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Energy Healing in the 21st Century

Everything is energy in this reality. Matter is energy. Thoughts are energy. Information is energy. Our bodies are energy. So, how can you use this free energy to heal yourself, other people, and the world? Continue reading this article to discover more and awaken to the true energy reality.


The Different Forms of Energy


Energy is all around you. Any form of physical energy can be converted or transformed into another form of physical energy. This is also true with etheric energy, mental energy, and spiritual energy. For example, if your thoughts are bad, you will attract bad things into your life at that frequency, at that vibration. However, if you transform your thoughts into good ones then you will stop attracting bad energy and start attracting good energy into your life. It may take time, patience, and effort but the energy will change for you.



Time and space are also forms of energy. Your energy and the energy around you will shift and change over time. If you change what you eat and how you live your life, then time will allow bodily changes to occur. There is nearly infinite energy held in the quantum vacuum and inside all things including your cells This means that bio-photons of high frequency activate and repair your DNA through your environment and during spiritual activations and meditations.


Focus Your Energy with Your Mind


You can easily tune into your energetic field, or aura, with your heart when you are relaxed. Focus on your breathing and check into your body for aches, pains, and any areas of tightness and discomfort. In the ether, there is subtle matter and energy which surrounds and interpenetrates all things. You can tune into and manipulate your aura’s energy and unblock stuck knots of energy in any part of your body.

During meditation and energy healing you may wish to allow the universe and your spiritual healing team to facilitate healing of energy in any areas that require healing. You may also want to use a hologram or picture of your body and ask the universe to show you visually any areas of your body that need energetic cleansing, healing, or activation.



To focus your mind and exercise your mental muscles you may want to become familiar with meditation, breathwork, yoga, qigong, and mindfulness practices. A good place to start is by meditating on the ebb and flow of your breath or focus on the stillness or silence between your thoughts. Both practices encourage not-thinking, a key piece of the energy healing puzzle. Without your logical rational mind butting in all the time, you are free to dwell in your heart and connect with your soul. Then you will with practice feel and see the energy around you and you will start feeling the presence of your spirit guides and healers.


How Energy Heals and Guides You


When you are in your heart and not your head then you are in the zone of being fully aware of your body and your environment. You can then feel and influence the energy around you. Observe the things that have happened in your day, and the people who pop into your life and guide healing energy and love towards them. You become a master of your own energy through daily connecting with your body, mind, heart, and soul every moment of every day. Then you will naturally love everyone and love yourself, communicate with your higher self and become one with your soul.



It is important to know when any toxic energy is in your personal space and pay extra attention to protecting your own energy from toxic environments. If you cannot avoid toxic people, then tune into your own energy and your heart connection with the universe. Feel the love and light shield yourself from the influence of low vibration toxic energy.

To do this, tune into your heart and energy field with deep breathing and watching your body. Then imagine being surrounded by layers of tetrahedral geometry and Krystal grids with divine love and light strengthening and empowering your energy field and ask your guides and angels to watch over you. It also helps to have a calm mind and a positive mindset when out of meditation in your day, so you don’t attract any negative energy.


Oneness and Healing for All


You can access your inner vision by activating your pineal gland. This you can do via meditation, psychedelics, and through ritual magic. With your activations centres (chakras) open, including your heart and pineal gland, you will experience higher dimensional quantum fields of limitless love and joy. There is a higher-dimensional reality that lies beyond our own physical reality, and which occupies the same space. Remember there is no separation when you enter the zero-point of the here and now. Once you master your own energy you can expand your heart and your consciousness to include a wider and wider range of people and environments.



There are many modalities and varieties of energy healing out there from Reiki to quantum healing to sound and light healing. You can practice energy healing alone, join a local Reiki group, or try out something that will knock your socks off such as Star Magic energy healing. Star Magic uses holograms and accesses the primal quantum fields. So, you can facilitate energy healing for anyone anywhere by bringing their hologram up and asking the universe to show you something about them which you do not know about.

Many spiritual groups also do collective healings and activations for Mother Earth, healing the Earth grids and habitats. When you connect with Mother Earth’s energy you are plugged into the 5D Christ consciousness grid and the higher dimensional Krystal core of the Earth.



It is wise to take your time and focus on your own healing during your spiritual awakening and ascension journey. Then you will feel more balanced and at home with your own energy, awaken more and receive information through extraterrestrial light language, light codes, geometry, mathematics, and ancient knowledge that will shift your paradigm forever. Then you have all the tools for becoming a force of nature in life and when channeling spirit and energy healing for others. Be ready for the ride of your life.


Awaken and remember that you are pure energy living in a human body with Star Magic energy healing. Explore our meditation library and begin your energy healing and spiritual ascension journey and meet your extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters.

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