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Optimum Output: Time and Flow

Have you wondered how you can master your time and find your flow for optimum output and performance in your life? This article will also explore some common ideas about time and life, and how you can expand and contract your perception and experience of time.


Treat Time Kindly

Since we have evolved from the apes, we have been fascinated by time. Scientists, philosophers, artists, and human civilisations past and present, have been entranced by the nature of time. In our ever-busier modern world, most people live their lives by the motion of the hour and minute hands of clocks and watches.

It is easy to let time rule your life, but did you know that time does not actually exist? Time is a human invention that describes, or measures, cause and effect described by motion through space. You pass through an extra dimension that you call time each moment as you travel through space.



You can free yourself from the shackles of time by accepting the flow of change and by living in the moment. The idea is that you don’t get impatient or angry if you feel that you do not have enough time. Instead, cultivate love and compassion in your heart and remain in the moment.


Does Time Flow Faster as You Get Older?

Some people believe that time flows slower when you are younger and faster when older. Babies and young children have much to learn and integrate as they are exposed to so many different things. This continuous learning keeps their brains active and in hyperfocus when integrating new ideas, tools, and knowledge.

When you are very young a day may feel like a week, and a week feels like a month. Your brain is a sponge for information at school and when you go to university or start your first job. When you get older, it feels like the sands of time are running through your fingers more and more quickly.

Your perception of time speeds up as you get older if you follow the same patterns, the same daily grind, and the same routines that may or may not serve you. It is easy to become stuck in a rut and run the same patterns and behaviours every day without challenging yourself with new things. Thus, it feels like time flows faster because your brain is following the same patterns and programs, and less new information is absorbed by the brain.


Does Time Flow Slower When You Dream or Trip?

Your subjective perception of time will change when you dream or meditate. The actual physical passage of time stays the same, but you may experience weeks or months of time passing in minutes as your brain fools you into living another life when in fact time jumps in dreams. Just look at a clock or watch in a dream and see the hands flip or when you talk in a dream about an event, you then find yourself attending the event which may be hours or days later.

You may have dreams where you experience time being very fast or slow, like in a psychedelic trip. In both cases it is your brain’s activity and your perception of time that changes and not physical time itself. However, when you access other timelines or realities during energy healing and astral voyaging, the time you experience in these other realities may significantly vary from your normal waking experience.


How to Avoid Burnout

You may think that the more you work, the more successful you will be in life. It may feel like you will get more done by putting in extra hours into your project or job. However, you are at risk of burning out. This is a real issue when you follow the busy western lifestyle of more work, less rest, and no play.



You may feel the pressure to keep working through your breaks and into the early hours of the morning, but you need time away to unwind. Meditating, resting your brain and eyes, getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and taking regular walks can all help you to prevent burnout and optimize your productivity.


Is There Enough Time to Get it all Done?

You may wonder how some people get so much done in the time they have and still be fresh to start the next day. It may be tricky for you to keep a good work-life balance, but for optimum output you will be juggling your hours of work, rest, and play. Closing your eyes and meditating can give you a welcome break from a busy lifestyle and help you to unwind.

Ensure that time works with you and not against you. Budgeting your time, time-blocking, and short hyper-focus sessions can make it appear that you have more time. When you organise your time and treat it as a precious thing, you know where each hour and minute goes, and you feel more aligned with the moment. This is the point where you are now, which is the only time that exists.


Are You Wasting Time When You Nap?

Napping is not a waste of time if you use naps wisely. You can lay down for 15 minutes and doze off, waking up more refreshed and alert. Get a couple of hours of sleep and you may feel groggy and tired. Naps are a great way to unwind, refresh, and reset. Naps can be an effective way to hit the reset button and come back with more enthusiasm and fresh ideas. 



You can also meditate or use an energy exercise such as qigong to recharge and refocus. These activities have the added benefit of improving your overall energy management and elevating your mood and your consciousness.


Does Modern Technology Help Manage Time Better?

Technology is fantastic as a tool or aid to help you with your work and home life. However, letting time rule your life leads to dependency. Having the correct project management tool or enough reminders on your calendar does not necessarily increase your efficiency. For good time management, you only need to set good boundaries and make intentional choices about where to focus your energy.

It is so easy to waste time when fiddling with technology. You are wasting time if you spend several hours a day setting up and updating apps. The technology you use to track and manage your time is just a time management tool.  While technology can be helpful in helping you organise and prioritise your life, it is you that is making you more productive and not the technology that you use.


Living Your Life Optimally

To get the maximum benefit out of each day, love every moment. Look after yourself, organise your time with a calm mind, vary your activities, and never worry about running out of time. Remember that you have enough time to do the things that you are on Mother Earth to do.

When you focus on managing time it helps to also consider your natural biorhythms and energy levels. Taking on the tougher tasks of the day when your energy is at rock bottom leads to procrastination. So, if you are razor sharp in the mornings then focus on the more difficult projects or actions in each morning. Discover for yourself what works best for you at each time of the day and go with what resonates with you.

Go and shine that light and blaze that trail. Climb that mountain top and once you reach the top don’t stay stagnant. Look for the next thing, and then navigate your way through that one and keep climbing. Never settle because once you start to settle, you’re going to slide back down the mountain.  If you do slide down the mountain, pick yourself up and start climbing again straightaway.


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