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5D Upgrade | Light Language Transmission


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being.  How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?

Open your heart and be in this space with me. You are a multi-dimensional being having this human experience. I am going to transmit these upgrade codes from my heart to yours.

Light language transmission

Breathe into your body as we facilitate this 5D upgrade as two powerful Lyran beings enter your space and work on your energy field.

Light language transmission

Come back and do this daily for 11 days. Elevate and expand, beautiful soul.

“Today he just called out to someone who has had a broken bone and I’ve had this injury I was punched in the face so my zygoma was cracked and we did do a surgery but you could make out there was a dent in the side of my face and jerry worked with me for maybe two minutes or five,  and I think after 15 minutes someone said your face has changed so I just touched the side of my face and I cannot feel the crack. I’m amazed, wow, how is this even possible. I’m so grateful, thank you so much.”