some spots, they might get some ache and niggles in their elbow, something that doesn’t really bother them too much, but the body is starting to reach out and say you need to look at this but the human beings like there’s and it’s a dodgy elbow or a bit of pain I must have knocked it it’ll go away. They will get some cream from the doctors, and they rub it on, and it goes, and they see it as a minor injury, and they keep moving forwards. What happens next time is something gets a little bit more serious and then eventually it gets more and more serious and at some point, in the so-called future the human being has an experience which completely side swipes them and that’s the wake-up call.

Then what happens is the human being, the man, the woman, the child, whoever it is, starts to think a bit differently. Look at different options how can I get out of this. I’m up against the ropes I’m in the 12th round I’m getting my head caved in I need to make a different choice I need to do something drastic. I need to come out fighting like a lion or a lioness and so they start to look for alternative measures and people then start to change, they start to shift, but they do it in a state of un-comfortability. They do it from a place of pressure from a place of pain from a place of suffering. Why wait? Why would you want to put yourself through that?

If you’re watching this video and you’re listening to me right now, then you know that you shouldn’t be waiting for something to get to that point. What you should do is shift your awareness, expand your consciousness, and change your energy and your vibration. Right now, when you’re feeling better, when you’re feeling good, when you’re feeling on top of the world or near enough in a good high vibrational state you can start to shift your consciousness and expand your awareness and change your levels of vibration whilst you’re in this space of curiosity in this state of joy and bliss and wonderment like a little child looking for something new in a state of awe and wonder about life.

When you’re in a high vibration and you’re able and you’re moving and there’s nothing going on a mental physical or emotional level. That is kind of debilitating or derailing your training from moving forwards into success and mastering and wisdom and gratitude and beauty in all these amazing things. Right now, is the time to get going not when you experience suffering and pain and darkness start to change in a high vibrational frequency in an altered state of consciousness that is elevated.  Things are much easier than the problem is most human beings want an easy right and they don’t want to naturally move into the unknown and start to change things when they truly believe that they don’t need to change things. I guarantee you this. You’ll be courageous enough to take a deep dive into the centre of your chest into your beautiful cosmic heart.

If you’re willing to take a deep dive in there and ask some potent questions and start to bring yourself into a present state of awareness through meditation through breath and just be still enough to ask questions and then observe.  Observe what’s taking place inside your body, observe what’s taking place inside of your mind. Observe how you start to move through time and space as a physical human being. Observe how you respond and how you react and become conscious of your behaviours your actions, your ways of doing things, and not doing things. You start to realize how you truly operate and once you become conscious of that the next step is to change and to make different decisions and different choices, ones that empower you, ones that grow you and expand you into a more empowered human being where relationships become better where you become healthier, where abundance manifestation money, these things they naturally gravitate into your life.

You’re not hunting them down, chasing them anymore because you become The Alchemist. You move from victim to alchemy to the consciousness of an alchemist. You can start to weave magnetize attract you start to create magic and miracles in your life and the thing is they’re not magic and miracles. It’s the way it’s supposed to be. Life isn’t supposed to be tough and hard. Life is supposed to flow effortlessly. Now that doesn’t mean you don’t get any bumps in the road or obstacles to overcome because they’re part of the growth and the expansion. They’re part of the climb at the top of the mountain. You get bumped you get scratches you grow. You mine the gold from different situations, challenging ones. As you move through life, they’re part of the growth and they’re perfect but at the same time you should be moving forwards expanding no contraction just expansion and expansion wave after wave of energy taking you on this magical ride across this playground that we call planet earth on this magical experience that we call life.

Make a choice, a conscious choice, to dive into your hearts to meditate to breathe consciously and deeply and create space in your outer environment by moving your conscious awareness from your mind down into your heart and living from this space there’s a 0.25 second window between stimulus and response. When you’re bouncing around in your head but when you’re breathing deeply in your living life as in a constant state of meditation by being the observer of your own reality. Create space between you and the external world and when things that would normally trigger you come into your life to trigger you have space between you and this thing or you and this human being or whatever it is they’re saying or doing, and you make a different choice because you’ve got that space.  When you’re in here you just react there’s no response it’s a reaction and you’re saying something, doing something, acting in a specific way without even realizing you’re doing it and this is dangerous but this is how most human beings operate.

Now you know the truth. You can make a different choice. Be like a child in wonderment and start to create change right now. It’s not going to feel easy to start with because you’re going to be realizing these unconscious behaviours that have been run in your life. You’re going to have to move into something different and your body is going to cling, your brain your mind is going to cling to that that old pattern, that old program, but when you catch yourself in the moment about to say something or maybe you say something and you realize afterwards you shouldn’t have said that when you start to become aware on this level you start to make different choices and it feels uncomfortable. It feels unfamiliar, it feels different because you’re moving into the unknown but that’s where the magic happens beautiful soul. Fortune favours the brave.

Change, magic and miracles they take place in the unknown. When people come to our healing workshops, we create such a powerful safe container, such a potent container, and people feel extremely safe and allow their vulnerability to just flow out into the room, out into the space, out into the world, because there’s no one to judge them and they’re not going to judge themselves because we’ve set the space up correctly and they start to have life-altering experiences very rapidly. People shake, people cry, people scream, people dance, people shout, people laugh.  They have different emotional releases, and it comes out in all different ways and as it takes place a biological upgrade is taking place in the human being’s computer system because this this body in this brain is a biological computer and it downloads information from the internet, the quantum field which is inside of us and all around us.

They download information from the quantum field which is everywhere. It’s inside of us it’s all around us and within the quantum field, there are soul experiences. There are any children that are lost somewhere and when you go in and you start to create the change by altering the programming within someone’s biological computer in this safe container that we create for people. They shift serious disease just disappears. We’ve had things like tumours just disappear that were there in the liver, they’re in the belly, they’re underneath the armpits. Suddenly it’s Gone. Eyesight, hearing restoration, try Gemini. Neuralgia, fibromyalgia, angina, heart disease, liver issues, kidney problems, debilitating spinal issues, c-shaped spines, s-shaped spines that someone’s had for 20 or 30 years are straight within a few minutes.

How is this possible? Because we’re going into the quantum field which contains the building blocks of physical reality, and we make changes and then the human being physically shifts on the front end. It’s like a computer. You go open a laptop and you go to a website and it’s a certain colour. If you want to change the colour of the website, you can you hire a computer programmer they go into the back end and they change the code and then the colour of the website changes on the front end.  We’re like computer programmers. We get everybody into this safe container this beautiful environment where they feel safe, and they know they can be vulnerable. They can allow their stuff to come up, their hidden deep-rooted triggers, pain and trauma from this lifetime and others and then when it comes up and it rises through the process that we take people through. This unique breathing system where we connect and synchronize everyone in the room it creates this wave of energy that is just mind-blowingly powerful and then we start to access people’s biological computers and we change the programming and then magic, and miracles take place.

If you’ve never experienced this, then you should go to our website We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. You can access our meditation library; you can access Infinity. All our consciousness expanding tools you can come and join one of our live group healing sessions where these magic and miracles take place you can come to one of our training experiences where we will teach you where we will show you where we will help you remember the truth the innate abilities locked inside every cell of your human body. We will bring them to the surface and show you how to invoke this rapid change in your family and your friends in yourself in other humans. You can take these skills into your healing business. You can start a new healing business. There are so many options. You can come and work with our tribe inside of our academy at

All I know is this beautiful soul. You’re powerful beyond measure and you came to planet earth to live at a level Beyond extraordinary and to showcase your talents and your abilities and to be a beacon of light for your fellow sisters and brothers. Blaze a trail on this planet for your human family to walk down. It’s time for you to unleash the magic beautiful soul. Go to our website and I’ll see you real soon. Remember hug your sisters and your brothers tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again.