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Energy Reality

We Live in an Energy Reality

We live in an energy reality. Space and time are an illusion. We create our reality with our own imaginations. Our physical three dimensional perception of the universe is an entangled, or interdependent, holographic projection. This is created, or emanated, by the collective observations of all of the minds of living beings. The universe is a vast super-consciousness with perfect copies of the Divine source energy inhabiting each and every living being. Also, planetary and stellar bodies and the cosmos are all living too and have degrees of consciousness. We can tap into the earth consciousness, known as Gaia, by connecting our hearts to hers.  We also connect to the cosmos and receive pure cosmic energy through our electromagnetic connection.

The collective consciousness of all life on earth creates first the stable natural environment and the sub-environments overlap. Our godlike potential to create anything and everything is what makes our 3-D reality appear so solid and real and alive. Otherwise it would appear fuzzy and maybe too easily influenced by intent, imagination and willpower. Instead of the illusions of solidarity there would remain some fluidity. This is the case when working with reflections and phenomena beyond the perception of the human eye.

The Human Body is an Illusion

In three dimensions the human body is animated water with earth with air and fire added with a spark of spirit’s energy to animate and experience. The human body that is portrayed in modern scientific medical literature is one of flesh, blood, muscles, nerves and bones. This is only part of the full picture. In another dimensions there is an energy field of ‘dark matter’ that interacts with everything else through the universal processes of non-locality and entanglement. This energy field can be clearly felt, or even seen, during meditation, Chi exercises or by clearing blocked energies following a powerful healing such as Star Magic.


There are numerous interacting energies or structures to our energy field including the chakra system, meridians, channels, winds, drops, assemblage point, etheric crystals in and around the head, merkaba, and the layers of the human aura reflecting the etheric double of the physical body, the emotional or astral body, the mental body and four spiritual bodies. All of these energy bodies are actually one light body when fully integrated at the heart, and connected with source and earth.


In the higher dimensional energy reality there is no physical body, just energy of light.  We are all energies that are interacting, without a physical body or form as such. We have the power to harness the energy of the light from the what we refer to in Star Magic Healing as the inverted field.

Energy Theory and Dimensions

The truth of the bigger picture is stranger than fiction. Start with the empty set (zero dimensions with no members) that includes the probability of anything and everything that can arise from the Akashic field of emptiness (inverted field that lies with folded space-time, within the zero-point field). Out of this zero-point field arise various sub-fields such as the Higgs Field, electromagnetism and various quantum fields that we are currently not aware of including the inverted field. Creation of luminous energy (luminous ether), other etheric energies, and thought forms into and out of emptiness like virtual particles. Also random fluctuations in the field can be entangled with consciousness and inflated so that new n-dimensional universes are born and grown.

Gravity is the interaction of our three dimensional universe with a four dimensional bulk of dark ether. Our three dimensional universe moves through this bulk to create energy, known as Higgs energy (the Higgs particle is a condensation of this energy).  This interaction is electromagnetic with no polarity, only motion through the ether. In essence we are folding a series of 3D spaces into a four-dimensional hyperspace and integrating 4D hyperspaces to a fifth dimensional multi-dimensional light. This is where it gets exciting.

Dark matter and dark energy are manifestations of different dimensional aspects of dark ether. This is the superconducting fluid, or Bose Einstein Condensate, from which all else arises. This is a manifestation (or emanation) of the Akashic Field, or zero-point superconducting field, that interacts with everything and not just the energy that condenses or coalesces into matter. The Higgs Field itself is an etheric energy field in the fourth dimension, purely interacting with matter. The wave then collapses to a Higgs Boson that forms a bridge with entangled etheric matter to convert into physical matter. It points in one direction and that is no direction at all. Simply an electromagnetic web of cosmic wave force.

The energy reality is the eternal now where the past, present and future, are one and the same. Any specific energy may be constructed from the zero point field (or any of its sub sets of fields) of the eternal now from which we all came from originally. A high level of focus, imagination, conscious willpower, and intention are required. The process is similar to the way constructs are made in several science fiction and fantasy paradigms including Tron and Green Lantern. In our three dimensional universe, this energy is projected onto a three dimensional membrane to create the illusion of a physical universe. The three dimensional membranes can be mixed and merged, in the four dimensional reality or with the large third dimensional reality to create holographic veils in our virtual energy matrix. These holographic veils are frequency bands wrapped around and within our universal data base.

Apply the ‘many worlds’ ideas of quantum mechanics and we will see that many spatial dimensions are close to each other and interacting, splitting and merging with ours, whilst unseen in four dimensional space-time. This may be seen as illusory anomalies such as dark flow or virtual particles. Time appears non-linear in a fourth dimension field with holographic veils between dimensions sometimes becoming thin and fractal. Time appears linear in three dimensions and we can only perceive the fourth dimension as a line through three dimensional space. A new theory is required based on an energy reality starting from the zero-point field that opens out into all potential universes, the inverted field. The zero-point field is simply a Star Gate. This is visualized as three dimensional tubes of luminous energy in a four dimensional space. This theory would also be an EM theory in multiple dimensions. We live in a hologram. We observe and create what we observe.


Connecting with the Energy Reality

We live in an energy reality that is timeless and eternal. Space, time and physical form are illusions. Go into your heart and connect to the universe within. Connect to the sun, moon, and stars and feel their pure cosmic energies. Remember your sense of childlike wonder and curiosity and play with the ideas as nothing is fixed and everything is fluid. Collapse the wave-function of reality by letting go and melting your energy into the super-fluid dark ether to unlock all knowledge and become one with ‘The Light’ whilst alive and able to return to your physical body.  Remember that dark matter (dark ether) is dark energy. Dark and Light are both you. You must be in equilibrium to master your true power.

We need to step up and supercharge ourselves if we are to emulate Mother Nature. Aim for the full transcendence of ascension and enlightenment. Break out of the perception deception and take control of your destiny. Be one with the zero-point field by mixing your light with it with boundless unconditional love at your heart like ‘frictionless’ water with water. Meditate and connect to the source of all that is. We are energy projected as matter and are like sophisticated holograms living, learning, and experiencing life in a virtual reality environment.

With more senses connected and integrated into the energy reality rather than our illusion of physical solidity, you will remember to see right through reality. The visual sense is entangled with the energy reality and the physical is transparent and layers are seen through, walls dissolve and you let the light carry you forward. Then upgrade and collect enough light to power psychic and superhuman abilities.  You can also perceive finer and finer details until you perceive the atomic energy patterns and sacred geometry behind these. Then entangle or tune in at higher frequency and this reality will vanish as you connect or assemble your energy field at a vibration beyond physical matter. This is a waking perception so in theory you can move your body ‘through objects’ without restriction because any obstacles don’t appear in the sub-reality or sub-space that is being used.


Star Magic is with us all

Energy is within and around us all the time, but our consciousness enables us to activate it and make it vital. I usually need to reiterate to people that just because we can’t see something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We can’t see air, but we know we breathe it to keep us alive. We also can’t see electricity, atoms, electromagnetic fields, sound, radio waves or the weather, yet we can see or hear the indirect results of these in physical form. Everyone’s perception differs and an increasing number of people are able to perceive things using extra-sensory perception that others may not. Today, more and more people are able to perceive energy in some way and know it as a very tangible phenomenon. Following your intuition is a simple way to start.

If you would like to elevate your life, to a level beyond extraordinary and experience Star Magic energy healing click here

With Energy,
